Posts tagged house

A miracle is ready to happen

S Malini

I was writing angel number 520 prior to election. 

One person came to my house and gave three election identity cards of myself and my family members saying that ward counsellor had sent those cards to me. 

I was very happy to receive the same since I had to take leave or permission from my office to collect these cards.  The same ward counsellor denied getting these cards when I requested him.

This is a good miracle (1st time I wrote 520).

By writing 520 what is needed for us happens and we should not worry for the same.  Just keeping faith on these angel numbers will work well.


How the angel number 520 has helped Malini? Who will deliver the voter identity cards (these days)? They would have kept with them and cast the bogus votes!

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My husband stopped drinking


Raji: I am married for 8 years. I have a daughter who is 7yrs old. When I became pregnant, I got separated from my husband.

Naran: Are you still separated?

Raji: No. We are living together for the last one year.

Naran: What is your problem since you had been together?

Raji: My husband is an alcoholic. Once in 3 or 4 days, he gets drunk as well as daily consuming Pan Parag (a tobacco product).

Naran: Since how long he has been an alcoholic?

Raji: According to my in laws he started drinking from his graduation days.

Naran: Explain his behavior after he gets drunk?

Raji: He will get angry at me and my daughter; will shout.

Naran: What does he shout about?

Raji:  He will say, “Nobody respects me. There is no respect for me even in my own house. My daughter does not respect me. My friends, my employees, and my parents don’t respect me either. I will teach all of them a lesson”.  

After the outburst, he will start weeping.

Naran’s Analysis

To be respected is the key word for ROCK WATER.

He is weeping. By losing control of himself, he weeps. Therefore, add CHERRY PLUM.

Rock Water will ultimately turn into either CHESTNUT BUD or VINE.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: How is his behavior when he is not under the influence of alcohol?

Raji: His behavior is quite normal only. He shows his love for his daughter. In fact he sincerely made efforts for our reunion.

(Naran questioned further about her husband’s profession)

Naran: What is he doing?

Raji: He is running a Screen Printing unit. But it is not doing well.

Naran: How does he manage to pay his workers and take care of the family then?

Raji: He is honest in paying out the dues. Somehow, he will manage to pay the workers first, and then gives me money once a week.

Naran’s Analysis

Honesty – ROCK WATER

When one tries to be honest, in spite of adverse circumstances, self-control is employed to the maximum in one area.

He is so self-controlled in the area of finance that he loses self-control in some other area. Thus when he drinks, he loses his control and starts weeping.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: Suppose if he can’t pay his dues, then how does he manage?

Raji: Naran, one more thing, I have forgotten to tell you. Every month before paying the rent, he would abscond.

Naran: Why?

Raji: He cannot pay the house rent by first of every month. Therefore, he feels ashamed to meet the house owner. So he would not stay in the house during the first week of the month.

Instead, he would stay with his parents for 4 or 5 days, arrange for the money, and will return back home after paying the rent. He has been doing this for a long time. Though, he would never cheat anybody.

Naran’s Analysis

 Honest and at the same time an escapist. This is the case of a ROCK WATER person turning into CHESTNUT BUD character. On the due date, he would abscond (Chestnut Bud).

Key Words for Rock Water

To be respected:  Ego and pride; self control, honesty.

Self controlled, honest person expects self respect. As a principle, he would never cheat.

Here the husband doesn’t get respect. His ego is hurt when he is insulted. He loses his control when he drinks.

One more interesting point is Rock Water father will face a Cherry Plum daughter.



Put the combination in the common drinking water, so that everybody will get the healing effect.

Feedback after 15 days

Raji: From the second day onwards, he stopped Pan Parag, and after a week he has stopped drinking.


