Posts tagged good

Obsessed with rules and principles


Rock Water

A ROCK WATER person is too much disciplined, giving too much importance to physical exercise, and highly obsessed with rules and principles – like the king who killed his son crushing the latter with his chariot. 

A Rock Water’s son will be a CHESTNUT BUD. There is a saying that a cop’s son will be a thief and a teacher’s son will be an idiot.

A Rock Water person will get problems in knee joints – indicating inflexibility in his approach.

Cherry Plum

Suddenly you will lose control and get violent – for example, misplaced anger. Father upset about something at work, comes home and vents his anger on his family members.

Rock Water person can become a Cherry Plum and lose their control. The modern day sages, who follow extreme practices and suddenly going into bad ways, are one great example.

A Cherry Plum person is Impulsive. Those who have a suicidal tendency need Cherry Plum.

Chestnut Bud

He is evasive and has escaping tendencies. He is a good liar. The person lacks a good memory as well as concentration.

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Two months without salary:

Why and How to Release Emotions and Expectations

Based on discussion with Naran

Financial worries and other such stuff takes up our mind. So we become a 24/7 worrier. Our energy stuck up in our heads and faces.

The Switch Word CANCEL removes this thought pattern, just like the Bach Flower Remedy WHITE CHESTNUT or better WWC (WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE).

When you RELEASE or CANCEL the thought pattern associated with our goal and desires, then the desire manifests for the good of everybody concerned in the manner you require.

We need to RELEASE our past – the unwanted luggage that we are carrying.

We had to RELEASE our anger against others and the associated expectations about them.

Let us say you are about to leave for an opportunity abroad. Immediately your mind starts dreaming, expecting things and making lots of plans. Thus, you go into a CLEMATIS state.

This interferes with the flow of things, stopping them happening in the right way, and sometimes disrupting the situation.

Therefore, we have to RELEASE our dreams and expectations.

If we take (Bach Flower Remedy) CLEMATIS, we stay in here and now, enjoying the present. This helps us to handle the future better.

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Husband is angry, while I am smiling


I am chanting “OM HREEM TAHA” and also giving it to my family members. I feel good.

I am even chanting it holding my husband’s photo and my daughters too, as ours is a short-tempered family. I am feeling a difference in the way we are handling things.

When my husband is angry I am smiling and answering. Sometimes, he is ignoring my comments.

However, I see good results. How many days shall I continue doing this?



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Started taking mother’s milk


1.5 months ago, I have given birth to a girl. It is a premature C-section delivery.

  1. My baby does not suck my breast nipple
  2. Problem of low milk supply in breast
  3. How to increase weight and immunity of my baby girl?




Thank you so much for the mantra and Now milk supply has increased so much.

My baby is now 2 months old.

  1. She frequently vomits and feel discomfort
  2. She always stretch her body, always feel like restless baby
  3. As she is a pre-term baby, so want her to gain weight quickly.
  4. She does not sleep in night, whole night she is awake. I have tried RESCUE REMEDY and WHITE CHESTNUT, but it didn’t seem working.
  5. How to improve quality of milk, so she develop well and have a good memory?
  6. What will help her to increase appetite, and better digestion?
  7. How to improve her complexion?


Give her WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD regularly.


The BIJA MANTRAS in the specified order will increase the breast milk in the mother. It will work like Pran Mudra (little and ring fingers touching the tip of the thumb on both the hands).

The Bach Flower remedies WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD will help the child to develop qualities needed for its growth.

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Aid to Support Hepatitis Treatment


Could you please tell me the Bach flower remedy for Hepatitis B?


For Hepatitis B, there are good alternative treatments. It has to be monitored by medical profession. It is a condition, where not only liver is affected, but also kidney.

From the mental point of view, I can say that the patient needs AGRIMONY. Liver will be too much affected for a person, who has mental torture inside.

Those persons who mask their sufferings with cheerful faces, or who do not let other people know by sharing their mental status, will have this problem.

Take AGRIMONY 3 pills, three times daily.

