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How Mind Affects Our Prana?

Read the first part of the article, “Increase Your Energy Levels” here:


Anger and worry will reduce the Prana inside us. If Prana is reduced, then your physical vitality will also be reduced.

Within worry, there is fear and sadness. Anger has jealousy, envy, likes and dislikes behind it.

What will increase Prana then?

When you do yoga for example, it will and due to that, it stabilizes the physical stuff.

Prana also can be increased by having certain states of mind.

What are those mental states that increase the Prana and thus our degree of vitality levels?

According to Dr. Mikao Usui – the founder of Reiki, the following principles do that:

  •   Be honest

You should act with your conscience;

  •  Be kind to others – express kindness and love to others.

Even if you see a cockroach struggling to get up from its upside down position, you should help it, to regain its position. This single act alone can increase your Pranic energy thousand fold.

  •  Have an Attitude of Gratitude

For anything good done to us, we have to say thanks; especially for parents we have to keep on say love and thanks as we owe so much to them.

  •  Also say thanks to others – even to your enemy. He will become your friend then. Don’t have vengeance and hatred. They not only will sustain the enmity but will reduce Prana as well.

Even inanimate things like the house you live in – say thanks to them.

Increase Your Energy Levels


All over the world, everyone understands the existence of energy and the need of energy. 

A person to move from Anna Nagar to T. Nagar needs energy. Energy is available within us.

Energy can be Increased or Decreased

Within us, how are our energy levels are increased or decreased?

It depends on how we react to our life situations. If we are happy then energy will be in plenty. If not then that means we will have little energy.

Until our death energy is present. When somebody is dead we say Prana is not there.

We check their breath to find that out. Prana and breath are connected. They are not one and the same. Breath is in the body.

Body needs energy to carry on and that’s called as Prana or Reiki. Prana is increased or decreased by our minds.

Thanks to Reiki, people have found that we could manipulate the universal energy for the highest good of everybody concerned.

Reiki is…

  • Powerful and very subtle
  • All organs are working in coordination with the universal energy that’s Reiki.
  • Reiki is extending love and light to the cells of the body.
  • Wherever there is less energy we energise that area. We don’t do more than that.

Body, Mind and Prana are Interrelated

To sustain the physical body, we need food – healthy food. Our body grows if we are taking sufficiently good food. Then we are healthy.

After digestion is over everything is converted to oxygen and behind oxygen is Prana (so it increases too). They are bound to each other.

So, we should eat oxygen- rich food. If so, we will be healthy.

Unfortunately the food we eat doesn’t contain enough oxygen, thanks to environmental pollution.

I read in the newspaper, Apples that we import from Fiji and Washington contain nothing but carbon dioxide. When they are transported by airplanes, I believe they are infused with carbon dioxide.

Therefore, preferably we take seasonal fruits that are locally available. Even they are not grown properly these days.

Yet, we still manage to live because we have enough Prana to sustain us. If Prana is maintained well, health will be maintained too.

Read the next part of the article ‘How Mind Affects Our Prana”:

Winning Switch Words Part III


Switch Word(s) Description
On Not getting stuck up in a situation

No interruptions

Get creative ideas

Stay alert and awake when you work during late nights

Off Sleep well
Reach Find the lost article
Reach Divine Order To come out of long-held negative beliefs
Release Resistance If healing doesn’t happen even after several attempts add these switch words to the healing combination of remedies (during chanting)/ switch words
Release Resistance Find Buyer Count Now Done To find a buyer for your property hasn’t yielded any results even after many efforts.

Buyer is not a switch word.

Slow Care Wise people act slowly and carefully, so to become wise these switch words
Stretch On To able to continue doing the task you are currently doing comfortably, especially when you are tired
Thanks To show attitude of gratitude
Together To work out a good relationship with others

Have a balanced mind

Get co-operation from colleagues

To find resolution and resolve conflict with others

Together Find Centre Divine Love To find love within and in-turn attract love in your life
Together Divine To improve relationship with your spouse

Bring peace into the family when there is on-going quarrel

Together Find Divine Love Attract love and people
Together Find Divine Order Count Now On To get a salary hike

To find money and order out of a situation

Together Reach Divine Love Centre Attain Soul Love
UP To manage your depression
With To become compatible with a person
Why It’s an afformation. You ask the brain why something you want has happened. It will find that out for you and make it happen.

