Posts tagged increased
How to overcome accidents?
Now-a-days the number of minor and major road accidents are happening every day due to rash driving, crowd, traffic jams, and increased number of vehicles.
In order to protect oneself from the accident can you give a simple Switch Word or mantra to chant and also to keep in pocket when we drive, to overcome accidents?
Elm, Beech, Impatiens and Mimulus are Bach Flower Remedies.
Mentally cope with any traffic situation: ELM
Not to have any head-on collision: BEECH
Avoid rash driving (when you chant rash drivers will not encounter your way): IMPATIENS
Overcome fear of accident: MIMULUS
Introduction to Power Life Symbols
Power of Kanji Symbols
Kanji symbols are not like letters found in other languages, which can be strung together to form words.
In fact, every Kanji symbol depicts an idea (or word). Kanji symbols are basically pictograms or ideograms.
Because they are pictograms, they can convey the idea to the subconscious mind easily.
Stability can be found easily – Case History
One day a client of Naran phoned up and said his company is sending out most of the people. However, he wanted to continue working there.
He wanted his management to retain him because at his age he cannot find another job easily.
From his expressions, Naran found that he wanted stability. He gave him a stability symbol (48) and asked him to paste it on the chair that he sits in the office.
Till now the client is continuing in the same company, even after retrenchment of so many of his colleagues.
When he kept the stability symbol under his pillow, he found extraordinary feeling of stability. Probably that changed attitude of him has helped him to save his job.
Refer the link to know and use the stability symbol:
Researching on Symbols with Switch Words
This encouraged Naran to collect and experiment with various symbols for different life situations.
While doing this research, he found out that symbols can be combined with the most popular switch words too. He found this increased the power of switch words in multiples.
He feels using these symbols along with the chanting of switch words can help so many of us in so many of life situations.
Combining switch words with symbols
Switch words with Power Life Symbols is a unique, unknown and untried healing method introduced by Naran. Both the symbols and the switch words can impact our sub-conscious mind.
All of us know how switch words can be used for various life situations. Sometimes, we get 100% and sometimes we don’t.
In those areas where it is not working, we can complement them by energizing them with symbols.
Thus, the Symbols – Kanji (Chinese and Japanese) compliment, and supplement the power of switch words.
The features of this method
- It is a simple technique that even a 10-year-old child can learn it.
- No need to learn, practice or remember the symbols.
- One can use them by simply looking at, by keeping it under the pillow or carry it in their pocket. You can energise the symbols by placing the crystals on them.
Goals Achievement through Reiki Part I
How Reiki works in achieving our goal?
All our desires and intentions can be fulfilled with the help of Reiki. It works as per our intention.
As you intend, energy flows towards that direction or goal. Though, it might take its own route.
Why some goals are not achieved?
Some of our intensions are always fulfilled – say for example eating Dosas or going to Mumbai by flight. Though, there are desires that are not fulfilled.
Why? It means the energy of those desires is very low.
Let us say we require X degrees of energy to get the work done. We have only X – 30. Then these desires can’t be fulfilled. So it has to be increased to make our intensions fulfilled.
How to increase the energy level behind the intensions? Give them Reiki. This will boost the energy level of them.
For anything that’s not happening in your life, give it Reiki. Reiki can change anybody’s life. It’s a subtle form of energy, result of which, we may not be able to see immediately.
Affirmations and Reiki
If you say, “I want to be successful in business” then it means that there is a lack of success in business.
This area (business) is not receiving required energy either from body or mind. To make it successful, give Reiki – the universal energy to that area.
Write the goal as if it happened and give Reiki to it.
How Reiki Works Here?
I am not successful in one area of life because there is internal resistance – otherwise known as psychological reversal or internal sabotage mechanism.
When an intention is unfilled, it means it requires some more amount of energy.
Let us say we have 30 no’s of energy, while 70 is required, then the remaining energy can be generated through Reiki.
Reiki channels are successful because they work on the affirmations with lots of perseverance.
When we fail we form a belief, a self-limiting belief. We have to remove that from the mind.
We can remove it through Reiki. None of your intentions will go unfulfilled, I challenge you on this.
Read the part II of the article, “How to create affirmations and form intentions” here:
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Why ring finger represents water element?
How ring finger doesn’t represent earth?
If ring and middle fingers are activated by pressing them with the tip of the thumb, then urine flow will increase.
By doing it, a particular Mudra is activated and kidney is activated too. That’s why ring finger represents water.
Earth will not move. It is stationery. If earth is represented by ring finger, as per the books, then how can it increase urine flow? It cannot.
While water is moving, earth is non-moving. That’s why I have changed the ring finger into water element.
One more thing, water always represents life and relationships. Exchange of rings happens from the ring finger, when we get married. That’s why it represents water (element).
Activating fire element
Instead of touching the tip of the ring finger with tip of the thumb, keep the ring finger at the base of the thumb. Water flow will reduce.
If water is not distributed – reduced, fire element will increase.
When fire is increased, catabolic activity will take place and is very useful for weight loss. Extra fat will be eliminated.
Considering this fact, don’t do this (Fire) Mudra for 24 hrs continuously and next day check your weight in the weighing machine
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