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Roles People Play


Quite often, we are required to play different roles with respect to the same person. In the process lot of misunderstandings occur due to perception at both ends.

At work, we have a subordinate who is also a friend. This friend does not play his role in the office as required.

In the role of a friend, you try to protect him in various ways besides telling him / her about the problems in a friendly manner.

However, if it is not adhered to, it may go the extreme end that you may even need to terminate him/her. It is a very difficult choice. You are torn between both the roles.

In the earlier days, we could take a very dharmic stand and take decisions.

However, now we are required to play a role negotiating happiness for various people in the name of Professionalism / Management etc and suffer.

At home, we have to act as a Parent, Friend, Teacher, friend to your kids.

Often a role is over played by each of the participant resulting in clashes and misunderstanding. Each forgets that they are over stepping on the other role due to inherent flair for one.

Thus, a parent who is generally has a strong Vasanas of a Teacher in making, preaches more and is not able to know when to cut off and act as a friend.

Please give your recommendation to solve the above by way of flower remedy.


Whatever the role we play, let us ask a simple question.

What is that we lack in any role?

Basically, every relationship is based on communication. How do we communicate? What do we communicate? What do we want to communicate?

The objective of any communication is to reach out to the other person.

BEECH is the remedy for improving our communication.

What are the negative mental states of Beech?

  • Unable to understand other man’s point of view
  • Unable to appreciate other man’s priorities
  • Intolerance
  • Fault-finding
  • Desire to control or change the other person

If one is in one of the above mental states, right communication will not take place. Here, how Beech can help us?

BEECH can bridge the gap between two persons and makes one understand other man’s point of view.

WALNUT should be taken along with Beech. Walnut can bring in change in the mind. A changed outlook and a changed view will give a different communication tool.

For you Mr. Reddy, in addition to taking BEECH and WALNUT, you take CENTAURY also, while communicating in the office.

“What would my friend think? Will he be hurt, if I say this?” These expressions belong to negative mental state of Centaury.


Wonderfully explained….your site is a healthy addiction.

I feel the need to read it like a holy book everyday…sorting out life’s many questions and seeking the right answer….

I follow so many remedies you advice, go through the topics so many times, sometimes apply my 2 cents worth as well….analyse life’s situation from a different angle….

I have changed so much in my mind and heart…..all because of being a part of this wonderful site and your guidance!!!!

Thank you ever so much…….Naran….THERE’s still so much to absorb from you……..regards……

Preventing Accidents


The Bach Flower IMPATIENS can be helpful in preventing an accident.

Rash and reckless driving is the mark of an Impatiens state. In reckless state, there is a lack of thought about danger and undesirable consequences.

While self-driving, take the flower remedy Impatiens. Then you will be vibrating with the energy of the flower Impatiens – which provides you caution and carefulness.

When you are projecting carefulness, the opposite persons will also be cautious and careful as they come near you – like attracts like. Then you can drive safely.

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Mantras for Physical Wellness:

Avoid cancer


Chant the mantras “OM YUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA”.

These are bija mantras. They work on our chakras and make oxygen available. Lack of oxygen is the problem behind diseases like cancer. Our body cells need oxygen.

If a cell is not able to receive oxygen for 36 hrs they will turn cancerous.

Why a cell is not receiving its oxygen content?

When there is stress the cells get closed. Therefore, there is no inflow of oxygen into body cells.

Stress constricts our cells. On the other hand, oxygen will expand them.

These are the mantras for increasing the availability of oxygen to the cells.

Om Yum Namaha will remove unwanted thoughts too, which might be cycling in a constant manner.

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Sleeping under the Reiki Net

R Mohan

One day, on a call with Naran, he said I could draw a big Reiki symbol Sei Hey Ki over my bed and visualize myself going under it (something like sleeping inside a mosquito net) and go to sleep.

I could sleep then very deeply and satisfied.

After a week, a friend of mine was admitted for a nose surgery. I saw her the day after the operation was over. She looked tired and unhealthy.

From my home, I visualized a big Sei Hey Ki over her bed. When I met her again after a few days, she looked to be 70% recovered which was totally unexpected.

I got confirmed from Naran that this NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) based Reiki technique that can be used to resolve serious problems in life.

By visualizing a BIG symbol, we are making our brains believe that the symbol is big and powerful (a NLP technique). Therefore, it tends to be very effective.

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Messages from God


God gives us messages through nature. Every day god is with us and sends messages continuously. When you get the messages, don’t consider the whole line, but consider the words.

Condition the mind by thinking about god, read stories, and meditate. They will make you realize that god is everything.

Listen dispassionately without judgment for example in a busy place like a railway station. Watch what is happening around you and listen.

Maintain a journal and then after a week all the messages will make sense to you.

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Saw a Shadow


Ram saw a shadow and thought it looks like his mother (illusion).

He listens to voices and then keeps telling others about it (delusion).

He tells his friend that he saw his mother and spoke to her and wants him also to believe that it is true (hallucination).

I gave him the Bach Flower Remedy WHITE CHESTNUT. I asked him to put 10 pills in a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day.

He was completely cured within 4 months of taking the pills.

So, White Chestnut can be prescribed for those having illusions, hallucinations and delusions.

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Play life like a game


You should play life as a game – as Lord Krishna did.

How can you do that?

Activate his resource by tapping it (EFT). Affirm, “I choose to see life as a game as Lord Krishna has seen it”.

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Treat your husband like a friend


No matter what I do, I am not able to tolerate my husband at all. I don’t know what to do.


You are able to treat your friends or for that matter your siblings and parents, well irrespective of their failings isn’t it?

Release the expectations on role of a husband as well as feelings you have about your husband.

Affirm, “I accept and treat him as a friend instead of a husband”.

You will be able to tolerate him better 

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Recreate the Life You Want


I am Helpless and Living In Hell! How can I create my world?

As long as I believe that I and My Mind are one and the same, and accepting whatever mind creates, my life is helpless and hell.

As long as I am not aware that I can RECREATE or REPROGRAM my life, I lose all the power.

Not knowing that I can reprogram my mind and life is ignorance.

Our mind is full of emotions, thoughts, and reactions. As long as they alone make up our mind, we don’t have any choice but to live our lives without any power.


When there is awareness, when we come to know that we are not our mind, a new POWER surges in. 

We will be able to RECREATE our own world to an extent with this little awareness. We can then become POWERFUL and take our lives into our own hands.

Releasing is a self-empowering tool, which changes our outlook about our lives.

What is this technique all about?

It is simply a process of letting go and releasing the emotions and thoughts as and when they arise.

How to implement it?

It is very simple. Whenever we tend to react, just say, “I let go this feeling”.

E.g., “Fear, can you please go? This is not the time for you. For the time being please go out. This is not your place either.”

See what happens. The mind becomes baffled and the emotion flees.

Do not react, but release and act

Reactions destroy our peace of mind. Once our uncontrollable emotions and thoughts are let off, we will find a peace deep inside us.

Releasing is a technique for allowing us to change on the spot.

Releasing allows us to handle any problem by releasing and letting go and thus stops the inner mental struggle.

Reactions intensify the mental struggle. Releasing gives us a new outlook. Reactions repeat the same drama.

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