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Winning Switch Words Part II:

Winning Switch Words Part I:

Exercises for Program Your Life

Read the 1st part of the article here:

Read the 2nd part of the article here:


For the following imaginary life situations do the releasing techniques mentioned in the articles referred above:

  1. Power cut, when you are having your dinner.
  2. When you leave the house to drive to Airport, you realize your car key is missing.
  3. You are a branch manager of a bank; gave a loan believing that the client would submit the document the next day. For the next three days, he didn’t.
  4. You are invited to lecture on a topic. You prepared well and delivered it. After the event, many in the audience said that they knew the stuff already.
  5. Feelings and thoughts about an unreasonable spouse/co-worker/servant
  6. When a cop demands the driving license, you proudly showed it. The cop retorted, “What is this! You are showing an expired license!”
  7. You have ordered for a takeaway. Friends have arrived, but not the dinner. The caterer phone switched off.

Program Your Life – Part I

Letting GO is the Nature of LIFE


When you look at the whole world you will understand we only are holding on to mind.

What is the opposite of letting go? “Holding on to” is the opposite word. Holding will restrict us. Letting go expands us.

By letting go you are discharging from yourself what is not required by you, like Water putting out the Fire. Body and Nature Follows this rule 100%.

Watch the body. What it does?

Whatever is inhaled, lungs have to exhale out. Lungs cannot keep the air even for one second.

Heart – what does it do? It takes in blood and sends it out immediately. Blood enters the heart through Auricles and let out through Ventricles.

Whatever you take in, has to be let it out. It is the natural process of the body.

Lungs contract to let go, kidneys contract to let go urine, intestines peristaltically (downward movement) contract to let go the faeces and skin lets go by sweat.

The mouth lets go whatever you eat to the stomach. Stomach lets it go to the intestine. Intestine and kidneys let go as excretion.

Morning lets go to the noon, the noon lets go and becomes afternoon. Afternoon lets go and become the evening, and then evening to night. Each and every second gives way to the next.

Let go before taking the action. Then let go the emotions and thoughts attached to results.

Ask the questions:

  • What do you expect to achieve?
  • What is the driver desire or wanting behind each emotion and thought?
  • Wanting to control or change?
  • Wanting appreciation, recognition? (Desire for Approval)
  • Wanting more security? (fearful)

With this technique, you are not prevented from doing anything. Let go emotions as well as thoughts, and then Act.

“You are only entitled to Act. Don’t think about the result while doing” – says Lord Krishna in Bhagavat Gita.

The theory, we propose here is a new dimension to Bhagavat Gita and a new understanding of the Gita.

Read the 2nd part of the article here:

Simple ways to meditate Part II

Read the first part of the article here:

How to acquire a good breathing pattern?

  • When you meditate, place the index finger at the base of the thumb on both the hands. Breathing will get deeper and you could meditate properly, as shallow breathing spoils it.
  • Don’t take the index finger straight away move your finger to the base of the thumb. First touch the tip of thumb with the index finger. Then after some time, move the index finger to the middle of the thumb, and finally the base of the thumb.
  • Don’t do it mechanically. Feel the breath with a conscious awareness.
  • Observing your breathing is also a good way to meditate. This is part of meditation known as Vipassana meditation.

Space Meditation

  • After learning to breathe well, do the space meditation.
  • Be aware of the space between the chair you are sitting and the wall. Don’t look at the wall. Instead look at the space between you and the wall.
  • This is known as ‘Space Meditation’. Keep the eyes open throughout.

Bach Flower Remedies as Aids to Meditation

White chestnut helps to remove our thoughts, Chestnut bud not to have any distractions and Willow if you think one or the other bothers you.

Chant Mantra during Meditation

It’s nature of our mind to cling to something. You can choose a mantra to do that. After sometime you should be able to say goodbye to it. Mantra itself is not divinity. It means constantly thinking about a word, which is a mantra. Ultimately that also should go.

When it will go? We don’t know. May be, it’s not in this Janma.

Simple ways to meditate Part I


Meditation is an experience that nobody can teach you.

Neither can we go to deep into meditation suddenly as it’s a practice and a habit that is formed over a period of time.

Meditation means, to remain silent. Though, thoughts keep appearing.

If any thought is present then it’s not meditation. How to remain thoughtless though?

Remaining silent with releasing techniques

How to remain silent in spite of thoughts?

Mind can cling to picture or a mantra.

Do we have a mantra for silence? There is no mantra for silence.

