Posts tagged work

Things Improve in Life


As describing a flower is never the flower itself, some of the most subtle blessings and experiences lie beyond the reach of expression.

All the good that has come into my life since discovering the various methods offered in this blog are one of those. At a broad level many things have improved.

  • I smoothly did my Lasik and took off my glasses after 27 years
  • Broke my fear of driving and started moving on the roads
  • Joined a fitness regimen
  • Finished a novel
  • My business is picking up
  • Conflicts have reduced
  • Most importantly I have stumbled on many more sources of spiritual knowledge and got into a meditation routine

Of course, I have had my share of deep angst through the year, but I have been able to deal with it much better.

Every time I have been in pain, I either read his blog or have confided in Naran and have found much relief.

Almost every life situation has been dealt with in the blog.  They are practical and can even be done on behalf of others.

What moves me the most is the non-judgmental generosity, devoid of greed in the responses to those who seek help.

Life is so infinitely complex, so limitless is our sadness and there really is so little we can do. When we really, really need help, how comforting it is to know there is an individual and a great wave of compassion that we can turn to.  

There is no way one can come upon spiritual knowledge except by an act of generosity. Therefore with the deepest gratitude not just for myself as a beneficiary but on behalf of all the million views on the blog I will sign off.

Please, please give these methods a chance. Some work, some don’t but keep at it, things will improve. What do we actually have to lose except our disbelief?

Thank you dear Naran!! LOVE THANKS DIVINE!!!

Get work done at government office


I need some remedy to get my birth documents corrected from the Municipal Office which I have been visiting for several months.

The birth certificate given does not have any name stated and I need my full name mentioned on it.

I also need my father and mother’s full name to be written on the certificate.



Write this in a paper and go to the office.


Have to put up with the delay: CENTAURY (can’t protest as you are in a weak position)

And so you feel resentment: WILLOW

Basic remedy combination to get any work done at Govt. office: ROCK WATER, WATER VIOLET

To do it immediately: NOW DONE

From the Bach Flower Remedy Workshop Manual

Pray that the flowers ROCK WATER and WATER VIOLET be active in the person’s energy field for next 6 hours or 8 hours.

Work will get done.

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Master of Recovery:

Not able to get accommodation

Client: For the past three or four months we are trying to get the accommodation for type 5 quarters. We are currently staying in type 3 quarters (smaller house).

My husband is a government employee and we are due to type 5 quarters (it’s a bigger one) for several months.

Naran: You are not able to get that.

What are the feelings you are having?

What if you don’t get it?

Client: I am unhappy about it.

Naran: How you are maintaining that unhappy feeling?

You have been saying you are not getting the apartment that is due to your husband.

What is the thought that goes on in your mind?

Whom you are blaming for this situation?

You have to consider all of them.

What are you doing about the situation?

Client: We are trying for the same. But for several reasons like – the type 5 apartment is not available and the houses are given based on priority, and we are not getting the apartment yet.

Naran: What are the other thoughts you are getting?

Why you are not getting the accommodation?

Who is responsible for that?

What are the feelings you get – like for example, “It is not unfair that houses are given first to senior people”?

List all of them.

Whatever you thoughts and whatever you had said about the individuals concerned – the people who had to allocate the house for you, just list them out. Release each and every one of them.

What are advantages going to type 5?

What disadvantages staying in type 3?

Write them out. Why I want to move away from type 3 quarters? There has to be some reasons. List them out, one after another.

There is one problem over which you might be thinking about. We need to unearth those thoughts.

Now work on your “Likes and dislikes”.

Presently there is lack of space means that it’s a dislike isn’t it? Therefore, you don’t like the current house. Then how will you get a new house?

As long as you don’t like the present house, which means you are rejecting the present house, you will not get any new house.

It’s a rule, “Accept the present that you don’t want, to get the one you want”.

Therefore, you to need to accept whatever are available to you currently and you release all the dislikes that you have about your present house.

You are continuously cursing that the space in the current house is not enough.

What will happen if you continue to do complain?

Even if you move to bigger house, eventually you will be faced with lack of space. How?

Your husband will get more books and some of your relatives will move in. In the current house, her husband has completely filled one room with books.

Another rule: same reaction will get you a similar result, if not the same result.

Say “I release my desire to go to type 5 quarters”.

This is very important.

Unconsciously you have the resistance to go to type 5 quarters. Therefore, say, “I release my resistance to go to type 5 quarters”.

What is meant by resistance to type 5 quarters?

There is a desire to be in type 3 quarters. Unconsciously,   you want to be in type 3 quarters because there is some advantage staying there.

Client: The advantage staying in type 3 quarters is that we are staying in the ground floor.

Naran: You have a desire to be in ground floor. This desire stops you from moving to type 5. Release that desire to be in type 3 quarters.

For all (troublesome) situations we are the reason behind it.

Whether she gets type 5 quarters or not, that is a different issue. Clean the clutters of your mind.

If you have the feeling, “Let it come when it has to come” then only it will come to you.

Instead, till such time (until you get the type 5 quarters) a fight goes inside, spoils your mood and you feel tensed all the time.

