Posts tagged happy

Rule the Chakras to Rule Your Life


The lower three chakras rule us

We have seven chakras. However, we are acting from the first three chakras, namely BASIC/ROOT CHAKRA, SWADHISTANA CHAKRA and SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA.

“I am seeking myself to maintain myself, seeking pleasure, seeking to possess, stick to confirmed events” would be our ruling behavior as long we live out of these three chakras.

However we should live out of Anahata chakra

Then what I need will never end.

Why my needs are never ending? Because what I get never satisfies me.

ANAHATA CHAKRA (Heart Chakra) is the one that changes these chakras. Only through Anahata chakra we learn to give.

Who will win eventually – all the three lower chakras or one Anahata chakra?

Sadly, success of Anahata chakra is short-lived

Obviously the three chakras will win. But even if Anahata wins how it comes down again? Let us see.

Giving and sharing are the qualities of Anahata. But now and then Solar Plexus calls Anahata, and tells that ‘You are giving liberally. That’s very good’.

The moment it tells like that, ego sets in. When “ego” predominates, giving is denied.

You are not the doer, but the divine is

The quarrel of these four chakras is watched by VISUDHI that is THROAT CHAKRA.

Visudhi means purification. The Visudhi tells the other chakras, you are not the doer, and if you let go the thinking that I am the doer, you will become very good.

When ‘I am not the doer’ thinking comes to you, there will be surrender mentality. All your thoughts will be purified; your love will be refined; then you will accept whatever happens in your life.

Purification of Chakras

Which mantra purifies all these chakras? That is the mantra:





Eight times we are chanting HARE, every time you chant the mantra. When you chant HARE, your selfishness will go, and self-centeredness is removed.

When you chant RAMA, arrogance is removed, and the “I” goes off. As long as you are healthy we will not let go the “I”.

“KRU” means adaptability. We can go up and down in life, but wherever we go we have to be happy. For that “KRU” will help.

SHNA means let go of everything daily. Only when you let go you will be adaptable/flexible. If you are flexible means there is no arrogance.

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Converting unwanted to wanted


Ram had problems with his brother Sundar, for the last 15 years, after his brother had cheated him to the tune of 1 crore of rupees.

While Ram was suffering like anything, Sundar was doing well by all means. Sundar’s business was growing leaps and bounds. He could get his children married easily and so on.

On the contrary, Ram was struggling financially. All his attempts to get his daughter married proved futile.

For last six years, I was giving several healing techniques to Ram. He was following them judiciously. Over the course of the time, he could get his money back from Sundar. Though, he could never release his anger for him.

He came to see me last week in regards to his daughter’s marriage. There were two prospects, but neither of them is committing for the marriage proposal.

I asked him to do the following technique based on the fact that he is jealous of the progress of his brother.

I asked him to close his eyes. Then visualize his house in a screen in front of him and mark the place and then his brother’s house in the same screen. He had to move his house slowly towards his brother‘s house to merge both.

He did this for a few days. One of the two prospects agreed to marry his daughter.

I know, you will have some questions

How can I use this technique when I am single and have to do this technique to attract a suitable girl into my love-life?

You will know somebody who can attract himself a girl-friend or bride. Visualize yourself, shifting yourself into him. This way you are developing in you the capacity he has.

I don’t want to become like him, as he some bad aspects about him

He might have other qualities which you don’t like. Don’t worry as you are only intending for the capacity you lack, which you want to develop in yourself.

Other example could be…

You have a prospective customer as well as a customer who doesn’t respond to your sales call at all. Move your unresponsive client into responding client and this way you will be able to convert him into a prospective customer.

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Growth factor


I got a really good new position this month within my company because of the reorganization (but I have not moved to the new position yet). But, today I came to know of my bonus and salary increase for last year’s performance and it was not good.

My previous manager who hired me in my post last year is no longer with the company. She promised salary hike this year as I moved from another department, but never told HR or wrote it in paper. That is the reason; my bonus and salary increase has been affected.

I spoke to my current boss about it and he said he will talk to HR and also to the head of our department to address this issue. I’m praying that they will increase it to what my old boss had promised. Is there any switch words that I can say for it?




My boss was finally able to get the pay to be half of what was promised. I’m happy and thanked him. I’m expecting my new pay by this Friday.

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Conflicts Inside Out


What can I do when I feel that my future is not good or happy? Should I chant release?

Why this type of thought comes on mind… it any signal?


The mind is not one. It is a union of various parts – accumulation of all surviving emotions. Each works in a different and opposite ways.

