Posts tagged income

Does horoscope decides going abroad

Sushma Pandey

If a person’s horoscope deny oneself abroad chance, will the switch word chanting help such a person to go abroad?

One of my cousins has been told that he can never go abroad as his stars/planet doesn’t favour him. But, he is very inclined to go abroad and make some income for himself and his two younger sisters.

Will the switch words change his destiny and he too can go abroad?


To make some income for himself and his two younger sisters, ask him to chant the Switch Words.

Everybody has a horoscope. Every life is destined. There is no doubt about it. But the future is not fixed.

There are 7 different future holograms. Of the seven, as per the present decision, one will happen.

Healing is a way of surrendering. Surrender and do the healing. Everything will happen, if the Divine decides.

You don’t come to a conclusion. Let the divine decide what to give.

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Instead of worrying about sources for money…


Kannan had 15 lakhs rupees of loan. He didn’t have any sources of income to repay the loan.

He contacted me on telephone. As it would be difficult to explain to him on the phone, on how to do the meditation, “Meeting with Mahalakshmi”, I gave him a simple technique.

  1. Mentally list out today’s expenses, say buying a tea from the local shop
  2. Visualize paying money to the tea shop owner
  3. Likewise, do the same for all the expenses that have to be met out for the day
  4. And don’t worry at all how those expenses can be met – meaning don’t anyway try to figure out how money required for those expenses can be acquired.

Initially, he found it difficult to visualize without worrying about the sources

I convinced him, that divine is the provider of money and somehow, it will provide him with money.

He did the exercise every day for the last 15 days.

Today, he called me and said that somehow he was able to meet out the expenses.

In fact, he has become so convinced about this technique that he is not worried in any sense and he feels a sense of calmness in himself.

Now he is confident, that divine will take care of wiping out his entire loan eventually without cause of any concern to those who gave him money and himself included.

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Neo-Abundance CD:

Be in a place of financial abundance


My financial situation is getting worse by the day.

I have too many loans and liabilities and not enough income to match the same. And every month some new expense comes up.

I am feeling numb now with stress and worry. Not able to find a new job which will pay me more. Now, I am feeling so low and helpless.

Don’t know what to do to get out of this situation and be at a place of financial abundance or at least where I don’t have to worry about how to pay my rents, meet my parents’ medical expenses, food etc.




Reduce your debts: BLUE SAPPHIRE

Solution finder: GREEN TOURMALINE

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Get me more clients


I have a clothes boutique. The income I get is just nice to cover most of the expenses. Sometimes it is not enough to cover all.

Can you pls advice on how to improve the earnings and income as well as attract more clients to the shop.

Also, please advise me on a way for me to repay my loans and debts. I am very disturbed at the moment because of these debts.


Call upon the Animal Spirit Guide WOLF by requesting it, “Wolf! Please get me more clients daily”.


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Two months without salary


It’s been two months without salary.

Company’s operations are very slow due to unavailable operating cost, shareholders are fighting, though they have assets but to liquidate them is a long process, huge pile of debts in market and nil credibility with banks.

Seems company is going to close down in near future unless DIVINE INTERVENTION takes place. I even heard they are planning to retrench 70% of staff soon.

Please advise any chanting for company’s regular business so salaries are not delayed further…




After I senta mail to you, my senior messaged me that I need to travel to Singapore to look for apartment and school for the kids.  The thing which is worrying me is I relocate and what if reaching there such delays in salary happens! How will I survive?

Sorry Naran, if it’s annoying you but being single parent Ineed to assure financial assurance for me and my kids. Besides chanting the above, do I need to chant anything else?


Continue the same.


Thanks to You and Divine light… New investors are coming in hopefully. Really wish company grows and flourish with these new changes.

Salaries are released and all pending payments are settled… Thank God!

I am so glad that my boss is now allowing me to work couple of days to work from home when he is not in town. This way I can spend more quality time with kids and I pray Divine light to help me getting some tuition for evening, as additional source of income.


Divine order is a switch word, while Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem and Chestnut Bud are Bach flower remedies.

For divine intervention: Sweet chestnut

Outside, unhelpful environment over which one has no control: Walnut 

Total break-down because of the company: Star of Bethlehem

To get free  from the bad situation: Chestnut bud 

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I came to know about your blog on Aug 15 2013. I saw one switch word combination, “MOVE ON FIND COUNT DIVINE JOB” for getting a job. I started chanting it from Aug 15 itself.

Then I sent you a mail with my job problem and you replied with “QUITE CLEAR” Mantra on 25th of Aug 2013. I chanted that too. Yes, I did chanting it, very much all the time.

Also, I used to chant Ambika Anaadhi…Mantra before interviews.  And then the magic happened. On 28 Aug I got two offers.  I have accepted one of the offers and joined the company, just 2 days back.

Your guidance has been like Divine guidance for me. I have got this job after 1.5 years. Alas, I could not find your blog before!  Thanks to You!! Also, thanks to GOD!!!

Now, I am chanting “Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram…” Mantra, since I have debt of 10 Lakhs because of my divorce settlement and unemployment.  Please advise if it’s the right mantra to clear off my debt and remain employed.


“LALITHAM SRIDHARAM, LALITHAM BASKARAM, LALITHAM SUDARSHANAM” mantra will give you light and source of good income.

Lalitham – the one mother who is so compassionate, that she will forgive all my past. Forgiving all the past she allows Sridharam (wealth), to bring money from Baskaram – the provider of wealth, and activates Sudarshnam, to continue the flow of money (after the debts are paid-off).

Bow down to the (Lalitham) Mother in reverence and chant the mantra. And when you chant this powerful mantra, chant it with all the trust in divine, without expecting anything in return. 

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