Posts tagged ready

Got an Interview Call from a Mumbai


I want to chant for my brother who is a software engineer and staying in Pune for a year now.

He wants a job in Mumbai. Give me a switch word I can chant for him to get a job in Mumbai.


Chant “CLOUDS ACT DIVINE Mumbai Job”


My brother got a call from a Mumbai based company and he gave the first round of interview.

What should I chant now so that he should get selected for that job?



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Getting ready for the Next Job:

Have a Lucky Day:

Find a new project or job


Since three months, I am trying to search for a new job.

Now, my company says that I need to resign tomorrow as I am not ready for relocation.



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Be Successful With Your Decisions


I got a better offer now. But, my current company is not ready to accept resignation and relieve me. They want me to continue.

The new company is after me to join them immediately. Even, I want to join them.

How do I come out of this situation amicably?




Thanks you to your divine advices, my life becomes easier to manage.

I decided to continue with my current organization and I would like to be successful with my decision.



Start the day with THANKS and end the day with THANKS


When one is confused between two options, the Bach Flower SCLERANTHUS helps us to come out of confusion.

Not to regret after taking a decision, HONEY SUCKLE is the remedy.

Sorrow-filled Nights


My sleep is affected in night.

Sometimes, I wake up at midnight, without a reason. Again it takes more time to sleep. Plenty of sorrows are coming in mind at that time and I am crying.

Because of this, I am not able to wake up in the morning on time. My daily routines are affected resulting in tension while getting ready to office. 

Suggest remedies to have a good sleep and wake up early in the morning.


Buy the Bach flower remedies “WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT, CRAB APPLE, and RESCUE REMEDY”.

Put 5 pills of each in a cup of water and take that remedied water before going to sleep.


Basic remedy to sleep well: WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE

Not able to control one’s own emotions: RESCUE REMEDY

Alternatively, you may buy SLEEP WELL pills from the center, which contains Bach flower remedies and some bio-salts.

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Basic Thing to Improve a Relationship

Is forgiving the concerned person(s)…


My problem is my love relationship.

I am in a relationship for the past 3 years. From the beginning only we use to fight a lot but there is immense love and care also for each other.

But, few months ago he said that his family is not accepting our relationship due to inter-caste issues.

He is also fed up of my suspicious and fighting nature. In addition, he is not ready for commitment.

We tried to end up this relationship, yet still we are in talking terms.

Taking help from your blog, I started writing the affirmation, “TOGETHER I thank the divine for getting me <his name> as a life partner NOW DONE” for 21 times daily along with writing 58 for 58 times.

Also, I’m continuously chanting, “CONCEDE CLEAR CENTRE FIND DIVINE <his name> PARTNER HOLE”.

I have also kept the power symbol 47 and 66 with me.

But nothing is helping. Neither things are improving nor are they ending completely.

At times, I feel like its divine wish that we should stay together that’s why in spite of deciding to part our ways, somehow we are still in terms.

Pls help me out of this situation – either things should improve or end up completely by divine grace.


Do the forgiving exercise for him.

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In-laws are separating us


I have been chanting “BE TINY BOW CONCEDE TOGETHER PRAISE DIVINE”, but no response yet.

Please help as everybody from my in-laws side are doing everything to separate us and are also not allowing me to come back home.

My husband has also not communicated to me since past 5 months.

They had sent us notice 5 months back and are also not ready to talk to any of my family members to sort things.

I love him lot and want to save our marriage.


Do the forgiving exercise for your in-laws.

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Patience alone can help us


If he shows anger on me, according to him, I should behave like a matured wife. I should behave same as in normal condition, in a polite way.

He loves me through my politeness. These are his expectations.

Can I change myself through this way, because if he becomes angry I can’t handle him politely?

At that time, I feel bad why he should get angry on me. And I don’t like his bad behavior either.

However, if by changing my behavior, my relationship takes a good way, then I am ready to become polite.


When he gets angry, be in the SAFE and SECURE MUDRA and chant “CHERRY PLUM, IMPATIENS”.

Our endurance and patience only can help us.

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Patience is the key:

Your spouse is possessive:

Not ready to go for a divorce


I am really tired of waiting to get initiation/news, words from my husband as he is not at all in contact with me or my family for last 2 months. We all tried very much but failed.

I am doing forgiving exercise for husband and my MIL more than 25 days now, but still no result or reply from his end.

Everybody in my family is asking me to take decision and to divorce him and start new life. But I am really not ready to do so.

Sometimes, I wonder why this person marries me, if he really doesn’t have any regards or interest in family life.


Chant “BEECH, WILLOW, PINE, WALNUT” for a month


See events from different angle: BEECH

Stop blaming anybody for what happened: WILLOW

Come out of the thought of “One’s bad karma”: PINE

A miracle is ready to happen

S Malini

I was writing angel number 520 prior to election. 

