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Maha Saraswathi – Rondeletia Orange


The Mother’s Message

Rondeletia flowers represent MAHA SARASWATHI’S perfection in works.


Who can be benefited with these flowers?

For those people who are careless and negligent in their work.

For students who are careless and negligent in their studies.

For those, who are hasty and impatient in whatever they do – For TYPE ‘A’ personalities.

For those who change jobs frequently.

For those do everything incomplete or half-done.

For those who lack concentration.

How to use it?

Keep the picture of flower on HARA and THROAT centers – 3 minutes at each center.

Keep the picture under the pillow.

Meditate on the flower praying, “Let Supreme Divine order of MAHASARASWATHI fill up all my expressions and actions.”

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Solution Finder:

Student of Life:

Reaching the top once again:


Profit after Loss


One of my clients lost 10 sovereigns of gold. I asked them to chant “LALITHAM SRIDHARAM LALITHAM BASKARAM LALITHAM BALACHANDRAM”.

This set of three mantras is given for clearing the debts. 

He was given flower remedies also.

Whenever we lose something, we will start cursing several people including the cops, saying they are crooks. For resentment and anger I asked him to chant the ‘I am sorry mantra’ too.

I also gave him the Power Life symbol ‘Profit after Loss’ given in the manual. This symbol is for anything that is lost. The symbols given in the Abundance Manual are new and they are not part of the original set of Power Life Symbols.

Soon after, he got back the 10 sovereigns from the cops.

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Raise your profits:

Stable Success:

The Flower for Prosperity:

Remove obstacles from your life


Use Angel No: 58 to remove the obstacles in your life.

If you have any regression in life, it will remove it.

If somebody is giving obstructions – say somebody from your family – those obstructions are removed by this angel number.

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Remove obstacles – internal and external:

Removing obstacles to have a normal delivery:

Relationship with your parents = Relationship with others:

Converting unwanted to wanted


Ram had problems with his brother Sundar, for the last 15 years, after his brother had cheated him to the tune of 1 crore of rupees.

While Ram was suffering like anything, Sundar was doing well by all means. Sundar’s business was growing leaps and bounds. He could get his children married easily and so on.

On the contrary, Ram was struggling financially. All his attempts to get his daughter married proved futile.

For last six years, I was giving several healing techniques to Ram. He was following them judiciously. Over the course of the time, he could get his money back from Sundar. Though, he could never release his anger for him.

He came to see me last week in regards to his daughter’s marriage. There were two prospects, but neither of them is committing for the marriage proposal.

I asked him to do the following technique based on the fact that he is jealous of the progress of his brother.

I asked him to close his eyes. Then visualize his house in a screen in front of him and mark the place and then his brother’s house in the same screen. He had to move his house slowly towards his brother‘s house to merge both.

He did this for a few days. One of the two prospects agreed to marry his daughter.

I know, you will have some questions

How can I use this technique when I am single and have to do this technique to attract a suitable girl into my love-life?

You will know somebody who can attract himself a girl-friend or bride. Visualize yourself, shifting yourself into him. This way you are developing in you the capacity he has.

I don’t want to become like him, as he some bad aspects about him

He might have other qualities which you don’t like. Don’t worry as you are only intending for the capacity you lack, which you want to develop in yourself.

Other example could be…

You have a prospective customer as well as a customer who doesn’t respond to your sales call at all. Move your unresponsive client into responding client and this way you will be able to convert him into a prospective customer.

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How to become happy:

Can’t think of him as my husband:

Growth factor


I got a really good new position this month within my company because of the reorganization (but I have not moved to the new position yet). But, today I came to know of my bonus and salary increase for last year’s performance and it was not good.

My previous manager who hired me in my post last year is no longer with the company. She promised salary hike this year as I moved from another department, but never told HR or wrote it in paper. That is the reason; my bonus and salary increase has been affected.

I spoke to my current boss about it and he said he will talk to HR and also to the head of our department to address this issue. I’m praying that they will increase it to what my old boss had promised. Is there any switch words that I can say for it?




My boss was finally able to get the pay to be half of what was promised. I’m happy and thanked him. I’m expecting my new pay by this Friday.

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Thank you for the Divine Help:

Get a promotion and find harmony as well:

Handling unresolved issues


Suppose we have an unfulfilled desire, like marriage, “I have to study this degree”, etc. That project or desire should be termed as a divine project.


Any issue has a self (living consciousness) and that self has lack of love. Therefore, the issue is unsolved or it is not happening. Thus, we have to give lot of love to that issue. We do that with the “I Am Sorry” mantra.

Expand the powers of the I am sorry mantra

How to make the mantra more powerful?

