Posts tagged source
Money source unknown
Sushma Pandey
I am very happy to come across your website on Bach Flower Remedies and Switch words.
I am independently using some of the switch words and they have really worked wonders for me.
Recently, I was in need of finance quite a large sum but I did not know from which source I will get them.
I just started to chant every now and then the switch words “COUNT DIVINE FIND NOW” and miraculously I got the required money within 2 days.
So, my big big thanks to you! I have no words to convey my gratitude.
Please continue to help people like us! I pray the almighty always grants you happiness and good health.
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When problem source is not known
Let us see how to dissolve our karmas through Bija Mantras.
There is a problem. However, source of the problem is not known. Karma is the only source. There are no other sources.
Irrespective of the karma or reason behind the cause of the problem, how we can remove it?
Contain the karma
Let us see the meaning of the Bija mantras OM LUM NAMAHA and OM VUM NAMAHA.
Lum means earth – a vessel, say an earthen pot. It denotes earth element.
We put water into the pot. Water element is always connected with our Karma. Through water element our desires are created. Because of our desires we get problems.
What is the source of desire – Water? So, I put water into the vessel. It means my karma is contained in the vessel.
How to remove the karma?
OM RUM NAMAHA – by fire element, we can remove it. This comes from Manipura Chakra. It will vaporize the water. When the fire burns, the water vaporizes.
The vaporized water will go into space – the universal energy – turning into light and love.
When the cause is put in the earthen pot and burnt, the water or karma is vaporized and transmuted into space and light. This is the way to resolve our karmas.
So, if we cannot resolve a problem then we can chant, “OM VUM NAMAHA OM LUM NAMAHA OM RUM NAMAHA OM YUM NAMAHA OM HUM NAMAHA”.
If I do so then we mean,
Om Vum Namaha – the cause of the problem or karma
Om Lum Namaha – I put it in the earthen pot
Om Rum Namaha – which I burnt it
Om Yum Namaha – it gets vaporized into space and
Om Hum Namaha – changing into light and love
How to combine with intention?
For this problem I don’t know the cause. So I am using this technique to solve it.
I visualize the problem, which I am putting as the cause of the problem inside the water contained in the pot and then I burn the pot with fire.
After I finished visualization, I can chant the mantras.
Help to get out of debts
Aja Jackson
I am asking for a money miracle fast. I need a large sum of money to get out of debt and move into a beautiful home before December of 2012.
The family members around me are also in need of a money miracle. In this sense, I hope to be the conduit to help them.
It really does pain me to see them suffer financially. I would like to be the one to help them out of their debts in the most inspiring and empowering way.
Please give me the Bach remedy for this. Can you tell me how to use the liquid form as well to make the chant more powerful?
Thank you so much for all of your global impact on the world!!
Take the flower remedies CENTAURY and GORSE, two drops of each in 200 ml water and sip over the day.
Chant “BASKARAM PRABODHAM” as many times as possible.
Person who thinks he need to help and care for others: CENTAURY
No hope to organize the money: GORSE
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Goals Achievement through Reiki Part II
Read the first part of the article here:
How to create affirmations?
Affirm, “Reiki heal the intention for the highest good for everybody concerned”.
Why should we add this sentence to the affirmation? This is surrendering to Reiki, as only on a surrender things will happen. When we believe that Reiki can do it, it will start working.
We need a separate paper for everyone included in the healing. If one person is healed then we don’t have to give Reiki to them.
Though, you can give Reiki for all the affirmations put together.
Or use a Reiki box where you can have multiple papers inside the box and give Reiki to it.
The box will be charged permanently and therefore any papers (stuff) kept inside the box will be energised quickly.
Draw all the symbols.
Need not be in order, for example you can draw Zonar many times before drawing another symbol.
Have the hands over the box or the individual affirmation.
Instead of doing nothing while hands are placed, you may chant the “I am sorry” mantra, which goes like this, “I am sorry. Please forgive Me. Love Thanks Divine”.
Hot to form a (Reiki) Intention?
Write the Intention as though it has already happened and give it Reiki.
Within 10 minutes draw the symbols as many times as possible.
When you place the hands on the paper and affirm, “I am sorry! Please forgive me. Love, Thanks and Divine!”
Once the goal is realized, put the paper in water and tear it or thank it and throw it in the dustbin.
Writing your intentions
You will have multiple desires. What’s your immediate priority? Write that in the paper.
Add to the affirmation, “Reiki heal the intention for the highest good of all concerned”.
Visualize as though it has happened. This will reinforce the intention.
End with the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and as this will take the intention to Reiki source. You may also affirm, “I am placing it at the source of Reiki”.
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