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Don’t worry about your future


How can we give up thinking about future? As we see so many broken and unhappy marriage in my surrounding this kind of fear comes.


When a thought comes, check the mind saying if this thought gives me fear, why don’t I release this?

Can I release this?

Just say, “I let go this thought which gives me fear”.

You can also ask another question, “What thought gives fearlessness”.

Come with as many thoughts as possible.

When a thought that gives you safety or trust appears, welcome it and release it.

It is a game! Play!

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Sometimes we have to think sentimentally too:

Switch Word from Lord Krishna:

Letting GO in Action:

Have all the enthusiasm in life


Messages from Liver:

  • Start your work always enthusiastically with a child-like joy
  • Welcome every day as a new day
  • Be positive and be optimistic
  • There are no obstacles. There is less perseverance on your part.
  • Have a ‘Never say die’ attitude
  • Release your anger
  • Do not postpone
  • Have all the enthusiasm in life

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Life situations where Walnut is helpful


When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like ‘PILLAYAR SULI” (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesha – the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don’t know how to start the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance – resistance means to fight against or refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book you promised to write and it’s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Defense against a verbal attack – WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized) – for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand: WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit).

When there is Delay, Obstruction, and Resistance: WALNUT.

When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT (“if he wants, he can help but he didn’t or he spoiled it”)

All of us worried about ****** (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another), Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT

When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is tension, WALNUT is the remedy.

Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for stiff are easy and relax. For relaxation – WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP’s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH (you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT – then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage — not to be influenced by peers and friends – WALNUT protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will find balance and protect self).

Due to constant criticism a child will become HEATHER. To prevent that from happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy.

Walnut tree is big.  When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and other flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell – (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell

The goal of Walnut’s healing is to have constancy and stability in one’s life!!!

Adjust to Improve


Adjust and Change means improvement. If there is no development or improvement: WALNUT

Want to improve handwriting of children: WALNUT

For total communication with the body and to enable child bearing: WALNUT from the first day of marriage. As giving birth is a transition and a change. If there is no physical problem, then Walnut is the remedy for two bodies to unite and give birth to a baby, with help of Divinity.

To adapt or Adjust, one has to be flexible to difficult circumstances, free from rigidity (unable to change), and adamancy. For rigidity and adamancy WALNUT is the remedy.

In an exam you want easy question paper (I don’t want a difficult question paper): WALNUT

When there is a hard person too difficult to deal with – a hard nut to crack: WALNUT.

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Adjust to difficulty:

Life situations where Walnut is helpful


When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like ‘PILLAYAR SULI” (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesha – the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don’t know how to start the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance – resistance means to fight against or refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book you promised to write and it’s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Defense against a verbal attack – WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized) – for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand: WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit). When there is Delay, Obstruction, and Resistance: WALNUT. When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT (“if he wants, he can help but he didn’t or he spoiled it”)

All of us worried about ****** (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another), Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT

When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is tension, WALNUT is the remedy. Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for stiff are easy and relax. For relaxation – WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP’s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH (you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT – then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage — not to be influenced by peers and friends – WALNUT protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will find balance and protect self). Due to constant criticism a child will become HEATHER. To prevent that from happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy. Walnut tree is big.  When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and other flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell – (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell

The goal of Walnut’s healing is to have constancy and stability in one’s life!!!

Slip disc


Pls tell me switch word/angel number for slip disc



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Child Remedies


Talkative children

CERATO and HEATHER are non-stop talkers.

HEATHER will always talk about him.

VERVAIN prefers attention and talks loudly. She is overenthusiastic and she will try to convince you that whatever she says is correct.

Inquisitive person is CERATO – he is a library. He will ask lots of questions.

CERATO: while repeating from memory, he will go further, only if he gets confirmation from parents.

Use CERATO, to search for things in the house, as the children don’t know where they have kept the things.

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Lack of Attention and Concentration:

Divinity takes care of you

Messages from the Animal Spirit Guides, when you come across them…

Indian Cuckoo

Stop worrying. Trust in divinity. Be at peace. Everything will get resolved.

Take care of hand/minor joints. Reduce salt. Uric crystals may be there.

Be cautious about what you say. You are likely to be misunderstood.


Time to connect to Divinity – Chant Slokas and Mantras or do meditation

You can easily overcome any challenge (Yanai Balam – strength of an elephant in Tamil)

Do some social work

Don’t find fault with others – thinking you are better, that you are right, while others are wrong


Form a group of like-minded people

Plan for a pilgrimage



Today, I listened to your SPECIAL MANTRAS CD while travelling to office. I felt immense gratitude in heart while listening to the DIVINE VOICE (I mean it).

There were some SPECIAL changes happening within when I completely concentrated with closed eyes and listened to “VALLABAM GAJAANANAM EKADHANTHAM”

As I had expressed my worry during our session in Mumbai that my entire marriage story/receipts in a file given to the lawyers was lost in mid-March by them.

This shattered my faith in lawyers, who happens to be very good to me and my parents, yet politically smart.

To my surprise, my lawyer calls me today the moment I enter office, when I stop the Mantra CD midway.

He told me that another lawyer has brought the file as he had forgotten the file in his room which they had not SEARCHED. My file was all alone, unhampered, and safe.

I regained my faith in my lawyers and totally BELIEVE NOW that they will get me JUSTICE.

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Resentment is a seed don’t feed it


I am tired of looking after my daughter, who is giving birth to her third child. Currently they are staying in Mumbai.

I am tired of travelling too, from Chennai to Mumbai as well as doing the baby-sitting stuff.


Tell me in which part of your life you have looked after somebody in the same way you are looking after your daughter now.  They may be your cousins or friends.


You won’t believe it, if I tell you that I had done the same for my mother. I looked after her when she gave birth to my younger brother after nineteen long years (after my birth).

My parents wanted to have a son. I resented it.

I also didn’t like to take care of my mother’s pregnancy too.


No doubt your frustration continues.

When we don’t heal ourselves regarding a life-situation then the same situation will happen in the future too and you will go through the same feelings and thoughts.


Are you saying that I will be helping my grand-daughter too, when she gets pregnant? No way. I don’t think I will be living until then.


Not necessarily.

You may go through the same experience in your next lifetime(s) also.

Or you might get caught in a situation in this life-time itself that is similar to this situation. And you will end-up feeling the same.

So, I would advise you to heal all your incidents related to pregnancy, including yours and some other incidents where you had felt in the same way as you are feeling now.

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