Posts tagged work

Find solution at work


I have had good success with “FIND DIVINE ORDER” when travelling and to a certain extent in my work.

However, sometimes I get stuck in my work and cannot find a solution.


To find a solution, chant “WHITE CHESTNUT”.

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Life Goes ON Smoothly


I was introduced to your remedies by one of my aunts. I have been reading your blog and following very closely. I just want to share my experiences with you after reading your blogs.

Travel Smooth

I have been using ‘ON’ Switch Word a lot. Like for e.g., I used ‘Happy, smooth and uninterrupted journey ON’ and I chanted it a number of times on an international travel.

I travel very frequently on work and last few journeys have caused a lot of worry and discomfort, but this time the journey was really smooth.

Chanting these switch words actually shifted my mind to not think negative. I was calm and accepted as is.

There was pilot strike going on this time, and I got routed through a different route. Yet, I reached home in time without any trouble.

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Ignore Astrological Predictions

Sushma Pandey

I am bit confused about predictions.

Your reply shows me the correct path – which says that one must not take predictions for granted but try to work on them to change our destiny.


Stop not trying.

When you think that “I cannot have this” or “I cannot have that” then you stagnate. Stagnation makes one rot.

Movement is the DIVINE ORDER. What is movement for us human beings?

Doing. Doing is Karma. Karmic is the result of Karma.

When you fully concentrate on the work on hand, not eyeing on the result, that productivity is a joy to experience. That joy only is Divine.

Don’t eye on what is going to happen. Our duty is to do. The result is the reward.

If your mind is fully on what you do, instead of the result, every result (the effect of karma or doing) is a REWARD!!

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Don’t expect the worst anymore


I have bought your CD “RELEASE RESISTANCE”.  I am listening to it daily at night before sleeping as well as just playing it when the kids are around.

Please let me know if I have to chant anything along with it.

I am terribly insecure about my job though there are no major issues.


When you feel insecure, chant “MIMULUS”.



I am now listening to Release Your Fear CD.

I feel a sense of calmness. Now, I am more at peace. I keep listening to the mp3 even when I am at work.


Best of luck!!!


I can most certainly say that I have been benefited by listening to the CD for releasing fears.

Now, everyday morning I don’t go to office expecting the worst. I am more positive as well as calm.

Without Worries You Can Quit Your Job

Case History

Kanchana had problems in her work place – a call centre. She consulted Naran.

He asked her to quit the job ASAP and to find a new job he suggested her to chant, “I AM SORRY. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. OPEN SAVE DIVINE DELIGHT COUNT NOW DONE”.

He added the switch words “Count Now Done” to the new I am sorry mantra as she is looking for a job.

She started chanting. On the same day, she came across a friend, who suggested an opportunity in a Data Center as a data entry operator.

She went for the interview and got the job, within 24 hours of quitting her job.

Interestingly after her interview was over, one of the person, who interviewed her, came running after her.

Asked her whether she is an engineer and on confirmation from her said, she could continue as long as she wants until she finds a new job.

In fact, he promised to give her some references for potential jobs in IT companies.

How to criticize others?


By nature I am very candid and not diplomatic.

Also, I am very open to negative feedback too, when someone is giving me a feedback – at home or at work.

However, at home (mine is a joint family), everyone dislikes me since I am very frank. Although, I am very efficient with house work and do not compromise on my duties.

One of my boss (I have 2 bosses) was very good to me and appreciated my work etc, until a while ago when I was frank in expressing some work-related issue.

Now one boss is still ok, since he knows that I am good at work and I am very frank – that is my nature.

Another boss is all angry with me and at every meeting makes sure that he puts me down or talks negatively when it comes to my work.

Can I chant something please, especially that both my husband and my boss should start appreciating me?


If you want to maintain your candidness, you can get these only.

You do not point out the mistake only. You point out the good points also. If you want to point the mistake then do it with love.

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Wolf Saved My Life

Aaditya Shah

My destiny changed on an Ekadashi day when I searched for Narayan in Google. I happen to come across

Being interested in healing right from childhood, I quickly realized that I was indeed guided by Lord Narayan to this site.

Being a complete newbie, I quickly started to read more and more blogs on the site about how Bach flowers work.

One day while scanning through blogs, I happen to come across the animal spirit section. I should be honest enough to accept that I was skeptical at first.

I mean “How can merely by calling upon Wolf can one receive help?” But then I had really developed respect for Naran even though I never met him.

So, I did give it a try with the mindset that “What’s the harm in trying”.

Ever since then I have never looked back. I have improved all the areas of my life significantly by developing a true friendship with Wolf.

Be it my education, money, relationship, even the smallest of my dreams I have seen coming true by merely calling upon Wolf.

Here I would like to make a point that at times my wish didn’t come true as well but when I later analyzed situations I realized they all were for my highest good.

I mean we humans are really sometimes foolish – we don’t even know what to ask for.

Blissful Office Atmosphere


I am facing many problems in office such as missing of files and important documents.

Some of my colleagues are not talking to me without any reason. Some colleagues talk to me very rudely.

Work distribution is on partial basis. My seat is overburdened than other seats. Sometimes I feel politics all around.

If there is any strong and effective switch word to overcome all these problems and for smooth and secure running of job under a blissful and light atmosphere.




As you advised me, I chanted it.

Today’s day was better than other recent passing days.

Thanks a lot.

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Winning Switch Words Part III


Switch Word(s) Description
On Not getting stuck up in a situation

No interruptions

Get creative ideas

Stay alert and awake when you work during late nights

Off Sleep well
Reach Find the lost article
Reach Divine Order To come out of long-held negative beliefs
Release Resistance If healing doesn’t happen even after several attempts add these switch words to the healing combination of remedies (during chanting)/ switch words
Release Resistance Find Buyer Count Now Done To find a buyer for your property hasn’t yielded any results even after many efforts.

Buyer is not a switch word.

Slow Care Wise people act slowly and carefully, so to become wise these switch words
Stretch On To able to continue doing the task you are currently doing comfortably, especially when you are tired
Thanks To show attitude of gratitude
Together To work out a good relationship with others

Have a balanced mind

Get co-operation from colleagues

To find resolution and resolve conflict with others

Together Find Centre Divine Love To find love within and in-turn attract love in your life
Together Divine To improve relationship with your spouse

Bring peace into the family when there is on-going quarrel

Together Find Divine Love Attract love and people
Together Find Divine Order Count Now On To get a salary hike

To find money and order out of a situation

Together Reach Divine Love Centre Attain Soul Love
UP To manage your depression
With To become compatible with a person
Why It’s an afformation. You ask the brain why something you want has happened. It will find that out for you and make it happen.

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Winning Switch Words Part II:

Winning Switch Words Part I:

Remove your uncertainty getting jobs


During my visit to the centre a few months back I asked your advice for a job for my younger son and his wife.

As per your advice I have been chanting ‘”ADJUST TOGETHER CHANGE DIVINE ORDER”.

There  is  some delay  in my  son  getting a  job  which  is of  great  concern to all of  us. 

I sought your guidance in his success on Monday.

Is there any chant that could remove this uncertainty and be successful in getting a job offer? Currently, he has now been interviewed in two companies.


I  am pleased to  inform you  that  my  son has got a job  offer from  both the companies and  he has  chosen  one. He reported to work today.   

I   had been chanting as per your guidance and am very grateful to you.

Thanking you

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