Posts tagged school

An introvert can be made to talk


My son who is a 6-year-old is an introvert. He doesn’t talk with anyone other than us (parents and his elder brother).

Because of this, he has trouble making friends even in school. His voice is also very feeble. Most of the times, you can hear him whispering only.

He takes around an hour or so for eating.

He is very intelligent and smart but because of his introvert nature he is always lonely and I feel bad for him.


Give him the flower remedies MIMULUS and LARCH in the day time, and give ASPEN in the night.


I started giving him Mimulus and Larch.

Within two days I see a big change in him. He has started to talk more and his voice is also loud. I will add Aspen also to it.

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Problem is like an Onion, Peel off one layer at a time:

Exam Mantra:

Children are intelligent than their parents


Whenever I sit to do mudras before sleeping, my daughter too sits with me but does only Thumb with little and ring fingers (Safe and Secure Mudra).

If I request her to do chin mudra she says no and leaves me. So, I stopped interfering in her meditation techniques. Why is she not doing chin mudra?

She sings with me Namashivayam for 5 times, rhythm with or without CD. Durgama also she sings along with the CD if she is awake by then as I play it by 5.30 am.

I can see the changes in her (touch wood). She listens to me, and obeys me when I request her.

She is completing her homework soon. I allow her to watch cartoon only for 45 minutes and she is okay with it. I am happy with her. I did the accepting exercise for her.

Whenever I try to heal her Solar Plexus and Hara chakras she pulls my hand tightly to her body strongly. Do I need to give more time to heal these chakras?

I am also using harmony pack. I can see the difference.

My husband who used to get irritated for helping me in my daughter’s dressing for school, is now helping me, without me asking or requesting.

The left out harmony water I am pouring to Tulasi plant as we don’t have any other plant. And I can see the plant is healthy and growing tall and fresh.

Thank you, it’s all because of your remedies and your blessing.


Chin Mudra will keep us awake, while Safe and Secure Mudra will make us have a deep sleep.

Children are intuitive enough to know where they need energy. So she is forcing the mother to give Reiki to those areas.

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Finding Peace and Harmony at home:

Prayers to ancestors heals the child:

Exam results are great


I am chanting for my son Ambika Mantra and I used the circle technique for him, for the exam.

Exam results are great, with good score, 7 A’s for all the subjects.

I did the same for my daughter. Her score is average, as I can see she didn’t prepare with 100%. She feel restless and laziness. She always complains lazy to go to school.

What should I do for her to do better for the Midterm exam, which will be tougher?


Write “398” and keep it under her pillow.

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Get the questions you studied:

Ambika mantra helps students to perform better:

Play life like a game


You should play life as a game – as Lord Krishna did.

How can you do that?

Activate his resource by tapping it (EFT). Affirm, “I choose to see life as a game as Lord Krishna has seen it”.

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School dropouts:


Find the Right Resources for Success:

Fear of punishment

A child aged 10 years old, had a meeting with Naran S. Balakumar, regarding a problem that she could not handle by herself.

Naran: What is going on?

Child: I am afraid that my School Principal will punish me, because my friend is accusing me, that I had stolen her money.

Naran: Did you steal the money?

Child: No, I did not.

Naran: Why cannot you convince your principal that you did not steal the money?

Child: No, I will not be able to that. My fear is that tomorrow my Principal will call me during the prayers, in front of all the school students. Then he will punish me, without doing an enquiry.

Naran: What do you want to happen?

Child: This issue should not come up in the prayer meeting.

Naran, S. Balakumar did tapping on her, until she was 100% relieved from her thoughts and fears.


For some reason, the meeting did not take place! This will not be a surprise, if you are an ardent EFT user. Such surprises and unexpected things happen, when you use EFT!!

Develop the habit of doing well


I gave Bach flower remedies MUSTARD, OAK, CLEMATIS, and CHESTNUT BUD to my son. I started giving it before his exams. For nearly 3 weeks I gave him.

Yesterday, he got his results. He got slightly better marks this time. Even his teacher told he has improved.

Now, his school will start from April 1st. he will go to 9th STD. I want him to study nicely this year. He should get nice marks and he should be happy. Please advise me whether I have to continue with the same pills.


Continue the same.

Give WALNUT separately.

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Lift me from my limitations


I have son who’s 4 years now. I am a worried lot about him. He started talking very late and he’s very slow in studying. I teach him and he forgets next minute.

Every time we go to school they tell he’s very slow. I want my son to study well grasp quicker and be good human and disciplined child. I want him to get A+ in all his exams.


Chant “SLOW CARE 398” over a glass of water and give that water to him.

In addition, chant “LIFT KIND DIVINE LIGHT” 100 times over a glass of water and give to the child separately.


To lift him from his limitations: LIFT KIND DIVINE LIGHT (from SAVITRI)

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Excluded by others


Our 11-year old son faces bullying issues in school and students excluding him from activities.

He wants at least one good friend to make his school life bearable. Will chanting Water Violet help him?


Yes WATER VIOLET will definitely help.

Add HEATHER for not to be turned down by friends.

He wants school life to be bearable, that means the situation is unbearable for him. Add CHERRY PLUM.

And add MIMULUS since he will have fear of going to school. Mimulus will create a friendly atmosphere.

For being bullied add VINE.


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Hit the Bully’s Eye


Thank you so much for suggesting me to chant cat’s eye, which I did as you advised me to do. Sure enough, teachers confronted the bully and disciplinary action is being taken.

The bully wrote an apology letter to my grandson. The school authorities said this will not be tolerated in the school.

Thank you so much for helping. I don’t know what cat’s eye means. God Bless you a thousand times.  You solved our problem.


Cat’s eye – gem remedy is the key to open “the locked”.                                                

The mind is blocked when a person is bullied by somebody and he or she don’t know what to do about the situation.

His mind will be locked about this particular situation and will not think about anything else. Therefore, CAT’S EYE helps the bullied.

Two months without salary


It’s been two months without salary.

Company’s operations are very slow due to unavailable operating cost, shareholders are fighting, though they have assets but to liquidate them is a long process, huge pile of debts in market and nil credibility with banks.

Seems company is going to close down in near future unless DIVINE INTERVENTION takes place. I even heard they are planning to retrench 70% of staff soon.

Please advise any chanting for company’s regular business so salaries are not delayed further…




After I senta mail to you, my senior messaged me that I need to travel to Singapore to look for apartment and school for the kids.  The thing which is worrying me is I relocate and what if reaching there such delays in salary happens! How will I survive?

Sorry Naran, if it’s annoying you but being single parent Ineed to assure financial assurance for me and my kids. Besides chanting the above, do I need to chant anything else?


Continue the same.


Thanks to You and Divine light… New investors are coming in hopefully. Really wish company grows and flourish with these new changes.

Salaries are released and all pending payments are settled… Thank God!

I am so glad that my boss is now allowing me to work couple of days to work from home when he is not in town. This way I can spend more quality time with kids and I pray Divine light to help me getting some tuition for evening, as additional source of income.


Divine order is a switch word, while Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem and Chestnut Bud are Bach flower remedies.

For divine intervention: Sweet chestnut

Outside, unhelpful environment over which one has no control: Walnut 

Total break-down because of the company: Star of Bethlehem

To get free  from the bad situation: Chestnut bud 

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