Posts tagged Method
Clients are My Eye Openers
Question: Every time after you finish your consultation with us, you say ‘Thank you’. Having received help from you don’t you think we need to say thanks to you instead?
Let me tell you a case history.
The other day, my eyes were reddish. I was chanting ‘LALITHAM LAMBODARAM’ and yet found no relief.
It was around 6.30 AM and I received a call then. Because it was very early in the morning I thought the matter had to be urgent. So, I picked the call with a sense of apprehension.
It was from my student Sangeetha. She wanted to report me on some healing that happened to her. For last few months, she was finding it difficult to read newspapers.
So, she took a bowel of water, and keeping her eyes opened she cleansed them, while chanting the switch words “CLEAR POINT”. The cleansing method is taught in yoga classes.
She was doing it for last one month. Now, she was able to read better. Saying this she hanged up the phone without adding anything.
I just did the same and my eyes got better. Don’t you agree now my students and clients are my eye openers?
Thank you for asking this question
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Divine Peace for Your Country
I wish we all could have a chant to heal the country smooth for political issues and…. surrounding the borders is all enemies. We all Indians pray for quick solution.
Write the place where you want peace. Do the circle method and write AGRIMONY in between the circles.
Chant AGRIMONY by holding the paper on hand daily for 10 minutes.
Or you can download a picture of AGRIMONY (Bach) flower and paste it on the paper, written with the name of the place.
Agrimony is a peacemaker.
Pray daily “Let India and Indians BE OPEN to the LOVE, BEAUTY and GRACE of the DIVINE PEACE”.
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Easy Way to Reach Divine
During last week, I had been diagnosed with ectopic/tubal pregnancy.
Foetus was healthy and well growing, but growing at wrong place. So, as per doctor’s advice, I had to terminate that pregnancy.
I remained sad for one two days and not only me but whole family was sad.
I know everything is happening for the best and according to all merciful supreme lords’ will. I myself have seen so many worst looking events turning into beneficial ones afterwards.
But, during the moments of emotional trauma all this theoretical and practical knowledge disappears from mind.
Is there any method or technique other than meditation to train our minds to happily and calmly accept all such events, which are beyond our control and purely according to divine will?
And how should we perceive such incidents to feel less or no grief?
Feeling less grief is not to be imposed.
Go through the emotions, which naturally surface and bow to them and come out.
When there is great distress over grief or when there is reason for grieving, weep, weep.
Weeping is easy way of reaching the divine.
Let us not feel shy for weeping. Yes, there was expectation in vain. Feel sad and weep to get over that. Weeping intensely will ultimately relieve you from the burden.
A solace is given by weeping. When you think that you can no more weep, just say, “I bow to this weeping and go beyond this state.”
Repeat within after the weeping episode, the Radha’s prayer:
“Krishna, my lord, whether thou chooses for me life or death, happiness or sorrow , pleasure or suffering, all that comes to me from thee, is always welcome”.
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Reaching for Love:
Do you know why she doesn’t appreciate?
Patient: My wife loves me a lot. She is a very considerate person. At the same time, when it comes to my way of doing, she is highly intolerant. Surprisingly, she tolerates others’ mistakes to a greater extent – this includes my parent’s actions too.
One part of her is tolerant, while the other part of her is intolerant – especially to you. It shows, somehow you trigger the other – unwanted part in her.
Do you have a similar behavior in yourself?
Patient: Yeah! In general, I always tend to correct the way of others and not just one person. I believe everything has to be done correctly, with the right people, and at the right time.
I will teach you a simple method here.
Affirm as many times as possible:
“I RELEASE the PART of ME that is criticized by me”.
“I OPEN ALIGN WITH the PART of ME that evokes her tolerance to PRAISE me”.
You can write them too.
The letters in UPPER CASE is fixed. The rest of the statement, you can fill with whatever you want. This way, you are releasing the behavior you don’t want and activating the behavior you want in others.
Countless Help
S Malini
I am learning car driving during weekends.
My instructor was in a need of money to pay for his son’s admission. I told him to chant “FIND COUNT” and he did the same.
Next day, he told me that he got Rs.4000/- from his friend who returned his money due to him after four long years.
I offered him Rs 1000/- for his son’s study. He said he could manage with his funds now. I thank you and Switch Words.
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Introduction to Power Life Symbols
Power of Kanji Symbols
Kanji symbols are not like letters found in other languages, which can be strung together to form words.
In fact, every Kanji symbol depicts an idea (or word). Kanji symbols are basically pictograms or ideograms.
Because they are pictograms, they can convey the idea to the subconscious mind easily.
Stability can be found easily – Case History
One day a client of Naran phoned up and said his company is sending out most of the people. However, he wanted to continue working there.
He wanted his management to retain him because at his age he cannot find another job easily.
From his expressions, Naran found that he wanted stability. He gave him a stability symbol (48) and asked him to paste it on the chair that he sits in the office.
Till now the client is continuing in the same company, even after retrenchment of so many of his colleagues.
When he kept the stability symbol under his pillow, he found extraordinary feeling of stability. Probably that changed attitude of him has helped him to save his job.
Refer the link to know and use the stability symbol:
Researching on Symbols with Switch Words
This encouraged Naran to collect and experiment with various symbols for different life situations.
While doing this research, he found out that symbols can be combined with the most popular switch words too. He found this increased the power of switch words in multiples.
He feels using these symbols along with the chanting of switch words can help so many of us in so many of life situations.
Combining switch words with symbols
Switch words with Power Life Symbols is a unique, unknown and untried healing method introduced by Naran. Both the symbols and the switch words can impact our sub-conscious mind.
All of us know how switch words can be used for various life situations. Sometimes, we get 100% and sometimes we don’t.
In those areas where it is not working, we can complement them by energizing them with symbols.
Thus, the Symbols – Kanji (Chinese and Japanese) compliment, and supplement the power of switch words.
The features of this method
- It is a simple technique that even a 10-year-old child can learn it.
- No need to learn, practice or remember the symbols.
- One can use them by simply looking at, by keeping it under the pillow or carry it in their pocket. You can energise the symbols by placing the crystals on them.