This thought comes from that part of mind which is fearful. Don’t get yourself bogged down by this thought. Treat this as a doubt asking by some part of the mind.

Think that somebody is asking you. Give a reply to that part as another person like this, “Don’t be afraid. Release your fear. You are safe and secured”.

That part (of the mind) for the time being will keep quite. After sometime it may again raise the doubt. Every time give the same answer and escape.

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To become wealthy we need to be happy….


Why we need to be happy?

Lakshmi will not come when there is worry or fear.

If there is joy, she will come because Mahalakshmi represents Supreme Delight and Love.

At this present age, we are sure we are not happy. Otherwise, we will not come for the abundance class, if you are happy.

There is some problem or other. You cannot say you are 100% happy. The purity of happiness is not there.

Do you have the happiness of a child?

The heartfelt smile is not there in us.

Where have we lost that joy and happiness?

We would have been happy when we were a child.

To know more on why we need to be happy…read the blog:

How to become happy? Is there a simple technique?

Can you explain this technique with a case history?

Good luck!!!

Why we need to be happy?


Why we need to be happy?

To be wealthy, we need to be happy.

How we can make ourselves happy? Read the blog on changing mental compartments here:

What is the basis of changing mental compartments?

Whenever you think that there is no source for money or today there is no money, especially for business persons, at that time you have to do this exercise.

Because, whenever there is fear or worry Lakshmi will not come. Therefore, you have to change your mental attitude.

It is one of the best NLP programs.

This is how brain stores everything…

Worry will be in one compartment…

Fear will be in some other compartment…

And joy will be in other compartment.

Some event is happening outside. Immediately, your reaction goes to the any compartment which you are used to.

For example, when there is no money immediately you will have fear – some type of fear, and worry.

If the event invokes fear means, immediately the brain will go to that compartment and will make you feel like that.

You won’t feel differently as you don’ have the habit of reacting differently.

If you do this exercise, then immediately there will be a shift in your thought pattern and emotional mind.

You can do this for any type of situation where you want a change in the (mental) situation.

How to become happy?


Lakshmi is ‘Supreme Delight and Love’.

How to bring that in our lives?

There is a technique for that.

Whenever you feel sad, worried and fearful about money then do the following exercise.

There must be some period in your life where you would have been joyful and happier, and happiness born out of innocence. You would have enjoyed a joy of innocence.

Take that period as well as the current worrying period. Worry can be about anything.

We need to interchange them.

There is a technique in NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), by which you can immediately shift your emotions.

Visualize a white screen in front of you.

That white screen is your brain.

Normally, how brain stores the images?

All the worries in life will be in one compartment.

Similarly, all the joys will be in another compartment.

Likewise, all your anger will be in some other compartment.

Similarly, all persons you like will be in another compartment and those persons whom you dislike will be in another compartment.

Like this, you can segregate all your emotions.

Close your eyes. Visualize a white screen in front of you.

Think about the joyful period in the past. You have look in which part of the white screen – in which compartment, you have stored it. Feel the joy within yourself and identify the place it is stored.

Where is my present state of worry, anger, sadness or grief?

We found two compartments.

Both of them are in different places. Bring the worry compartment into joy compartment. You cannot bring it directly. Take a round-about route.

Now, automatically your worry will be transferred into joy.

There is a period of abundance of money and a period of lack. Sometime you had money and now you don’t have much.

Do it once. Bring the worry into joy compartment and not the other way around.

By this way, you can turn your enemy into friend.

Peace always


My husband lost job and not got one. Some days feel pity and some days I feel why I deserve this while all are happy and I have to suffer. We never indulge in anything negative, yet we suffer.

How I keep my mind every day in same status, neither sad nor very happy?


Write “WILLOW, PINE” in a notebook daily for about 51 times.



For the mental states – feeling pity (PINE) and why I deserve this, while others are happy – resentment (WILLOW), Bach flower remedies were suggested.

To keep mind balanced always the affirmation QUIET MIND was suggested.

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Get re-united


My fiancé broke up with me for no fault of mine. It has really hurt me in all ways. I would like him to get back with me and marry me, and we are content and happy with each other.


Be in the following mudra for 15 minutes: (both hands) thumb touching the first three fingers. The little finger is not touched; it is kept away. Be in this mudra and chant “CHANGE DIVINE ORDER”

After15 minutes, let the right hand touch little and ring fingers and the left hand touch the middle finger and ring finger. Be in this mudra for 15 more minutes and chant “THANKS TOGETHER DIVINE”.


The first one will help one move out of his place.

The second one will unite the two, since it will balance one’s own male and female energy.

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