Posts tagged students

Common solution to the housing problem


This is a general question which I think will be benefited to all. Gone through your site – all mantras, remedies are fantastic. Main thing I noted is shelter problem.

Real estate is in peak today and due to this house rent/land rate is too high which affects lower and middle classes. Living in rent in a decent area or purchasing flat and house – everything is a difficult for them.

Hence, my humble request is to suggest remedies/mantras to peak down I.e. nominal value for land and so that all will be benefitted.


Don’t go by general interpretation of anything. Each one is unique. Each problem is unique. There may be similar problems but not same.

The problem in general is high rent, peak of land or house price. But each individual, undergoing this problem will react in different ways:

“It is the world of cheats. This is a bad phase in my life”.

“I am destined to suffer”

“Prices will never come down. We can never have a peaceful life”

“I feel like bursting out”.

“Everything is going beyond limits”

“What can we do? We have to accept and move on.”

“Something may happen. Prices will come down”

“God is not helping the poor. He is by the side of the rich only”

Each will be in a different state of mind. Each will react differently and approach the problem differently. Therefore it is not good to suggest a common solution to all.

In the above situation, what is the one general advice that can be given?

One has to bear, with fortitude and courage to face any situation. If this mentality is developed and or if one is in this state of mind, things will improve.

How to cultivate this or develop this state? How to transform one’s mental state into this?

Flowers are the answer. There are four (Bach) flowers that can help anybody in the above situation:

  1. CHERRY PLUM (to bear, and endure so that our limit to earn is enhanced)
  2. ROCK ROSE (to develop fortitude -never-say-die spirit; if this is developed help will come instantly)
  3. GORSE not to lose hope at any time
  4. WILD ROSE to get motivated to move on in life

Flowers are divine. Flowers are our teachers. Life is always a learning process. We are always students.

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Maha Saraswathi – Rondeletia Orange


The Mother’s Message

Rondeletia flowers represent MAHA SARASWATHI’S perfection in works.


Who can be benefited with these flowers?

For those people who are careless and negligent in their work.

For students who are careless and negligent in their studies.

For those, who are hasty and impatient in whatever they do – For TYPE ‘A’ personalities.

For those who change jobs frequently.

For those do everything incomplete or half-done.

For those who lack concentration.

How to use it?

Keep the picture of flower on HARA and THROAT centers – 3 minutes at each center.

Keep the picture under the pillow.

Meditate on the flower praying, “Let Supreme Divine order of MAHASARASWATHI fill up all my expressions and actions.”

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A lifetime of seeking is over

Feedback on workshop held at Mumbai:


“When the student is ready the teacher comes”

Dear Naran,

This saying has been resonating in my mind since day one, when I wrote you the first mail seeking healing and you replied. Seeing you in person has just made it a happier occasion – TY TY TY.

If I had the time and opportunity to say it in person, I would tell you how I am feeling today – “Enveloped in a ball of bliss”.

I am so delighted that my smile is just refusing to go away. Though, all the participants have got your equal grace, I feel you have come to Mumbai only for me. Today, it felt all so easy. Finally, I got confidence that I can learn any healing modalities/techniques – so, multiple bonanzas for me.

The joy of meeting you in person, doing the workshop – it is ALL PERFECT.

Your presence is such that at end of day, the hotel waiter was asking me about you. Really, he is blessed for wanting to know.

 A lifetime of seeking is over! Deepest love!! Thanks Love Divine!!!

Varsha Patil 

A big thank to YOU Naran! And welcome back to Mumbai in this year-end. That was the most amazing and wonderful time. Really felt so blessed in your divine presence. A big thanks to Shobanaji, Haripriya, and all other participants who made this workshop happen.

Dear Participants, am opening a Facebook group for Mumbai Participants, as per request by many. As many of them wanted to be in touch with each other, for Success stories, and more future events in Mumbai. Will post here.

Kalpana Vasudevan Iyer

An unforgettable and much awaited day for me! Thank you Naran!! Thank you Varsha, Nagalakshmi and others for organizing this meet. It was so long on my wish list. Please organize another one soon!! Blessed to listen to NARAN and his simple explanations and suggestions!!!

