Divine Shakthi
Postpone monthly cycle naturally
I am regularly visiting your site. All topics are so good and interesting. Thanks for the service rendered.
I have a general question about ladies problem. For some important family occasions we have to postpone the monthly cycle by taking tablets/injection.
Please suggest remedies so that we can postpone it naturally without tablets/injection.
Very needful question for many ladies! Thank you Naran!!
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Feel Depressed Due to Menopause
I am going through menopause symptoms. I am aged 46.
I feel very depressed, sometimes too much angry, want to cry loudly on some old issues of family, feel lonely and think that life is useless.
Please help me.
Take MUSTARD and SCLERANTHUS when you are depressed.
When you are angry, take HOLLY and WILLOW.
Depression: MUSTARD
Mood swings: SCLERANTHUS
Too much anger: HOLLY
Anger due to resentment: WILLOW
Transition to new phase of life: WALNUT
Sudden regression due to menopause: GENTIAN
Tired due to this new situation: HORNBEAM
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Prescription of Bach Flower Remedies: http://reachnaran.com/prescription-of-bach-flower-remedies/
Might be Menopause: https://divineshakthi.wordpress.com/2013/08/05/might-be-menopause/
Teenage Rape Victim
A girl was raped during her teenage.
After marriage she developed depression. She gets mad at her children. That’s not a regular feature though.
At times in a month – periodicity is once a month or week: WHITE CHESTNUT.
Behaviour – she sometimes does nothing: WILD ROSE.
She gets mad at children: CHERRY PLUM.
To heal the traumatic event happened: STAR OF BETHLEHEM.
The above mentioned behavior was there for many years: WALNUT.
I asked her to take Star of Bethlehem separately once a day, for a month and rest of the (Bach Flower) remedies in water and ask her to sip it 6 to 7 times.
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Secret of recovering from post-operative pains
Yesterday, my Gynecologist performed a small abortion on me, to remove the left over foetus material which had remained tough.
I hardly had any pain as I was chanting “OM PRAAM PREEM PROWM SAHA SHANESHCHARAYA NAMAHA” all through the procedure.
After that, I chanted “WALNUT, RESCUE REMEDY”.
As soon as they shifted me to the ward, I was able to get up myself and use the toilet all by myself. My doctors and sisters present looked at me with dropped jaws. It made me smile
But, I can’t tell those scientific believers such things about divine. So, I kept it to myself, the secret of my recovery.
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Pain Healers: http://healbybachflowers.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/pain-healers/
Mantras from Colour Therapy Class July, August 2010: http://healbymeditation.wordpress.com/2010/09/01/mantras-from-colour-therapy-class-july-august-2010/
All-time Safety
Referring the blog: http://findlifeanswers.wordpress.com/2012/09/24/why-this-discrimination-against-girls/
Will doing what you have told us create a situation whereby girls are safe in all aspects?
That is a different question, different answer.
You cannot create any situation. You can handle a situation as per the requirement.
Nobody including men can be safe in all aspects.
When there is fear of something, handle that situation.
Or if the question is asked pertaining to a situation one is facing, I will give solution to handle that situation.
Okay. Thank you for your response. I understand it better now.
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By all means travel safe: http://reachnaran.com/by-all-means-travel-safe/
Why this discrimination against girls: http://reachnaran.com/why-this-discrimination-against-girls/
How to handle sexual harassments?
What to do about sexual harassment from strangers/men? How to avoid unwanted attention and have peace of mind in areas around my home?
Do the forgiving exercise. You can say “I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME LOVE THANKS DIVINE”.
Interestingly, I only said this a few times and the harassers have decided to move about 100 meters from where they usually gather. One of them even tried to be nice to me. They occasionally come near but mostly the problem has alleviated.
Now there is a remaining fear that I might encounter men again. How can I clear this completely?
Fear attracts what we fear. So the Bach Flower Remedy Mimulus is prescribed to handle our known fears.
The “I am sorry” mantra breaks the unwanted connection from us and the harassers.
End my problems during my periods
Whenever I am nearing my periods I am out of control and I feel myself like a water melon (big stomach). I’ll be very angry and scold my kids and beat them too.
I feel like my eye sight is also affected then.
Please help me to lead an active life then also.
Chant “HOLLY, MIMULUS, CHERRY PLUM” during that period.
Intend then, ‘Hormones be quiet and relaxed’.
The Bach flower remedies are used:
HOLLY: to control rage
MIMULUS: fear it will happen during the periods. This fear – expectation, will create the same thing that was feared.
CHERRY PLUM: for losing control
The intention is to command the hormones to be normal instead of becoming over-active.
Why this discrimination against girls?
I have a general question. Ladies is facing plenty of problems in life from childhood. Gents are also facing but less compared to ladies.
From childhood a girl should be safe in all areas of life. If married responsibilities increases.
Also, hearing bad words under circumstances, if marriage is delayed, child-birth is delayed. Society will say that a girl is unlucky.
I have said only examples and many more are there. For example, at the age of 45 also a boy is married as a first marriage / second marriage.
But, in case of ladies how many are ready to marry a girl at the age of 45, for the same first marriage/second marriage.
Is it a curse to be born as a girl? Girls are equal to boys and studying well, earning etc. But, in particular cases enjoying less freedom in the society, compared to boys.
Just remembering these words of Mahatma Gandhi: “We get full independence only when a girl can walk in the midnight wearing plenty of jewels and safe in all aspects”.
After so many years of independence also it has not been fulfilled. Tomorrow is an Independence Day (for India) and hence this question.
Thank you.
Why should I see and feel sorry for the problems?
Or why don’t I see the good in the same society and feel happy.
Whatever is happening in the world is just an event.
We judge any event by categorizing it as bad or good.
We are not taught to see good in bad too.
When anything happens to our dislike or when anything disturbs our peace, fill up that event with love by just chanting “FORGIVE LOVE THANK TOGETHER BE DIVINE”.
Forgiving the person will make you think that every person is directed by the Divine will. If every person is directed by God, why should I meddle with the divine will?
I extend my love to him. If I can send the energy of love from the heart which is open because of forgiveness, I thank the Divine for this revelation – new thinking.
Thanking any person – a state of gratitude – unites your mind with the Divine. You will BE one with the Divine flow – TOGETHER BE DIVINE and be blessed.