Posts tagged work

Life situations where Walnut is helpful


When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like ‘PILLAYAR SULI” (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesha – the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don’t know how to start the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance – resistance means to fight against or refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book you promised to write and it’s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Defense against a verbal attack – WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized) – for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand: WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit). When there is Delay, Obstruction, and Resistance: WALNUT. When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT (“if he wants, he can help but he didn’t or he spoiled it”)

All of us worried about ****** (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another), Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT

When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is tension, WALNUT is the remedy. Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for stiff are easy and relax. For relaxation – WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP’s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH (you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT – then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage — not to be influenced by peers and friends – WALNUT protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will find balance and protect self). Due to constant criticism a child will become HEATHER. To prevent that from happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy. Walnut tree is big.  When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and other flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell – (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell

The goal of Walnut’s healing is to have constancy and stability in one’s life!!!

Magic of Abundance CD


I am sorry that I am writing so late but have been immersed into too much work. I had shared with you in the abundance workshop in Mumbai on how ABUNDANCE CD helped my region achieve our sales targets.

We had a huge sales target for the month of March, being the financial yearend we need to do deficit of all other months.

On the 27th of the month, we had achieved only 50 % of our target and I was desperately writing switch words to bring new customer to center. Then it struck to me to use ABUNDANCE CD available in the center.

Since then it was pure ‘MAGIC’.

As we put the cd in the auto mode it played for 12 hrs every day in the office and daily. In the next 4 days we achieved our remaining target smoothly and effortlessly.

Also, a very important point I need to mention here. I sprayed (Bach Flower Remedy) WALNUT water every 1 hr in the premise. This made the staff positive, efficient and as go getters’.

I prostate to you with infinite blessings and thanks, not just for achieving the target but for all the solutions that you had given me, for all of my problems, by making them vanish.

I am so grateful to have you in my life as my Guide and my Mentor.

Lots of Love and Light!!!

God Bless!


Thank You!  Very Nice!! Walnut – a good, needed supplement, for the ABUNDANCE CD!!!

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Office Remedies Part II


Gain Respect in the Office: WILLOW and WATER VIOLET.

Male domination: women resenting it are in WILLOW state. When the resentment vanishes, the domination will vanish too.


MIMULUS is about a third person/entity – for somebody

LARCH is about oneself – no confidence in oneself

Won’t be able to complete – too much to do, a feeling of inadequacy: ELM

First Day in Office: WALNUT – will help us to adjust with the new place and people, WATER VIOLET will get us friends and get the required assistance to get settled down.

Effortless Completion of a Task: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Verify some document: BEECH

I am stuck with this management. The management is wrong by all means. I am stuck with this person even though I don’t like him: WILLOW, BEECH and WALNUT.

Friendly with my own group: I will talk only with people from my region – WATER VIOLET.

On the contrary, if one says people from a particular region/group/country are bad then it is WALNUT.

BEECH and WALNUT will help us to build a rapport among colleagues.

Sacking an associate: I have to fire somebody for some valid reasons. I am in CENTAURY state if I don’t want to hurt them. I am in PINE state, if I feel guilty after firing him.

My inquisitive associate: My associate will dig lots of information from us. He will ask numerous questions. But will not answer to any of our questions: HOLLY, WILLOW.

Not to be disturbed by the colleague: WILLOW, AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE (to get rid of)

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Office Remedies Part I:

Flowers @ Work:

Help came in a big bang

Commenting on the post:

V. Rajalakshmi

Since, the topics of trees have come up. I want to tell about a certain event.

In my work place, we have a very old and large MALAI VEMBU (Neem) tree below which everyone sits and vehicles are parked.

Last week, the entire tree with its base fell down. It made a crackling noise for some minutes before it fell, giving something like a warning, so that everyone could move out.

Surprisingly there was no vehicle nearby. So everything was safe. All of us thanked the divine tree.


Very good! Keep thanking when you see the trees – any tree on your way.

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Help at the Airport

Few years back, Naran’s son-in-law was leaving for the Chennai Airport.