The Bach Flower Remedy Chicory

Key words

Possessiveness, Self-Love, Self-Pity, Always Demanding, Noticeable, Attracting Attention


  • They try to attract others attention: for example, infants attract attention by crying when you leave them alone or we try to impress others sometimes by flattery.
  • Will be overeager to help.
  • They get angry, if they find no gratitude from the person benefited by them.
  • Their possessive nature can make the opposite person as a Centaury. Please note here, fear of rejection indicates a Centaury, while the person who instils a fear of rejection on others is Chicory.
  • Chicory will not give anything free – there is a hidden agenda behind every transaction he makes.
  • A Chicory person always attracts the attention of others.
  • Always demanding and expects a great deal from others.
  • He is possessive, extremely interfering, secretly manipulating and easily hurt.
  • He has a feeling of unwanted.
  • Over protection and too much parenting.
  • Constantly concerned with the affairs of the family, always interfering.
  • Behind all Chicory type, there lies a deep lack of fulfilment, often a feeling of not being loved.
  • Desires for company for his selfish ends.
  • He is a stingy person.
  • Easily offended or hurt – self-pity.
  • Pretending illness to attract others pity.
  • Always speaks about what others owe her.
  • Extremely nagging – the in-laws remedy.
  • Thinks, feels that everyone is there for his help.
  • Goes to the extent of weeping or pretending to be ill to get his things done.
  • There is constant fear of loss.
  • Emotional demanding always.
  • Behind the Chicory state, an internal emptiness is more.
  • Watching over the needs, wishes and progress of family and friends.
  • Always ready to comment, to correct others or to advise others.
  • The emotional control is subtle, making others dependent.
  • He will manipulate to impose his will.
  • The Chicory finds it hard to let go, feels easily offended or hurt; becomes ill to gain sympathy, always expecting others to live in the feeling of gratitude to her.
  • Chicory children throw temper tantrums.
  • The Chicory child will weep and get things done.
  • If weeping doesn’t pay, he will indulge in flattery or helps you in house hold work.
  • Always demanding, tries to seek attention.
  • The Chicory baby always wants her to be held in the lap all the time.
  • The Chicory child likes to be carried always.
  • Would weep if said anything.
  • Over care and over concern for hurt feelings.
  • Always seeks company.
  • Heart Chakra is closed for Chicory people.  Pray to Chicory to be active in the Heart Chakra.

Chicory says

  • Threatening: “I will do homework, but I will not go to the music class.  If you agree for my condition, then I will finish up all my homework now”.
  • “I am angry at his ingratitude, and he cheated me. I have done so much to him” – Chicory + Chestnut bud.
  • Chicory person makes others feel guilty by saying, “You have just used me.”
  • “After all that I have done for you, this is how you treat me”.
  • “I have given her a sari on her birthday and all that I get from her on my birth day is a card.”
  • Emotional black mailing – “How can I live without you?”
  • “Think of what I have done for you” and then bursting in to tears.
  • “My dear son, I miss you so much, the house is vacant.”
  • He sometimes become ill, he may resort to black mail. “I will study after this, if you allow me to browse the Internet.”
  • “People should respect me.”


  • Eating disorders
  • Hysterical Neurosis  – convulsion type
  • Histrionic personality disorder


  • “Live and let live” is the positive Chicory.
  • Chicory + Walnut – when the child starts schooling
  • Chicory + Walnut – for a second wife
  • Chicory + Star of Bethlehem – if a person whom you love is dead
  • Chicory – for separation.
  • Chicory: I want love and attention
  • Chicory: I feel that nobody recognises my importance
  • Chicory: I have a fear of loneliness
  • Chicory: I feel I am neglected
  • Chicory: I feel unloved by my loved ones
  • Chicory: Others say that I am of a highly interfering type
  • Chicory: I can’t be alone; I always need company
  • Chicory: I often enjoy giving my opinions and advice to others; but I feel hurt/offended when they reject my advice
  • Mimulus, Chicory: My child stays close to my side; rarely goes alone; does nothing alone
  • Chicory: Cries a lot when starting for the school
  • Chicory, Mimulus: The child becomes upset even if mildly criticized
  • Mimulus, Chicory: Burst into tears for no apparent reason
  • Chicory: The child clings to mother

Adi Sankara and Scientists Think Alike


Adi Sankara: “The sky blue as we see it as blue as there is a person to see it as blue. If there is nobody to see then what is the color of Sky?”

A Nobel Prize winner says your world is your perception. The same world changes to our thought patterns and everybody see a different world. This is the basis of quantum theory.