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Can’t say ‘NO’


I’m a shy person. I think so. But after marriage I think I have improved a lot.

Sometimes I keep myself last….e.g., if my neighbour says something that I don’t like I’ll not oppose or if my neighbour called my maid without asking me I will not say anything, though I feel bad.

It is like that I keep myself always last. Even when I was younger I did the same thing. I will be the last girl standing in the queue, though I was very good student.

I don’t consider myself. I don’t express myself about what I want.


Take the flower remedies CENTAURY, WILLOW and PINE.

Put each 5 pills in a glass of water and have small sips from that water every one or two hours from morning to evening.


A CENTAURY person cannot say ‘No’. Eventually they will develop resentment – WILLOW and feel guilty for saying ‘No’ or for getting angry – PINE.

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Boyfriend’s wedding is postponed


My boyfriend’s wedding had been postponed indefinitely. 10 months have passed since his engagement, but a new wedding date has still not been decided.

Both families are unhappy with the engagement. They are having a lot of problems, but somehow no one is breaking the engagement also.

He says he is still not talking to his fiancée.  I want to know whether he still wants to marry me. I don’t want to be an obstacle for him if he has moved on and I don’t want to be fooled either.


Forget him and move ahead.


Today my parents told me that they have received a good proposal for me. But my heart is not in it. I love my boyfriend a lot and still want to marry him only. 

Is there no hope for this to work out? Please help to make the situation work out somehow.


No! Forget him.


Thank you for your divine guidance. Now only, I am realizing the wisdom of your words. I was using Power Life Symbol 46.

After 2-3 days, I found out that my boyfriend had been cheating on me for the last 3 years. He is not planning to marry either me or his other girlfriend.

He has been cheating on his fiancée too. However, he is a very good person in all other aspects of life.

I want to forget him now. I have been listening to the FORGIVENESS and WELCOME CHANGE cds. Please tell me what else I can do.


Symbol 46 is true love. It has revealed to her whether he is true to her or not.

Serving Your Clients Equals Serving Your Parents


I am doing paying guest accommodation for the IT companies for the past 3 years.

For the past 3 months my business is very dull and most of the rooms are empty and I couldn’t manage my daily expenses.

Pls help me to overcome this problem and I should get more people for my guest house.


The empty rooms point out that there is lack, insufficiency in your service.

Have you ever thanked those who stayed in the rooms?

Giving accommodation and serving food is an opportunity given by god. Why are you doing this service to people?

In your previous life, you did not take care of your parents, who gave you your life with their blood and who fed you throughout their life.

Now, you are doing the service which you denied to your parents. Do this service to each and every client with the thought and belief that you are serving your parents.

Chant “TOGETHER CHANGE DIVINE ORDER NOW ON” when you see the empty rooms.

Do this daily seeing the empty rooms or visualize the empty rooms, till they get filled. Thank the person and divine once the room is filled up.

Daily for 5 minutes in the morning chant “THANKS DIVINE ORDER”.

Chant the following to manifest good clients, “AMOEBA GO BRING DIVINE clients GIVE COUNT NOW CONTINUE”.

The meaning: learn to manage, Begin to BRING NOW DIVINE clients to GIVE them service and then CONTINUE to COUNT.

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Sleep and Relaxation Tonic


In a glass of water, drop three pills of WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE and WALNUT each. Sip the water after every 10 minutes.

This combination is a good mental relaxant too.

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Sleep Well with Mudras:

A good sleep mantra:

Patience alone can help us


If he shows anger on me, according to him, I should behave like a matured wife. I should behave same as in normal condition, in a polite way.

He loves me through my politeness. These are his expectations.

Can I change myself through this way, because if he becomes angry I can’t handle him politely?

At that time, I feel bad why he should get angry on me. And I don’t like his bad behavior either.

However, if by changing my behavior, my relationship takes a good way, then I am ready to become polite.


When he gets angry, be in the SAFE and SECURE MUDRA and chant “CHERRY PLUM, IMPATIENS”.

Our endurance and patience only can help us.

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