Posts tagged has
Reduce your sugar
Because the family has diabetes then we think we will get it too, which is a WILD ROSE state.
Thus, Wild Rose is the base remedy for diabetes because such persons say, “My father/mother has diabetes, so I too have it”.
The Bach Flower combination to be prescribed is: WILD ROSE + CRAB APPLE + OAK.
It will reduce sugar and will be especially helpful for diabetes wounds – unhealed wounds.
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Develop the habit of doing well
I gave Bach flower remedies MUSTARD, OAK, CLEMATIS, and CHESTNUT BUD to my son. I started giving it before his exams. For nearly 3 weeks I gave him.
Yesterday, he got his results. He got slightly better marks this time. Even his teacher told he has improved.
Now, his school will start from April 1st. he will go to 9th STD. I want him to study nicely this year. He should get nice marks and he should be happy. Please advise me whether I have to continue with the same pills.
Continue the same.
Give WALNUT separately.
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