Take one issue. One is give love (which is always less) to the solution.

Another consideration or step we could take is by asking a question, “For this issue from where we could bring love and give it to the issue”.

Let us see that.

SUN gives unconditional love. So, bring in solar rays of love and compassion (from Sun) to this issue. Likewise, whatever rubbish we do, Mother Earth is always gives us unconditional love. So I can also fill up the issue with the unconditional love of Mother Earth.

Who else can give us unconditional love? Sun, Mother earth, Buddha, whoever you think is fit you can take the love from them and send it to the issue.

Now, chant the mantra like this, “I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME LOVE THANKS DIVINE ___________ (issue)”.

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Find Love and Trust:

A useful mantra:

Confused about your life path


Animal Spirit Guide Wolf is required when you are confused about your life path (life mission) – when you are in cross roads.

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Pat yourself in a big way:

Enrich your mind:

Choose the right course:

Get a promotion and find harmony as well

Ms. Rita

I’m a science teacher in Haryana govt. (TGT Grade). Last month, department asked for promotion case for Biology lecturer and the eligibility required was M.Sc., B.Ed. I send my case.

But know in yesterday’s letter they have put condition of Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test qualification certificate, which was never a condition beforeor earlier. Candidates are required to submit their forms within a week.

I think it is only my hard luck that this condition has been put as TGT’s were not required to pass this test earlier.

I have lost my sleep as this time, all the vacancies will be filled in 2 months for lecturers and there will be no further scope for promotion in coming next 10-15 years.

Plz suggest me some mantra or anything to help me to get promotion.



Write in a paper, “398 SLOW CARE” and keep it under the pillow.

If there is resentment and anger then release that.

Ms. Rita

Thanks to Mr. Naran. Thanks to Gorse. Thanks to Wolf.

It really worked.

I don’t from where last page of notice has appeared in which it is mentioned that for promotion case HTET passing certificate is not required!

Now, I’m eligible to fill promotion form.

Now further should I continue to chant the same switch words to ensure my promotion or you would like to suggest something else?



In your life, find one positive quality in each and every member of your family, friends, teachers or colleagues.

Think about them chant TOGETHER PRAISE DIVINE.

Find a positive quality of anyone whom you criticized or blamed and chant TOGETHER PRAISE DIVINE.

Write in a notebook TOGETHER PRAISE DIVINE daily 51 times.

Write TOGETHER PRAISE DIVINE in a paper and keep it under the pillow

Ms. Rita

Since you suggested I’m chanting TOGETHER PRAISE DIVINE daily.

Though, I could not write it in notebook for 3-4 days as I was out of station but later I finished those pending pages also.

I am observing a slight change in my staff member’s attitude towards me. They are softer to me.

Although, they have not given me a king’s throne, without any clash they  are trying to finish their answer sheet marking, assessment of children in school, which otherwise a govt. teacher do with a very slow pace causing delay in result preparation.

I hope this chanting will make my colleagues more honest to their work and bring harmony at my workplace.

Thanks a lot for such beautiful and easy remedies which can heal difficult situations.


Add the word LINK to the phrase (TOGETHER PRAISE LINK DIVINE)

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Want a promotion:

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The Well-Wisher:

Conflicts Inside Out


What can I do when I feel that my future is not good or happy? Should I chant release?

Why this type of thought comes on mind… it any signal?


The mind is not one. It is a union of various parts – accumulation of all surviving emotions. Each works in a different and opposite ways.

This thought comes from that part of mind which is fearful. Don’t get yourself bogged down by this thought. Treat this as a doubt asking by some part of the mind.

Think that somebody is asking you. Give a reply to that part as another person like this, “Don’t be afraid. Release your fear. You are safe and secured”.

That part (of the mind) for the time being will keep quite. After sometime it may again raise the doubt. Every time give the same answer and escape.

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Love is safe:

Fear of intimacy:

Praise Money:

Anti-Theft Cards


I want to thank you for the Bach Flower remedy cards. Especially, I would like to talk about the THEFT CARD.

Recently, when my mom got hospitalized, she had handed over her jewelry to me. And during this running around to hospital, I kept it in a safe place and forgot.

 Later after 15 days, I tried to search for the same. But, I could not find. I was worried and thought I lost the jewelry as the maid used to clean my room every day.

However, I was confident about the THEFT card. I prayed to flowers and got a message that the jewelry was inside the house only. No one had stolen it.

I trusted the card so much that I accepted the fact that the jewelry was safe and secure. Then recently, found it in the same place, where I had searched for the same.

Anyways thanks once again for your divine guidance and blessings through disguise.

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Thieves cannot escape:

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Travel Pack:

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