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Exercises for Program Your Life

Read the 1st part of the article here:

Read the 2nd part of the article here:


For the following imaginary life situations do the releasing techniques mentioned in the articles referred above:

  1. Power cut, when you are having your dinner.
  2. When you leave the house to drive to Airport, you realize your car key is missing.
  3. You are a branch manager of a bank; gave a loan believing that the client would submit the document the next day. For the next three days, he didn’t.
  4. You are invited to lecture on a topic. You prepared well and delivered it. After the event, many in the audience said that they knew the stuff already.
  5. Feelings and thoughts about an unreasonable spouse/co-worker/servant
  6. When a cop demands the driving license, you proudly showed it. The cop retorted, “What is this! You are showing an expired license!”
  7. You have ordered for a takeaway. Friends have arrived, but not the dinner. The caterer phone switched off.

Cannot escape cleaning


My house owner is having rooster, hen as pet birds. The problem I am facing is it is doing dirty works in my portion. I am from an orthodox Brahmin family. For some particular reasons I am staying there.

Hearing rooster, hen’s voice is not problem for me because I am a devotee of lord Muruga. But I am getting irritated for the dirty works done by it in my portion.


Pray to Rooster itself.

Don’t think it is dirty.

You are given the work of cleaning the toilet of Rooster by Lord Muruga. Cleaning the dirtiness of the rooster is the service to Lord Muruga. Think like this and do it daily.

When you clean the dirtiness of Rooster, you are cleaned within and you are purified mentally and spiritually. This opportunity is not given to all.

Do it with devotion.

When inner cleaning is over, rooster will stop its SHIT.

While doing the cleaning of shit, chant “CRAB APPLE”.

You can chant “CRAB APPLE, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” also regularly when you find time. But, you cannot escape cleaning.


The Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple is a cleanser – both physical and mental cleanser.

Change and Divine Order are switch words. This combination is good for changing our environment.

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Nothing is lost – in this world


It was in the month of September 2013 and it was only 1 month since I had moved to Switzerland.

It was a pleasant day in the countryside where I stay. It is not very often this country is blessed with sun’s rays. It was one of those days when sun was out and weather was at its best.

There is a forest at just 15 mins walking distance from my house. The forest is unimaginably beautiful with tall trees and small brooks in between.

Extremely dense, one can rarely see wolves move amongst the trees yet not interfering with some solitary walkers like me. Since it was autumn, all the dried yellow leaves were on the forest floor.

I consider these walks in the forest as a kind of forest meditation. One can walk and amongst the tall trees oblivious of surroundings and absorb the peace from the surroundings.

It is not often I get to enjoy the forest as I am yet to get accustomed to the climate here. Unless the sun is out, I find the weather too harsh for me.

On that day, I sat in quiet meditation amongst some tall trees thinking of my Guru Ramana and crying for my Arunachala.

The house keys were in the pocket of my jacket. (Every member in my house has a house key and the one who goes out should get inside the house on their own!!).

I had walked many miles in the forest before sitting down to meditate. I picked up my mobile phone to switch it off and kept it back in my jacket.

After an hour of tranquility, I got up and walked all the way back through the forest towards my house.

When I reached the end of the forest, I realized the mobile was switched off and I put my hand in the pocket to find to my utter dismay that the house keys were missing.

It had started to become dark. I walked all the way back and since the forest is dense, I stopped when I knew I would reach nowhere in the hunt and started my way back home.

I was exhausted physically and mentally. I knew what was in store for me at home.

It gets dark very early here and when I reached home I rang the bell to get inside. My husband asked me where the keys were. I said I lost it in the forest. He said that I had to get them back, no matter what.

I had to go with him all the way back into the dense forest in the dark with a torch. I was crying as my legs could not take it anymore. But he gave me no choice.

After about 2 kms in the forest, I said a lie that I had walked only till that point but in fact I had gone much much farther.

I could have lost the keys when I had put my hand in the jacket to switch off the mobile.

He was cursing me on the money that would be involved in getting a new pair of keys and the number of keys he would have to duplicate and how irresponsible I was.

It continued and due to exhaustion I could not keep a step further. All this while, I was saying ‘CRYSTAL GORSE WOLF REACH HELP NOW’. I kept chanting like mad.

We had reached the end of the forest when we saw in the dark another couple enjoying a stroll in the forest.

My husband for no reason went up to them and said in German that I had lost the keys and if ever during their strolls during the day or anytime they find it, to inform him, and gave his number.

They agreed and moved on. It was so dark and the forest floor was full of autumn leaves. There was absolutely no hope of getting the keys.

The fury and the exasperated expression on my husband’s face and my exhaustion made me call LOUD – WOLF IF YOU ARE THERE, Please get me the keys…REACH HELP NOW.