In addition, always you are angry about concerned authorities and criticizing the government officials. Release each and everything.

In the morning (before you came for the class) you would have picked up a fight with your spouse. You can release that even now (thus past is healed).

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Animal Spirits June 27 2009 Part II:

Pluses and Minuses:

Want a promotion:

No motive to do something

Commenting on:


I also have an issue, although the article is insightful, when we say that divine is the doer, I am not the doer. It does give a freedom from all the burdens.

But, in this case are we not being deprived of the motive to do something, which comes when we accept that we are totally responsible for the entire situation in which we are.

Would the human being not loose motive to move ahead in life, if he believes that divine is the doer.

I am not, then why should he care if he is doing something right or wrong because then also divine is responsible.

Can you please throw some light on this confusion?

I know I am sounding vague here, but I do loose motive to do something right and become lazy when I remember of this statement.


When one fully accepts the divine doer concept, one aligns with the higher mind – totally submitting oneself to the will of the divine.

When you do the work on hand as given by the divine, you will do reverentially. Your total concentration is on work. Extend this ownership and you will find others as divine.

Work is divine. Doer of the work is divine. Done for what / the result is divine. Done for whom?  That person is divine.

There is only love in the heart. There is only joy in the heart. There is only peace in the mind.

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Find the right plot of land


We are now living at my in-laws place with 2 children in one bedroom. My husband wants to buy a plot of land to build our own house.

I shall be grateful that you please give mantra and other remedy that I can do, so that we quickly find a plot of land at a good price with no blockages for financing (partly by us) and no obstacle to get a loan at bank to acquire same.




I am very grateful for the mantra given to me. Now, we have found the right plot of land which is bigger than what we were looking for, yet the price is very good.

Part payment is being done and we’ll have only one month to complete payment. However my husband needs to go abroad for 2 weeks for work starting next week.

Kindly give mantra and remedy for me to do, so that our loan request at the bank be accepted without delay before end of May 2014.


The same is to be continued.

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Have all the enthusiasm in life


Messages from Liver:

  • Start your work always enthusiastically with a child-like joy
  • Welcome every day as a new day
  • Be positive and be optimistic
  • There are no obstacles. There is less perseverance on your part.
  • Have a ‘Never say die’ attitude
  • Release your anger
  • Do not postpone
  • Have all the enthusiasm in life

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Fulfil your intentions


All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki.

Reiki works as per our intention. As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.

Some of our intentions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled.


It means the energy of those desires is very low.

Let us say, we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X minus 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled.

How to increase their energy level?

Give Reiki to those intentions. This will boost the energy level of them. For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki.

Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.

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Life situations where Walnut is helpful


When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like ‘PILLAYAR SULI” (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesha – the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don’t know how to start the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance – resistance means to fight against or refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book you promised to write and it’s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Defense against a verbal attack – WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized) – for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand: WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit).

When there is Delay, Obstruction, and Resistance: WALNUT.

When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT (“if he wants, he can help but he didn’t or he spoiled it”)

All of us worried about ****** (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another), Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT

When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is tension, WALNUT is the remedy.

Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for stiff are easy and relax. For relaxation – WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP’s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH (you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT – then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage — not to be influenced by peers and friends – WALNUT protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will find balance and protect self).

Due to constant criticism a child will become HEATHER. To prevent that from happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy.

Walnut tree is big.  When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and other flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell – (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell

The goal of Walnut’s healing is to have constancy and stability in one’s life!!!

Power ON


I came in contact with your site only two days before and I am finding it very interesting. The concept is all new for me never read or heard anywhere.

I want to share my today’s experience.

Today, when I came from office I had to do some urgent work but there was a power cut at that time.

I once or twice said the words “CHANGE DIVINE ORDER electricity NOW ON”.

To my surprise, light had come at once!

I don t know this was magic of words or just a coincidence. Would you please clear my doubt?


CHANGE the unwanted/undesirable situation (to) DIVINE ORDER and (to) move ON to the desirable situation, the switch words has helped her.

Sometimes saying once, things happen. While during some other time, you may have to say it many times.

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No solution in sight:

Seeing ray of hope


I am facing challenges in my career for the last 4 years – no recognition from my managers/higher authorities.

Could you please recommend a mantra for me to get the due appreciation for my hard work from my current managers?

And though I am trying to find another job in a different company I just face a lot of obstacles and do not get any results from my job hunt.

Suggest a mantra /switch words I can use for attracting the right job where I will be successful and happy?


Write “WATER VIOLET, CLEMATIS, WILLOW” daily for 51 times



I am doing the same for last 10 days. Day by day, I am becoming very desperate, frustrated and feeling all alone with stagnation in life. As I am seeing nothing is working for me. I’m doing Reiki as you have suggested in one of your blog for long standing problems.

But still all areas of my life are closed for me and not seeing ray of hope.


Do the forgiving exercise for all the persons in your life.

Thank also all the persons in your life.


As I was doing everything as u have suggested and unable to get any results.

No sooner I started forgiving and thanking exercise 3 times a day, very next day I got call from my previous boss to come and join on same post.

Thank you so much.

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