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SOHAM Meditation


Say ‘SO’ during inhale internally and ‘HAM’ for exhale. A mild or soft breath will do.

Use only one speed while doing this rapid breathing, without holding the breath during inhale and exhale.

After 45 minutes of rapid breathing, we don’t need to breathe at all. In that state of no breathing, we merge with the cosmic breath. Then the latter will take over our breathing and take care of it.

Whenever we have a diarrhea or dysentery SOHAM breathing can do the necessary healing. Our pulse rate changes from 74 to 60.

If the breathing is fast, then our focus will be on our breath, mind becomes quiet, and throws away toxins from our system.

Instead of SOHAM (I am that), you may chant NAGAM (I am not) or KOHAM (who am I).

It is better to use a CD that chants SOHAM as then it will be easier for us to maintain the speed of breathing.

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Sleep and Relaxation Tonic


In a glass of water, drop three pills of WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE and WALNUT each. Sip the water after every 10 minutes.

This combination is a good mental relaxant too.

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Detach Emotionally


I have a problem of getting emotionally attached to people (especially of the opposite sex). They would come on my mind for maximum times of the day.

I unknowingly get so involved that after some time in the relationship, I say or do things that I don’t want to or that which is not good for the relation. Then of course there is friction in the relation.

I really start to feel the energy when this starts to happen. I try to control but cannot.


Do the forgiving exercise with EFT (tapping).

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Waiting for a Call


When you are waiting for a call from a person, you can be in the Movement Mudra and you can chant, “BETWEEN DIVINE”.

The switch words BETWEEN subconsciously connects you to that person.

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Disharmony in Family and Marriage:

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Switch words for family and office harmony

When you think problems are unbearable or mounting do the forgiving exercise and chant “THANKS TOGETHER DIVINE”

When this ordeal will change – “ADJUST TOGETHER CHANGE NOW DIVINE”

I am constantly worrying over my state of affairs – “MOVE ON FIND DIVINE ORDER”

I feel unloved; lonely; isolated – “TOGETHER GIVE CIRCULATE ME”

When this problem will end – “TOGETHER HALF WAY DIVINE”

He is not listening to me, if my mother-in-law is not there, we can be happy – “GIVE TOGETHER DIVINE LOVE”


So much frustrated – “OVER / TOGETHER DIVINE”

He is holding a grudge against me – “REVERSE TOGETHER FIND DIVINE LOVE”

What is the solution – “TOGETHER REACH DIVINE ORDER”

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Stop! Craving for food!!


Give the Bach Flower Remedy CHICORY, as greediness is expressed through food. Add it with ROCK WATER and CHERRY PLUM.

WALNUT should be taken separately.


Rock Water is prescribed for thinking, “I want to be strict with myself. I want to be self-disciplined”.

Cherry plum is for temptation and Chicory to come out of self-gratification (compensatory behavior).

Cherry Plum is added as they will feel, “I want to control my craving”.

Rock Water and Cherry plum go together, because if somebody says, “I want to control”, then they will lose their control”. 

Walnut is given to form a habit of eating properly.

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Adi Sankara and Scientists Think Alike


Adi Sankara: “The sky blue as we see it as blue as there is a person to see it as blue. If there is nobody to see then what is the color of Sky?”

A Nobel Prize winner says your world is your perception. The same world changes to our thought patterns and everybody see a different world. This is the basis of quantum theory.

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Doing Well in Business


A textile shop owner was getting only one or two customers a day. This is not good enough to run the business.

I instructed him to do the following:

  1. When you make a sale, how do you handover the clothes to the customer? He will be using his right hand isn’t it?
  2. So, visualize giving sari from your right hand to customer’s right hand without worrying about visualizing their faces. Don’t think about the money you will be receiving.
  3. Visualizing doing it for 9 more people like that.

After a month of doing this exercise, he reported to getting 7-8 customers a day, which helps his business to run smoothly.

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Asthma will disappear

One old man couldn’t come up stairs to Naran’s clinic, because he has asthma.

Naran enquired what type of healing can be initiated for him.

He commented that one part of the hair in his head is grey.

Interestingly, he is not worried about 20 years of his asthma. Why?

It is because the disease has become part and parcel of him. However, he is conscious about his appearance, and wants to look beautiful as he has the desire for approval in him.

The remedy therefore for Asthma is the Bach Flower Remedy CRAB APPLE.

But, Asthma will disappear and not his grey hair.

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Proper Functioning of Liver


For sugar, everyone goes after pancreas, but liver is very important. That only manages it.

So, when liver mantra “OM CHI NAMAHA” is chanted, Sugar will get better.

If sugar is there, then liver will definitely be having problems. So, Liver needs to be taken care of.

If liver is functioning properly, then sugar problem won’t come.

If Liver gets better then right solution would be found for the other problems.

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