Posts tagged Naran S Balakumar

Frame of LOVE


Within a day of using the symbols you told me to use, i.e. Love and Joy (Symbols 66 and 67), I could find a marked difference in my state of mind.

It moved into positivity, calm and loving kindness to all including all who I felt had injured me so much that I felt quite silly about any anger I was holding.

Thank you very much.

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66 Love

Just look at the symbol for love for as much times as possible.

Husband not showing any interest


I have visited 2-3 astrologers. I am very scared about their predictions as all of them told me that there are 100% chances of separation/divorce in my marriage within next few days/months.

My situation is actually worst. I am chanting TOGETHER DIVINE but not seeing any changes in my situation.

Now, after visiting astrologers I am very depressed as I just wanted to live my life happily without any such drastic changes.

Though my husband is not at all talking to me, not taking care and not at all showing any interest in me from day one of our marriage.

I still love him very much and wanted to live with him only.


Continue this.

There is one symbol number 47 to unite the broken relationship

Write your husband’s name and your name in the empty circle, and chant the switch words, “TOGETHER DIVINE”.


50 Relationship-Bond

The symbol develops bond between two people.

Write the names of the people who need to be bonded in the empty circle.

Chant the switch words “TOGETHER DIVINE”


47 Broken-Relationship

This symbol:

  • Restores the lost love
  • Rejoins with husband/wife
  • Joins the broken relationship

Chant the switch words, “TOGETHER DIVINE”

On the empty circle, write the names of the people you want to get re-joined (one of them could be yourself)


32 Reform-Person

When you want to change [reform] a person to a good one, look at the symbol and chant the switch words, “TOGETHER CHANGE HOLD DIVINE”.

Write the name of the person in the blank circle.



12 Praise

When the child behaves badly and not listening to you, energize the symbol of PRAISE () so that the child behaves laudably, worthy of other’s love.

This word contains the energy of “THANKS” within.

Write the child’s name in the blank circle.

Chant the switch word PRAISE looking at the symbol.

Good marriage proposals


Could you please suggest some effective remedies to get married as soon as possible? So that can I get some good proposals, which should go ahead quickly?


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, WALNUT, OAK, HORNBEAM” daily 100 times.

Thank the divine in advance as marriages are made in heaven – “TOGETHER I thank the divine for getting me a life partner NOW DONE”.

Write that affirmation in a notebook, daily 21 times.

In addition, look at the Power Life Symbol 54 and chant the switch words “TOGETHER DIVINE INVITE LOVE” associated with the symbol, as many times as you can.

Mum tell me what to do


Shyla found that her son is not studying irrespective of several complaints from his teachers and after getting bad scores in his exams.

She took a colored Xerox of the Power Life Symbol 2-SLOW-CARE and wrote her son’s name in the blank circle. She carried the paper in her purse.

Now and then, she chanted the switch words, “SLOW CARE”, while looking at the symbol and thinking about her child.

After a few days, one fine morning, he approached her and asked her, what homework he had to do and what subjects he had to study for the day.

She was totally surprised about his change in behavior. He is continuing to be responsible like this for the last one week.

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Introduction to Power Life Symbols


Power of Kanji Symbols

Kanji symbols are not like letters found in other languages, which can be strung together to form words.

In fact, every Kanji symbol depicts an idea (or word).  Kanji symbols are basically pictograms or ideograms.

Because they are pictograms, they can convey the idea to the subconscious mind easily.

Stability can be found easily – Case History

One day a client of Naran phoned up and said his company is sending out most of the people. However, he wanted to continue working there.

He wanted his management to retain him because at his age he cannot find another job easily.

From his expressions, Naran found that he wanted stability. He gave him a stability symbol (48) and asked him to paste it on the chair that he sits in the office.

Till now the client is continuing in the same company, even after retrenchment of so many of his colleagues.

When he kept the stability symbol under his pillow, he found extraordinary feeling of stability. Probably that changed attitude of him has helped him to save his job.

Refer the link to know and use the stability symbol:


Researching on Symbols with Switch Words

This encouraged Naran to collect and experiment with various symbols for different life situations.

While doing this research, he found out that symbols can be combined with the most popular switch words too. He found this increased the power of switch words in multiples.

He feels using these symbols along with the chanting of switch words can help so many of us in so many of life situations.

Combining switch words with symbols

Switch words with Power Life Symbols is a unique, unknown and untried healing method introduced by Naran. Both the symbols and the switch words can impact our sub-conscious mind.

All of us know how switch words can be used for various life situations. Sometimes, we get 100% and sometimes we don’t.

In those areas where it is not working, we can complement them by energizing them with symbols.

Thus, the Symbols – Kanji (Chinese and Japanese) compliment, and supplement the power of switch words.

The features of this method

  • It is a simple technique that even a 10-year-old child can learn it.
  • No need to learn, practice or remember the symbols.
  • One can use them by simply looking at, by keeping it under the pillow or carry it in their pocket. You can energise the symbols by placing the crystals on them.
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