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Gain Happiness and Prosperity


Use the Power Life Symbol 84-Happiness-Forever for to gain Happiness and Prosperity.

While looking at the symbol, chant the switch words, “TOGETHER COUNT DIVINE ELATE NOW”

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Establishing harmony WITH a person


WITH means is to be compatible with the opposite or concerned person.

TOGETHER DIVINE WITH … (Name of the person), when you want the other person to agree with you

When you want a harmonious atmosphere chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH. If you chant this switch word combination, the atmosphere will change beautifully.

The meaning of CLEAR is light. When there is light in a place, there cannot be darkness (problem or disharmony).  CLEAR has been in use since thousand years. CLEAR is a very powerful word.

No need to chant the names of the persons to be healed

Don’t bother about the names of the persons who need harmony. Just chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH.  Still it works beautifully.

At the subconscious level of the mind there is no ‘you’ and ‘me’. Everything is one. At the subconscious level there is no differentiation, all are one. The difference is because of the body, and of the mind’s association with the body. That’s why we see the difference between each other

So you don’t have to add the names of the persons to be healed, when you chant the words. You can simply chant CLEAR TOGETHER DIVINE WITH. Automatically harmony will settle in.

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Fearful about nightmares


My mom gets nightmare, while sleeping and shouts with terrible fear.



Put 6 pills of each in a cup of water and ask her to have it before going to sleep.


Nightmares: ASPEN

Terrible fears after getting nightmares: RESCUE REMEDY

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Lead your life with joy and enthusiasm


Every day when you wake up in the morning, do you wake up enthusiastically? We don’t.

That is what is required from us. It is the demand from our Liver.

Start your work always enthusiastically with a child-like joy’ is message of the liver. It also says, ‘Welcome every day as a new day’.

Let go of your failure attitude

Many of us say, “However much I tried I am not able to succeed in my life! There are so many blocks around”.

Be positive and be optimistic’ is another message from the Liver. It says, ‘There are no obstacles. There is less perseverance on your part’.

‘Never say die’ attitude of Liver

Liver contains millions of cells. Out of these cells, even if 90% of the cells die, the liver functions normally. That is the best example of optimism – a ‘Never say die’ attitude.

If you think that you have failed then you are spoiling the liver and de-energizing it.

Sometimes, we also say that while others are progressing, we are not doing well. We say that with resentment and anger. ‘All are doing fine but I am not’ – when you say these words you are killing the liver.

Welcome every day as a new day

Liver represents wood (based on Chinese classification) or air element. Plants look fresh and new every day. They always welcome the day as if it is a new day for the entire life.

Whenever you want new life, you can thank your Liver and give a smile to it. You can also do a ‘Shhhhh’ sound, during your exhale.

Release your anger

All our anger settles at the Liver. When we condemn ourselves or when we have anger and resentment, the toxins gets accumulated at the Liver.

To remove these toxins you have to do the sound healing with sound ‘Shhhhh…..’ during exhaling. Inhaling through and then while exhaling say the mantra.

Completing the job on hand is the key

Do not postpone’ is also the message of the Liver. Once you start the work, you should not stop in the middle. You have to contribute one hundred percent to it.

When you reach the peak level you have all the enthusiasm in life. You will have the joy to do the work and you will be contributing hundred percent to the work.

When you are doing the work with full enthusiasm you will reach the peak. Then you are only in the giving mode and not in the ‘giving and receiving’ cycle.

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Changes begins from us

Question: What is a Rogue husband? Do we refer to infidelity or incompatibility or uncaring?


It means all.

It is her view. We don’t know whether a person is a rogue or not.

However, the healing is always given to a person who makes a complaint about the other. As a healer, we assess the mental state (of the person complaining) and give the remedies.

Question: Is it possible for a man who has led a wayward life since his teens change into a good man with the help of remedies?


Anybody can change into a better person, provided he wants to.

However, the healing is always aimed at the self.

If you are putting up with a person, who is wayward, you have to change yourself. Heal your emotions; heal your reactions; heal your way of thinking.

If you are able to change effect in yourself, by taking the appropriate remedies, the opposite person will change.

In any relationship, one has to change to see the change in the other. This is the rule.

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Thanking people works


It is very interesting just thanking people for the behavior you prefer actually has been working everywhere. It showed me there is a lack of gratitude in my life.

Just do what Naran says.

Do not ask too many questions….as they are all excuses!

It still heard to believe with my mind but my heart knows it’s true.

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Worried About Losing My Friendship


I have a misunderstanding with a friend of mine. I am not sure, next time when I meet her, whether she will properly talk to me or not.

For the last two days, I have this anxiety. So, I released all my anxiety. Now I feel ok.

However, I am worried, when I meet her next time how she will react and how will I handle it.


1.       Release the anxiety (worry).

2.       You are having a desire to keep the friendship going. Release this desire too.

You are only releasing the thought, emotions and desires. You are not stopping the actions (to be her friend).

Here, instead of the enacting the usual drama we create, we simply observe what is happening in our mind. We release and observe the whole incident as a third person.

Which is convenient – fearing about something or releasing?

In the end, we keep the mind blank – free from worries, anger and fears.

What are the ultimate results we gain due to this technique?

As long as we are working from a noisy mind, there will not be any solution to the problem. 

By releasing all the emotions (and thoughts and desires) one after another, we are taking one step after another towards a litter-free (mind) zone, where we will be free of our emotions and thoughts.

Then the solution for the problem will be found automatically as that part of the mind (litter free zone) knows how to tackle the problem.

In this technique, we do no prayers.

If my house is full of garbage what will I do?

I will simply clear them isn’t it? When I remove all the clutters in the house it becomes good.

In the same way, I release all the clutters from my mind.

Desire is the motivator behind our actions. For me what is motivating me to seek friendship in my friend? There is a desire for approval operating in it. Release it.

When anything comes inside your mind, Just say, “Can I release? Yes. I release this. I let go this…”

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Teeth and gum problems


Can you give me mantra for correcting my teeth and gum problems?

My tooth pain and bleeding of gums occurs frequently.

I cannot concentrate on house hold work and keep shouting at my little daughter because I am having this pain.


There is one GUM TONE available in pharmacies. It is a tooth powder which can help you.

It is manufactured by Charak Pharmaceuticals.

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Remain calm in extreme life situations

Mother’s Message: Fearlessness in the vital


The vital is highly disturbed having nothing but fear.

In extreme difficult situations, one becomes panicky and terror-stricken losing patience, running helter – shelter and becomes mentally and physically inert.

Small lavender blue cup-shaped BRINJAL FLOWER (Solanum melongena) helps us to remain calm and composed in any extreme situations. It balances the vital, and normalizes the Hara chakra.

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Cleared Nasal Congestion


I have suffering from nasal allergy (running nose, congestion, now headache). I have been taking some medicines and now on anti-biotic also. 

Since last night, it has worsened in spite of medications. Sleep gets disturbed early morning too. 

My dad suggested me to do Linga Mudra.  Can I do it? 


Chant “CLEAR ADJUST NOW” by being in the LINGA MUDRA for 15 minutes.

Then be in PRAN MUDRA for 30 minutes.


I am writing this THANK YOU for the chant for allergy under SOS subject a few days ago. 

It was a great relief for me, almost like magic, the nasal congestion and the entire problem that came with it disappeared in 2 days!!!!

However, it hasn’t gone away completely.  Should I continue chanting and doing mudras? 

My fingers ache after 15 min. Can I do it twice for 15 minutes? 


Continue for some more time. Yes you can split and do so.

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