Believe me we heard a loud call from behind. The couple whom we had met was running towards us. The lady reached to me hugged me and gave me the key.

I cried loud thanking my wolf and you for the great help I got. It seems, they had walked a little further and then leaned on a tree. Something poked the lady’s back and it was the key.

My husband and that couple said it could be someone else who was taking a stroll had found it and hung it on the branch of the tree.

I did not say anything as I knew clearly that I had not lost it anywhere there. It is the Wolf, my angel spirit and my Master – you, who helped me on that day.

With an attitude of gratitude, I bow with respect to this great teacher and my angel spirit!!!

Love thy neighbours even if they are a nuisance


My neighbors are very inconsiderate. We live in apartments. The one on next to me filled the corridor with their own stuffs and smelly shoes, make a lot of noise shouting at one end of corridor to the other, openly criticizes us and do damage to our plant tearing the leaves (we only put one pot of plant and door mat at my door and nothing else not even shoes). We only keep quiet, to maintain peace.

The neighbor above us, throw litter into our house and make a lot of noises (such as jumping in wee hours of the night after 12 am), and also hang wet laundry above our laundry. On one case, we even saw a packet of urine caught on our window.

We really don’t know what to do.


Chant “BEECH HOLLY WILLOW IMPATIENS” over a glass of water and drink it.

Download a picture of PISCES and paste it on your flat door.

Do the forgiving exercise for them.

In the morning thank them mentally for not disturbing you.

Pray to The Mother for keeping these elementals away from you.


May I ask how many times do I need to chant the flower remedy each time? Do I have to chant everyday or just once?

Do I do the forgiving exercise and thank them everyday also?

The picture of Pisces can be just the symbols or need to have images of fish?

At the last sentence, you mentioned praying to the mother. ‘The Mother’ refers to?


When the problem comes, you can chant.

Chanting what is given is just an alignment with the divine. Forget your identity. Just merge with the Grace Words which are nothing but divine. Enjoy chanting. Do it any number of times.

These words do not bring about any result. They want you to surrender. Surrender to the divine and start chanting. While chanting do not think about anything.

Download zodiac picture of Pisces, and paste it on the door facing outside.

The mother means Aurobindo mother. That divine mother only knows how to drive out the unwanted elementals. Just say once to her daily.

LLM (after a month)

I can see improvement on the issues with my neighbor next door, no more torn leaves and cleaner corridor.

Worried About Losing My Friendship


I have a misunderstanding with a friend of mine. I am not sure, next time when I meet her, whether she will properly talk to me or not.

For the last two days, I have this anxiety. So, I released all my anxiety. Now I feel ok.

However, I am worried, when I meet her next time how she will react and how will I handle it.


1.       Release the anxiety (worry).

2.       You are having a desire to keep the friendship going. Release this desire too.

You are only releasing the thought, emotions and desires. You are not stopping the actions (to be her friend).

Here, instead of the enacting the usual drama we create, we simply observe what is happening in our mind. We release and observe the whole incident as a third person.

Which is convenient – fearing about something or releasing?

In the end, we keep the mind blank – free from worries, anger and fears.

What are the ultimate results we gain due to this technique?

As long as we are working from a noisy mind, there will not be any solution to the problem. 

By releasing all the emotions (and thoughts and desires) one after another, we are taking one step after another towards a litter-free (mind) zone, where we will be free of our emotions and thoughts.

Then the solution for the problem will be found automatically as that part of the mind (litter free zone) knows how to tackle the problem.

In this technique, we do no prayers.

If my house is full of garbage what will I do?

I will simply clear them isn’t it? When I remove all the clutters in the house it becomes good.

In the same way, I release all the clutters from my mind.

Desire is the motivator behind our actions. For me what is motivating me to seek friendship in my friend? There is a desire for approval operating in it. Release it.

When anything comes inside your mind, Just say, “Can I release? Yes. I release this. I let go this…”

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Teeth and gum problems


Can you give me mantra for correcting my teeth and gum problems?

My tooth pain and bleeding of gums occurs frequently.

I cannot concentrate on house hold work and keep shouting at my little daughter because I am having this pain.


There is one GUM TONE available in pharmacies. It is a tooth powder which can help you.

It is manufactured by Charak Pharmaceuticals.

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