
How Mind Affects Our Prana?

Read the first part of the article, “Increase Your Energy Levels” here:


Anger and worry will reduce the Prana inside us. If Prana is reduced, then your physical vitality will also be reduced.

Within worry, there is fear and sadness. Anger has jealousy, envy, likes and dislikes behind it.

What will increase Prana then?

When you do yoga for example, it will and due to that, it stabilizes the physical stuff.

Prana also can be increased by having certain states of mind.

What are those mental states that increase the Prana and thus our degree of vitality levels?

According to Dr. Mikao Usui – the founder of Reiki, the following principles do that:

You should act with your conscience;

Even if you see a cockroach struggling to get up from its upside down position, you should help it, to regain its position. This single act alone can increase your Pranic energy thousand fold.

For anything good done to us, we have to say thanks; especially for parents we have to keep on say love and thanks as we owe so much to them.

Even inanimate things like the house you live in – say thanks to them.