One person came to my house and gave three election identity cards of myself and my family members saying that ward counsellor had sent those cards to me. 

I was very happy to receive the same since I had to take leave or permission from my office to collect these cards.  The same ward counsellor denied getting these cards when I requested him.

This is a good miracle (1st time I wrote 520).

By writing 520 what is needed for us happens and we should not worry for the same.  Just keeping faith on these angel numbers will work well.


How the angel number 520 has helped Malini? Who will deliver the voter identity cards (these days)? They would have kept with them and cast the bogus votes!

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Final Jackpot:


The Bach Flower Remedy Chicory

Key words

Possessiveness, Self-Love, Self-Pity, Always Demanding, Noticeable, Attracting Attention


  • They try to attract others attention: for example, infants attract attention by crying when you leave them alone or we try to impress others sometimes by flattery.
  • Will be overeager to help.
  • They get angry, if they find no gratitude from the person benefited by them.
  • Their possessive nature can make the opposite person as a Centaury. Please note here, fear of rejection indicates a Centaury, while the person who instils a fear of rejection on others is Chicory.
  • Chicory will not give anything free – there is a hidden agenda behind every transaction he makes.
  • A Chicory person always attracts the attention of others.
  • Always demanding and expects a great deal from others.
  • He is possessive, extremely interfering, secretly manipulating and easily hurt.
  • He has a feeling of unwanted.
  • Over protection and too much parenting.
  • Constantly concerned with the affairs of the family, always interfering.
  • Behind all Chicory type, there lies a deep lack of fulfilment, often a feeling of not being loved.
  • Desires for company for his selfish ends.
  • He is a stingy person.
  • Easily offended or hurt – self-pity.
  • Pretending illness to attract others pity.
  • Always speaks about what others owe her.
  • Extremely nagging – the in-laws remedy.
  • Thinks, feels that everyone is there for his help.
  • Goes to the extent of weeping or pretending to be ill to get his things done.
  • There is constant fear of loss.
  • Emotional demanding always.
  • Behind the Chicory state, an internal emptiness is more.
  • Watching over the needs, wishes and progress of family and friends.
  • Always ready to comment, to correct others or to advise others.
  • The emotional control is subtle, making others dependent.
  • He will manipulate to impose his will.
  • The Chicory finds it hard to let go, feels easily offended or hurt; becomes ill to gain sympathy, always expecting others to live in the feeling of gratitude to her.
  • Chicory children throw temper tantrums.
  • The Chicory child will weep and get things done.
  • If weeping doesn’t pay, he will indulge in flattery or helps you in house hold work.
  • Always demanding, tries to seek attention.
  • The Chicory baby always wants her to be held in the lap all the time.
  • The Chicory child likes to be carried always.
  • Would weep if said anything.
  • Over care and over concern for hurt feelings.
  • Always seeks company.
  • Heart Chakra is closed for Chicory people.  Pray to Chicory to be active in the Heart Chakra.

Chicory says

  • Threatening: “I will do homework, but I will not go to the music class.  If you agree for my condition, then I will finish up all my homework now”.
  • “I am angry at his ingratitude, and he cheated me. I have done so much to him” – Chicory + Chestnut bud.
  • Chicory person makes others feel guilty by saying, “You have just used me.”
  • “After all that I have done for you, this is how you treat me”.
  • “I have given her a sari on her birthday and all that I get from her on my birth day is a card.”
  • Emotional black mailing – “How can I live without you?”
  • “Think of what I have done for you” and then bursting in to tears.
  • “My dear son, I miss you so much, the house is vacant.”
  • He sometimes become ill, he may resort to black mail. “I will study after this, if you allow me to browse the Internet.”
  • “People should respect me.”


  • Eating disorders
  • Hysterical Neurosis  – convulsion type
  • Histrionic personality disorder


  • “Live and let live” is the positive Chicory.
  • Chicory + Walnut – when the child starts schooling
  • Chicory + Walnut – for a second wife
  • Chicory + Star of Bethlehem – if a person whom you love is dead
  • Chicory – for separation.
  • Chicory: I want love and attention
  • Chicory: I feel that nobody recognises my importance
  • Chicory: I have a fear of loneliness
  • Chicory: I feel I am neglected
  • Chicory: I feel unloved by my loved ones
  • Chicory: Others say that I am of a highly interfering type
  • Chicory: I can’t be alone; I always need company
  • Chicory: I often enjoy giving my opinions and advice to others; but I feel hurt/offended when they reject my advice
  • Mimulus, Chicory: My child stays close to my side; rarely goes alone; does nothing alone
  • Chicory: Cries a lot when starting for the school
  • Chicory, Mimulus: The child becomes upset even if mildly criticized
  • Mimulus, Chicory: Burst into tears for no apparent reason
  • Chicory: The child clings to mother
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