Posts tagged matter
Clients are My Eye Openers
Question: Every time after you finish your consultation with us, you say ‘Thank you’. Having received help from you don’t you think we need to say thanks to you instead?
Let me tell you a case history.
The other day, my eyes were reddish. I was chanting ‘LALITHAM LAMBODARAM’ and yet found no relief.
It was around 6.30 AM and I received a call then. Because it was very early in the morning I thought the matter had to be urgent. So, I picked the call with a sense of apprehension.
It was from my student Sangeetha. She wanted to report me on some healing that happened to her. For last few months, she was finding it difficult to read newspapers.
So, she took a bowel of water, and keeping her eyes opened she cleansed them, while chanting the switch words “CLEAR POINT”. The cleansing method is taught in yoga classes.
She was doing it for last one month. Now, she was able to read better. Saying this she hanged up the phone without adding anything.
I just did the same and my eyes got better. Don’t you agree now my students and clients are my eye openers?
Thank you for asking this question
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Treat your husband like a friend
No matter what I do, I am not able to tolerate my husband at all. I don’t know what to do.
You are able to treat your friends or for that matter your siblings and parents, well irrespective of their failings isn’t it?
Release the expectations on role of a husband as well as feelings you have about your husband.
Affirm, “I accept and treat him as a friend instead of a husband”.
You will be able to tolerate him better
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