Barathi Raghav

Yesterday workshop was excellent – Purnima

Usha Raghunathan

Well organized. Thanks to all. Did a good job. Workshop was excellent.

Dr. Rashmi Menon

I was fortunate to attend the first one. It was a lovely experience. Thank you! Thank you organizers!! May the love and light spread through you all over the Universe!!! And so it is!!!!


We were truly blessed! Love and Light always!!

Vrushali Vilas

We love you Naran…great to meet you and well organized beautiful experience.

Shilpa Deshmukh

Excellent is the word!!

Sumegha Shanbhag

Love you Naran and waiting for next workshop to happen soon…. love to meet all you friends!

Lupe Soto

Hi Naran, please remember your foreign students. Many of us would benefit from Skype or your wonderful audio recordings. Please let us know. This class would mean a lot to me. Thank you Naranji!

Irene D’Souza

Thank you Guruji for visiting Mumbai! It was wonderful sessions.

Deepa Prabhu

There was so much love in the room. By end of day two, people who were strangers and tense on day one morning were by end of day two relaxed smiling and sharing hugs!


Yes people were tensed on the first day. They expected a buttoned-up, taciturn Naran!!!

Bed-time Ritual

R Mohan

In one of the EFT class workshop, Naran asked the students to do an exercise daily using tapping.

Before going to bed, while doing tapping on ourselves, we need to remember all the incidents that happened during the day, and our reactions to it.

I found a similar exercise using Reiki-Past-Life-Healing Meditation CD is quite handy. The reason being, while we release memories of today, we could additionally release memories from incidents related to today’s incidents.

In one shot, all the related incidents could be turned to light and love.

The single most important advantage of this approach I found is all the new relationships formed doesn’t have the trace of the past. In case, if it does, it is easier to heal and form a new harmonious relationship.

Related Blogs

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Socializing is easy:

Sales Exam


I received a call from my manager to give a presentation to a group of clients. I was asked to do it because I was the project manager who developed a core module of our Trading Software.

But, the problem is, we developed it three years back. How I am going to remember the features of the product!

Add to the misery is the fact, being a technical guy, how I am going to explain the business functions of the product!!

Of course, I can’t say no.

So, I called my 24/7 guiding angel Naran. On the way to office, he asked me to pick something from him, which will help me to do the presentation well.

He gave me the symbol 2 and asked me to keep it with me, while I gave the presentation. I did and I can’t believe the way I did. It went on well. Our clients as well as my manager were quite impressed.

In fact, when I later learned from Naran, that symbol can be given to students, to remember during their exam, I couldn’t stop laughing it myself.

Please refer the link to know more about the symbol:

“2 Recall-During-Exam”:

Winning Presentations


I had to make a presentation to a delegation that came from Europe.  The presentation was an overview and update of our business.  At the end of the meeting / presentation, we were looking for investment from the European / Global division of the visiting company. 

The night before the presentation I spoke to R Mohan and asked him for some tips.  He asked me to draw two sets of concentric circles:

  1. One with my name in the centre and WATER VIOLET, LARCH, GENTIAN and WILD ROSE in the outer circles in that order and
  2. Another one with my name in the centre along with the person I was making the presentation to, date and location and ELM, GORSE and HEATHER in the outer circles in that order.

 I drew these circles on two sheets of paper and took them along with me in to the meeting room.  The meeting started at 10 a.m. and my turn came at around 4 p.m. 

What I observed during the day was that the main person in the visiting team was someone who did not smile through the day and did not really give away any of his emotions / views.  When I started presenting, I suddenly felt very comfortable and at ease and I actually smiled during my presentation.  This, in a way, forced a smile on that person who was tight-lipped and was on guard.  In fact, he said a few words in appreciation of the work we are doing too.


WATER VIOLET, LARCH, GENTIAN and WILD ROSE: a good combination for any interviews including Visa Interviews, and for meeting with big bosses

ELM, GORSE and HEATHER: Heather will make people listen to you, while Elm and Gorse will increase your capacity / skill

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