He was about to take a flight to Singapore. His one-year old child was with him and he had to carry couple of suitcases too, which as anyone could guess would be difficult to manage.

Naran slipped a paper into his pocket a piece of paper, where he had written the name (Bach Flower Remedy) “WATER VIOLET”.

As soon as his son-in-law got down from the taxi, he found help immediately from the airport authorities, in the form of paid assistance to handle his stuff.

WATER VIOLET means “Help”.

If you are about to work in a country, where you had never been and whose customs you are not used to, then take Water Violet with you.

It will help you to form relationships as well as get the help you require.

Office Remedies Part I


Convincing about a useless product

I am asked to market a useless product. I don’t know how to convince the customers:

GENTIAN (for being discouraged) and WILLOW (for resentment)

Add LARCH to develop confidence in you to sell

To convince others – especially in selling, VERVAIN

Implement a process change

WALNUT, OAK (he goes in the same path, and so doesn’t look for alternatives) and HORNBEAM

Asking for leave

Asking for leave at the last moment, keep postponing it – because initially “my Boss will say no”

MIMULUS to face the boss

WALNUT for rapport with the boss

CENTAURY to speak your cause assertively

WILLOW: To avoid blaming the boss

No empowerment

My boss will put me in a critical situation giving an impression that why not I do the job myself.

If I do it independently though, she would get upset because I have done the job without consulting her.

WILLOW (blaming) and SCLERANTHUS (for fear of getting confusing instructions)

Getting shouted at

In front of everybody my boss shouts – “I didn’t make any mistake why should I be blamed.”

WILLOW (resentment) and add PINE (for being blamed) and LARCH (losing confidence) CRAB APPLE (what others will think about me)

Not satisfied with her own performance

Even though she has got a very good rating, she is not happy about the job she has done.

Pine for being not satisfied with one’s own work

Develop Creativity

Multimedia: ELM, CLEMATIS

Public Meeting

ELM, GORSE and HEATHER is for public presentation

Managing an incompetent person

I have to manage somebody who is not good. He is related to one of the directors.

WILLOW for resentment

BEECH for criticising

CENTAURY: because of inability to voice one’s opinion

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Seems like miracles


Dear Naran,

I have written many mails to you and when I don’t get reply, I don’t feel anything because my work is to tell you. I know that from that point on, I am in the grace of your Love and Light in Pink Healing Energy.

Since last six months, though life has been difficult and very depressing, it has been DIVINE ORDER at work.

Main purpose in writing this is to share what seems like miracles…!!!

Even after any horrific experience, which I normally have with my people, I have a deep and sound sleep. I wake up in the morning and remain calm. I am so calm that I cannot remember when I last took RESCUE REMEDY. This is despite so many stressful events on a daily basis – maid, college politics etc. I think I may finally earn my thick skin. J

A day before, God is so great that he didn’t even make me feel any stress over the missing bag. And before I knew of the loss, it was restored! What a divine grace! Else it would have been a great problem.

Every day, when I have some problems, and am not able to reach you or find a solution, I somehow get an answer.  I feel it may be just my fanciful imagination, but I am always smiling with my thoughts.

The other thing is that I was very disturbed by a couple of counselling cases. It seemed like a mirror to me and what I saw disturbed me greatly. But I took the learning and told myself, if you learn the lesson then you will be free. 

And I am trying to be LOVE as much as possible. I always try and give Reiki to college, students, exams, food etc.

Last but not the least, your trip to Mumbai. It is as if the last unfulfilled wish, God decided to put me out of misery. 


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What is Rescue Remedy:

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A balanced life!!!


Your wants have to be in balance

Wherever you need harmony you can use the word TOGETHER. It is a very special switch word. It goes deep into the life of person. It stimulates the values in us.

However, most of us do not know what we want. He will be working as a temporary worker but he may want freedom. Employment and freedom cannot go together. If you want freedom and independence then you should have your own business.

However, for doing business, he needs security and so he cannot invest in business. Like this, we are always in conflict in our lives.

Some people want to earn more money, but he cannot because if earns more money, his family life may be affected and so on.

