Posts tagged want

Winning Switch Words Part III


Switch Word(s) Description
On Not getting stuck up in a situation

No interruptions

Get creative ideas

Stay alert and awake when you work during late nights

Off Sleep well
Reach Find the lost article
Reach Divine Order To come out of long-held negative beliefs
Release Resistance If healing doesn’t happen even after several attempts add these switch words to the healing combination of remedies (during chanting)/ switch words
Release Resistance Find Buyer Count Now Done To find a buyer for your property hasn’t yielded any results even after many efforts.

Buyer is not a switch word.

Slow Care Wise people act slowly and carefully, so to become wise these switch words
Stretch On To able to continue doing the task you are currently doing comfortably, especially when you are tired
Thanks To show attitude of gratitude
Together To work out a good relationship with others

Have a balanced mind

Get co-operation from colleagues

To find resolution and resolve conflict with others

Together Find Centre Divine Love To find love within and in-turn attract love in your life
Together Divine To improve relationship with your spouse

Bring peace into the family when there is on-going quarrel

Together Find Divine Love Attract love and people
Together Find Divine Order Count Now On To get a salary hike

To find money and order out of a situation

Together Reach Divine Love Centre Attain Soul Love
UP To manage your depression
With To become compatible with a person
Why It’s an afformation. You ask the brain why something you want has happened. It will find that out for you and make it happen.

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Winning Switch Words Part II:

Winning Switch Words Part I:

Winning Switch Words Part II


Switch Word(s) Description
Find Find a solution, to gain or regain something
Find Count Divine Generate business, Find money
Find Count……. Divine (fill up the rupees you want) To find the required amount of money, for example, “FIND COUNT 10 Lakh Rupees DIVINE”
Find Divine Love Now On To find your life partner immediately
Find Divine Order Count Now Done Get a job/ business opportunities
Find Divine On To get on with your life, when you are stuck up in an unwanted situation
Find Divine Order To find normalcy in a conflict situation
Give Sell your property
Guard Get divine protection, achieve personal safety
Halfway Do things quicker, Achieve your goal in lesser time than usual
Halfway Divine Manage traffic, Reach your destination faster
Halfway Divine On Catch trains/bus on time
Help To get the required help
Ho To be happy and joyful
Love Thanks Divine Energise a situation/ relationship/ event/ person
Move Move from current situation to new situation
Move On Moving forward in life
Next To know what to do next
Now Do or get something immediately

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Winning Switch Words Part I:

Surrender to win the battle of life:

Started taking mother’s milk


1.5 months ago, I have given birth to a girl. It is a premature C-section delivery.

  1. My baby does not suck my breast nipple
  2. Problem of low milk supply in breast
  3. How to increase weight and immunity of my baby girl?




Thank you so much for the mantra and Now milk supply has increased so much.

My baby is now 2 months old.

  1. She frequently vomits and feel discomfort
  2. She always stretch her body, always feel like restless baby
  3. As she is a pre-term baby, so want her to gain weight quickly.
  4. She does not sleep in night, whole night she is awake. I have tried RESCUE REMEDY and WHITE CHESTNUT, but it didn’t seem working.
  5. How to improve quality of milk, so she develop well and have a good memory?
  6. What will help her to increase appetite, and better digestion?
  7. How to improve her complexion?


Give her WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD regularly.


The BIJA MANTRAS in the specified order will increase the breast milk in the mother. It will work like Pran Mudra (little and ring fingers touching the tip of the thumb on both the hands).

The Bach Flower remedies WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD will help the child to develop qualities needed for its growth.

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Breast feeding:

2nd Caesarean Delivery:

Boyfriend’s wedding is postponed


My boyfriend’s wedding had been postponed indefinitely. 10 months have passed since his engagement, but a new wedding date has still not been decided.

Both families are unhappy with the engagement. They are having a lot of problems, but somehow no one is breaking the engagement also.

He says he is still not talking to his fiancée.  I want to know whether he still wants to marry me. I don’t want to be an obstacle for him if he has moved on and I don’t want to be fooled either.


Forget him and move ahead.


Today my parents told me that they have received a good proposal for me. But my heart is not in it. I love my boyfriend a lot and still want to marry him only. 

Is there no hope for this to work out? Please help to make the situation work out somehow.


No! Forget him.


Thank you for your divine guidance. Now only, I am realizing the wisdom of your words. I was using Power Life Symbol 46.

After 2-3 days, I found out that my boyfriend had been cheating on me for the last 3 years. He is not planning to marry either me or his other girlfriend.