However, there is a technique to create silence. The technique is as follows:

  • When a thought comes don’t resist it. Say inside you, ‘this is my thought’. Thus, you disassociate yourself from the thought.
  • Then ask the question to yourself, ‘Can I let go this thought?’ It will go. You can also say “release”. Then it will go.
  • Now, there will be at least a one second gap between thoughts. This is equivalent to one hour of meditation. In general, we never have a gap between thoughts. In general we might have ten thoughts in one second.
  • If you do not want the “let go” step, then form your own mantra or word. When we say that mantra, we create a gap between the thoughts.
  • When a thought comes, interrupt it with the mantra and you will become silent. When another thought comes, say the mantra. The silence in between the mantra is meditation.

Need for pranic and physical bodies to be in coordination

Our pranic body and physical body have to be in coordination. Otherwise, we can’t meditate.

If we regulate our breathing pattern or do pranayama then they will be in coordination.

This is because both breathing and prana have the same origin. When breathing is regulated, prana is regulated too.

Pranic body has to be clear of impurities

When the pranic body is clean, then the meditation can be done successfully.

Why so much impurities in the pranic field?

It’s due to the mind. My own sadness and worries create these impurities. With the help of pranayama, one can clean these impurities.

Read the second part of the article here:

How to improve one’s health?

Question: Can you please suggest which story to listen to improve one’s health?


Physical health is not separate from mental health.

If one can keep oneself stress-free, it will reflect physically also.

How does our worry, tension, or constant thinking of our physical problem affect the body?

Read the role of oxygen in the article mentioned below, in maintaining one’s own health.

Keep yourself mentally healthy. You will keep good health.

If one has a recurring problem, one has to come out of it mentally. Suffering will come down.

Read the stories that give you peace of mind.

Refer the article, “How to Avoid Getting Cancer”:

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Goals Achievement through Reiki Part II

Read the first part of the article here:


How to create affirmations?

Affirm, “Reiki heal the intention for the highest good for everybody concerned”.

Why should we add this sentence to the affirmation? This is surrendering to Reiki, as only on a surrender things will happen. When we believe that Reiki can do it, it will start working.

We need a separate paper for everyone included in the healing. If one person is healed then we don’t have to give Reiki to them.

Though, you can give Reiki for all the affirmations put together.

Or use a Reiki box where you can have multiple papers inside the box and give Reiki to it.

The box will be charged permanently and therefore any papers (stuff) kept inside the box will be energised quickly.

Draw all the symbols.

Need not be in order, for example you can draw Zonar many times before drawing another symbol.

Have the hands over the box or the individual affirmation.

Instead of doing nothing while hands are placed, you may chant the “I am sorry” mantra, which goes like this, “I am sorry. Please forgive Me. Love Thanks Divine”.

Hot to form a (Reiki) Intention?

Write the Intention as though it has already happened and give it Reiki.

Within 10 minutes draw the symbols as many times as possible.

When you place the hands on the paper and affirm, “I am sorry! Please forgive me. Love, Thanks and Divine!”

Once the goal is realized, put the paper in water and tear it or thank it and throw it in the dustbin.

Writing your intentions

You will have multiple desires. What’s your immediate priority? Write that in the paper.

Add to the affirmation, “Reiki heal the intention for the highest good of all concerned”.

Visualize as though it has happened. This will reinforce the intention.

End with the symbol Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and as this will take the intention to Reiki source. You may also affirm, “I am placing it at the source of Reiki”.

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Goals Achievement through Reiki Part I


How Reiki works in achieving our goal?

All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki. It works as per our intention.

As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.

Why some goals are not achieved?

Some of our intensions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled.

Why? It means the energy of those desires is very low.

Let us say we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X – 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled. So it has to be increased to make our intensions fulfilled.

How to increase the energy level behind the intensions? Give them Reiki. This will boost the energy level of them.

For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki. Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.

Affirmations and Reiki

If you say, “I want to be successful in business” then it means that there is a lack of success in business.

This area (business) is not receiving required energy either from body or mind. To make it successful, give Reiki – the universal energy to that area.

Write the goal as if it happened and give Reiki to it.

How Reiki Works Here?

I am not successful in one area of life because there is internal resistance – otherwise known as psychological reversal or internal sabotage mechanism.

When an intention is unfilled, it means it requires some more amount of energy.

Let us say we have 30 no’s of energy, while 70 is required, then the remaining energy can be generated through Reiki.

Reiki channels are successful because they work on the affirmations with lots of perseverance.

When we fail we form a belief, a self-limiting belief. We have to remove that from the mind.

We can remove it through Reiki. None of your intentions will go unfulfilled, I challenge you on this.

Read the part II of the article, “How to create affirmations and form intentions” here:

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