
Addiction to drink


Treatment through Bach Flower remedies

No will power to discontinue drinking: ROCK WATER

Gives the reason for drinking by blaming his parents/ spouse: WILLOW

Says to get release from business worries, and other such problems:      AGRIMONY

Drinks if somebody offers a drink: CHICORY

Morning he promises he will give up drinking, evening he takes it: SCLERANTHUS

Can’t refuse to drink if somebody offers it: Centaury, WALNUT

To break from drinking habit – base remedy: WALNUT

Feels ashamed next day morning to face his people: ROCK WATER

Steals money to fund his drinking habit: CHESTNUT BUD

Feels guilty after he drinks: PINE

Abusive – physical and shouts at others after drinking: VINE, CHERRY PLUM

Note: One or more remedies have to be given based on the reasons cited above.

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