He has been cheating on his fiancée too. However, he is a very good person in all other aspects of life.

I want to forget him now. I have been listening to the FORGIVENESS and WELCOME CHANGE cds. Please tell me what else I can do.


Symbol 46 is true love. It has revealed to her whether he is true to her or not.

SOHAM Meditation


Say ‘SO’ during inhale internally and ‘HAM’ for exhale. A mild or soft breath will do.

Use only one speed while doing this rapid breathing, without holding the breath during inhale and exhale.

After 45 minutes of rapid breathing, we don’t need to breathe at all. In that state of no breathing, we merge with the cosmic breath. Then the latter will take over our breathing and take care of it.

Whenever we have a diarrhea or dysentery SOHAM breathing can do the necessary healing. Our pulse rate changes from 74 to 60.

If the breathing is fast, then our focus will be on our breath, mind becomes quiet, and throws away toxins from our system.

Instead of SOHAM (I am that), you may chant NAGAM (I am not) or KOHAM (who am I).

It is better to use a CD that chants SOHAM as then it will be easier for us to maintain the speed of breathing.

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Circular Breathing CD – Benefits and Instructions:

I want to die before you:

If What is going to happen will happen, Why to chant?


In the past, I have chanted, prayed a lot, with full faith in universal divine force. But, I was always told you can’t change anything. What is going to happen will happen? Nobody can change anything.

I still have faith and trust. However, I always had a question in mind then why do we pray and chant the mantras if they are not going to bring positivity to the concerned situation?

Is it fear of something negative happening to us and our family, which brings us, back again to chanting and praying?


You cannot always get what you want. Sometimes, you can get what you don’t want. These are two life rules, which we have to accept.

It is the mind which plays the game. If something does not happen, we wallow; if something happens, we elate. How long is this elation?

After some time, we need something else and again mental emotional drama begins. It is because we attach importance to the result only and not to the action.

If the action is done, and the result is surrendered, you will remain peaceful always.

Ultimately, what we want in life is either peace or happiness. To get happiness or peace is the aim of all.

Surrendering the result to the hands of Divine only can give you peace or happiness.  Chanting or healing aims at changing the mind to accept what is happening.

Best of luck!!

Face any interview bravely


I have an interview on Saturday. I want to get selected in the interview process. I should speak bravely, clearly, without hesitation, without fear in the interview.




The Bach Flower Remedies Water Violet, Larch, Gentian and Wild Rose is the best combination for any type of interview.

The flower Mimulus will create a friendly atmosphere.

Got tenants


I am looking to rent a room in my hope to a good natured, respectful, temporary tenant.

I want to ensure I do not have any issues with the building owner nor with the person I select. I want the person to pay on time and to leave at the end of the agreement.

I am seeing so many improvements in my life thanks to you. The helping hand of wolf is endless.




I got the tenants. Thank you.


Not to be disturbed in anyway and live peacefully: AGRIMONY, the Bach Flower Remedy

The combination SLOW CARE TOGETHER DIVINE is one of the best switch word combination I have come across. It is an all-round mantra that will help you to lead a happy and harmonious life.

Do you know why she doesn’t appreciate?

Patient: My wife loves me a lot. She is a very considerate person. At the same time, when it comes to my way of doing, she is highly intolerant. Surprisingly, she tolerates others’ mistakes to a greater extent – this includes my parent’s actions too.


One part of her is tolerant, while the other part of her is intolerant – especially to you. It shows, somehow you trigger the other – unwanted part in her.

Do you have a similar behavior in yourself?

Patient: Yeah! In general, I always tend to correct the way of others and not just one person. I believe everything has to be done correctly, with the right people, and at the right time.


I will teach you a simple method here.  

Affirm as many times as possible:

 “I RELEASE the PART of ME that is criticized by me”. 

“I OPEN ALIGN WITH the PART of ME that evokes her tolerance to PRAISE me”.

You can write them too.

The letters in UPPER CASE is fixed. The rest of the statement, you can fill with whatever you want. This way, you are releasing the behavior you don’t want and activating the behavior you want in others.

Detach Emotionally


I have a problem of getting emotionally attached to people (especially of the opposite sex). They would come on my mind for maximum times of the day.

I unknowingly get so involved that after some time in the relationship, I say or do things that I don’t want to or that which is not good for the relation. Then of course there is friction in the relation.

I really start to feel the energy when this starts to happen. I try to control but cannot.


Do the forgiving exercise with EFT (tapping).

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