Different parts of life

For all of us a balanced life is needed. What is that?

One is personal; one unknown person is there inside all of us. I can only know myself. That is the personal life in which physical life will be there too. You cannot be healing others continuously unless you are healthy. So, physical health is one part of life.

 The second part of life is our social life and relationships. That is, relationship with others – either relationship with the family or society.

The third part is professional. 

Thus, the first part of life is physical or personal, the second part is relationships, the third part is professional and the fourth part is spiritual.

Our conflicts of interest

All these four are not balanced in any of us because our interests are in conflict with each other.

Our physical health will be good but relationships will not be good. If relationship is good, his professional life will not be good as he may not go to the office.

When you take a decision for one part of life, it may imbalance the other part of life. When you decide to go to a foreign country, you will lose your family life.

For that reason, you cannot sit at home saying that for you, your family is important and therefore you will skip work.

In the same way, when you think money is important then you have to forego your family life.

Ultimately, you are working for your health, which is lost by working hard, going at 6 am and coming back at 12 midnight.

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Your mantras worked like wonders


I have decided to move on to High Court with the opinion of my senior. But to go to High Court I need to travel to 2.30 hours morning and evening.

But I want to join the High Court to continue my practice. I want that such a travel won’t affect my work and my health at any cost. I want to devote to my work 100% and want everyone will like my work there.

Besides working, I want to earn to sustain myself so that I won’t depend on anyone for money matters. As it is my start at High Court so they rarely pay to their juniors. I don’t want to depend on my family or anyone during my internship.

So pls help me to overcome this kind of fear and I want to shine like a star at my workplace.



Be in the SAFE and SECURE MUDRA in the night before sleep.


Finally, I joined the High Court with your given remedies. Thanks it really worked. I was quite nervous but your given mantras worked like wonders on me.

One more thing I want to share that my friend suddenly got angry at my joining of High Court. But I chanted the “SW” the whole time from today morning from 5 till 10.and amazing, she herself called me.

Big Thanks for your cooperation!!!

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Rule the Chakras to Rule Your Life


The lower three chakras rule us

We have seven chakras. However, we are acting from the first three chakras, namely BASIC/ROOT CHAKRA, SWADHISTANA CHAKRA and SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA.

“I am seeking myself to maintain myself, seeking pleasure, seeking to possess, stick to confirmed events” would be our ruling behavior as long we live out of these three chakras.

However we should live out of Anahata chakra

Then what I need will never end.

Why my needs are never ending? Because what I get never satisfies me.

ANAHATA CHAKRA (Heart Chakra) is the one that changes these chakras. Only through Anahata chakra we learn to give.

Who will win eventually – all the three lower chakras or one Anahata chakra?

Sadly, success of Anahata chakra is short-lived

Obviously the three chakras will win. But even if Anahata wins how it comes down again? Let us see.

Giving and sharing are the qualities of Anahata. But now and then Solar Plexus calls Anahata, and tells that ‘You are giving liberally. That’s very good’.

The moment it tells like that, ego sets in. When “ego” predominates, giving is denied.

You are not the doer, but the divine is

The quarrel of these four chakras is watched by VISUDHI that is THROAT CHAKRA.

Visudhi means purification. The Visudhi tells the other chakras, you are not the doer, and if you let go the thinking that I am the doer, you will become very good.

When ‘I am not the doer’ thinking comes to you, there will be surrender mentality. All your thoughts will be purified; your love will be refined; then you will accept whatever happens in your life.

Purification of Chakras

Which mantra purifies all these chakras? That is the mantra:





Eight times we are chanting HARE, every time you chant the mantra. When you chant HARE, your selfishness will go, and self-centeredness is removed.

When you chant RAMA, arrogance is removed, and the “I” goes off. As long as you are healthy we will not let go the “I”.

“KRU” means adaptability. We can go up and down in life, but wherever we go we have to be happy. For that “KRU” will help.

SHNA means let go of everything daily. Only when you let go you will be adaptable/flexible. If you are flexible means there is no arrogance.

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