Posts tagged shed

One drop of love will change him

A patient of Naran remarked about her spouse. He gave the following reply to her. These exercises however can be done anybody who wants to live harmoniously and be happy with them.


Look at oneself first

This is Drama of Life and if one understands, we will come to know, realize and understand that we have to bring in change in ourselves only.

We have to direct the mind towards oneself and then towards others. This is the basis of all healing modalities.

The nature always expects us to move towards perfection.

In this process, one understands not only the DIVINE ORDER, but also realizes that one has to rise above the mind and its tantrums, and become spiritual.

All healing methods help a person to understand his/her own potentials.

Others are mirrors of yourself

Before trying to change the other person do this exercise on you first.

Take a piece of paper and write about him first. Whatever you wanted to say about him write it.

  • Insert the word ‘I’ wherever you have put ‘He’.

For example, “He never takes the treatment properly and he escapes”, should be rewritten as “I never take the treatment properly. I escape.”

Change what all you have written about him Into I.

  • Now affirm, “I never take the treatment properly. I escape. In spite of this, I accept myself totally”.

Do three rounds of tapping for each sentence.

  • Do the forgiving exercise for them. “I forgive you …. (Name) you please forgive me and release me”.
  • Send Reiki to him daily.

Problem is the source of solution

Whoever is causing problem to you, can only give you solution.

Whoever irritates or angers you, can only give you peace. 

You cannot change your husband. You want him for your status and security. Then you have to heal yourself. Forgive.

  • You only have to make your life peaceful. For getting peace with such a person, you have to shed your ego and heal yourself.

Heal your controlling tendencies

Heal your anger and controlling tendency.

We always like people who comply or who just listen to us or obey us implicitly. That is why we want all the people to do this and that as well as agree with us, whatever we say.

When there is slight disagreement, dissent or difference of opinion, we may not like the person.

This dislike of the person who disagrees and the like of the person who agrees create conflicts in life.

  • Both are born from our controlling tendency – desire to control or change.  Release your desire to control and change others.

You have the power to heal him

What your husband needs attention, love and tolerance. Understand that he is mentally deranged, unlike we who are sane. The sane people are supposed to protect and understand such people.

When you ignore, chide, or send your husband away, who will take care of him?

The God has sent him to you, because you know Reiki.

God has sent him to you, because you know forgiving exercise and you know how to release your karma.

God has sent him to you because you know how to change yourself through flower remedies.

Heal him. This is how god has made him. One drop of love will change him. One iota of kindness can change.

Heal him from the heart. Sympathize with him. If he is the cause of your mental agony, how much he is suffering within mentally. Just help a man who needs help. Pray for him.

He is not a curse to you. He has not become your husband because of your bad karma.

He has come to you for healing. He is a grace for you.

Through him you spiritual journey starts! I hope you will start the Journey!!

Don’t beg from the divine


You have asked me to write “release resistance find divine order count now” for 51 times daily. I do that. I chant Ambika Sloka like mad, beg wolf every day and still no job interviews.

I ask loads of people but no one helps me–what more should I do? I need a job as soon as possible and am helpless. I beg divine so much and what more can I do?


Don’t beg from the divine. Take it from the Divine.

Daily in the morning say three times,” I thank divine for giving me a job of my choice. Then forget about it.


Why is this happening to me? The only thing I ever ask god for myself is a job. I help loads of people and never I think ill of others and genuinely pray for people – why am I being punished?


You will definitely get a job. Instead of having a victim feeling, have the attitude of gratitude.

Instead of “why me” question, understand God is doing everything perfect. He will do everything at the right time.

What is the right time? Think and thank the divine that you have had already right time.

Every day, morning, say, three times, “I open up all parts of my mind and align them to resonate to the Divine grace of money. I thank the Divine for providing me the job of my choice now. I release this intention to the all providing divine field.”

Forget about this and concentrate on something else.

Daily in the night think back and thank god for everything that happened in your life. Each and every incident leads to the other. Nothing is unwanted or not needed.

Whatever happened – bad or good – thank the divine for that.

Shed tears of gratitude towards your parents, your friends, relatives, your house and your environment, the air you breathe, the dress you wear, the food you take, the water you drink.

Do you know how many, how many persons are behind your one day food? Thank all those persons – right from vegetable grower, seller, his storage place, vendor, and his cart – so many are there.

Think about the link of the persons to your one day food and thank everyone. 

Why not this internet which connects you and me? Thank the Internet too.

Build up the energy of love in your heart and start living with contentment. You will get the job.

If your victim feeling can help you to get the job, be in that state. Otherwise be in a state of gratitude.

You are not helping anybody. You are privileged – you are selected by god – to help those people. You are indebted to them.

Help them with full heart. But don’t expect anything from them. If you do the help without expecting any appreciation, you will advance the Time.

  • FORGIVE LOVE THANK is the mantra for your life.
  • To come out of victim feeling, take Bach flower remedies WILLOW and PINE each two pills two times a day for one month.

Best of luck

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When Jobless:

Thank you for the Divine Help

Don’t fell trees! They are our blessings!!

We have left one of our flats for rents. It has one mango tree and another one a coconut tree. In the past, the coconuts have fallen down and broke the windows, thought nobody got hurt. We are worried now that it may hurt the tenant.

We are wondering whether to cut the trees or to put a shed. If we put the shed, then there will be less visibility and air. However, we don’t want the cut the trees, which had been there with us for more than 35 years.


Trees are our life. It provides not just air, but keeps the ground in one place, providing stability of land. Because, so much trees are felled these days, we get earth quakes, Tsunamis and floods as nature is trying to correct the imbalances created by human beings.

In addition, never a coconut will fall directly over a human being, while the dried trunks might fall on us. Arrange a person to remove these trunks once in three months or so.

Trees are our blessings from god. Don’t fell it.

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