Posts tagged old

Not eating properly

Question: My one and half year old baby does not eat properly and is very adamant.


Give ROCK WATER and WILLOW to your baby 2 doses of 2 pills each.


Not eating is Self-denial: Rock Water

Sudden aversion to something, without any reason: Willow

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Confused about going back


After six years of divorce, he suddenly contacted me, and said sorry for his behaviour, and asking me to come back.

Four to five days back his mother got heart attack. She is in hospital now. She is recovering (I too prayed for her recovery).

Now I’m very much confused. I am feared to go back to him.

Please suggest solution – a remedy for me, to take a firm decision, which will be good for both of us and our families.


Take the flower remedies SCLERANTHUS, SWEETCHESTNUT and WALNUT each 3 pills, one after the other for three times a day.



To know what the divine wills: SWEET CHESTNUT

To break the old pattern: WALNUT

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No Words to Express Kindness of Divine

Sandhya Varma

My grandson    who will soon be 3 years old was not speaking clearly.  My daughter took him to a therapist, who indicated that the child may be mildly Autistic.

Extremely worried I came and asked Naran for help.  He asked me to chant “LIFT KIND DIVINE”.

Hardly four days after, I started chanting. Soon after, the therapist changed her view and said he may be just a late talker. 

Amazingly, not only he started talking, but also compiling sentences, e.g., “Bye, see you, drive there”.

I am amazed and thankful to Naran for this turn of events.

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V. Rajalakshmi

Since, the topics of trees have come up. I want to tell about a certain event.

In my work place, we have a very old and large MALAI VEMBU (Neem) tree below which everyone sits and vehicles are parked.

Last week, the entire tree with its base fell down. It made a crackling noise for some minutes before it fell, giving something like a warning, so that everyone could move out.

Surprisingly there was no vehicle nearby. So everything was safe. All of us thanked the divine tree.


Very good! Keep thanking when you see the trees – any tree on your way.

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Help at the Airport

Few years back, Naran’s son-in-law was leaving for the Chennai Airport.

He was about to take a flight to Singapore. His one-year old child was with him and he had to carry couple of suitcases too, which as anyone could guess would be difficult to manage.

Naran slipped a paper into his pocket a piece of paper, where he had written the name (Bach Flower Remedy) “WATER VIOLET”.

As soon as his son-in-law got down from the taxi, he found help immediately from the airport authorities, in the form of paid assistance to handle his stuff.

WATER VIOLET means “Help”.

If you are about to work in a country, where you had never been and whose customs you are not used to, then take Water Violet with you.

It will help you to form relationships as well as get the help you require.

Do not hesitate to use this tip


Dear Naran,


This worked amazingly by guiding me to persons who had the skill set to help me move forward in life, undo old patterns, see the lessons clearly and become unstuck.

I would ask those to not hesitate to use this tip from you. Thank you.

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When troubles pass we forget the blessings


Dear Naran,

Today, I visited your website after many days and was pleasantly surprised to see the blog back. I looked at some of old mails to you and the way you have responded in my times of need.

It is amazing!! What all experiences and times you have been there with me!!! I have confided in you at times more than anybody else in the world. How much you have given me!!! I love you!!!

I am so deeply grateful for all love and support in the face of the perpetual troubles – big and small. 

Ever since I found your blog, my life has almost invisibly and gently improved for the better. I have had many miracles, many blessings, many glorious experiences and I am so grateful for every one of them until this point.

I look forward by your blessings, the blessings of all compassionate beings, enlightened beings and gods. When troubles pass, we forget the blessings. It’s an eternal human frailty.

So, when I feel a moment of pure gratitude, I want to thank you and not leave in unsaid…god bless you!!

I look forward again to read your blogs. I wish you happiness, health and love.

Do keep your love and blessings on me and my loved ones. LOVE THANKS PRAISE DIVINE

Bach Flower Approach to Cancer Treatment


My husband was recently diagnosed with bowel cancer. So far, the doctor has told us that he needs to do surgery and chemotherapy.

What SW and Bach flower remedy can I chant? I am really scared. We have 3 children. We are worried about our finances as well.


The switch words “CONCEDE CLEAR WITH LOVE old undead cells FIND new cells” can be chanted. 

“SUN DIVINE FORCE” can be chanted over water and be given to the patient.

Cancer is the physical state, where there is nothing but “destruction and annihilation”. SWEET CHESTNUT is the only remedy that can help.

When it is diagnosed, people become panicky, for which ROCK ROSE is the remedy.

Cancer is always hidden – AGRIMONY.

Cancer is called malignant, for which WILLOW is the remedy.

CRAB APPLE will dissolve the undead cells.

The vitality of the patient should be built with CENTAURY and OLIVE.

To heal the deep mental depression, MUSTARD is the remedy.

The mind always wants to deny and escape from the situation, for which AGRIMONY and CHESTNUT BUD are the remedies.

Prescription for Patients


This combination can be given one day; alternating with CENTAURY, OLIVE and MUSTARD on the next day.

RUTILE QUARTZ can be put in water and kept overnight. It can be given in the morning. It will increase the oxygen availability of the cells.

WATER VIOLET can be given to the patient also when going to the hospital. He will be taken care of well by the doctors.

Prescription for Family Members

The situation for the family is a unique and should be handled.

To handle the mental state of the family members, and to manage money: ROCK ROSE (for terror and the thought “Where to go for money”), RED CHESTNUT (worrying about the person who has cancer) and WATER VIOLET to manage the predicament.

Pictures of SQUIRREL and (gem) CITRINE can be kept in the hand bag.

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Moving into the Prosperity Zone


“SURYA NARAYANAM LAKSHMI NARAYANAM” is the mantra for memory, and property.

Mantra for handling financial property

Anything regarding land, selling etc. for example, one person wants to sell the land. It is his own land got it in the right manner and he has not cheated anyone. It is a 40 year old property. When he wanted to sell the same, he observed that his initial is not proper in the document.

That is, his name is R. Rajagopal but in the document it was mentioned as S. Rajagopal. He chanted the mantra.

In the Registrar Office, they did not bother. The registrar office people verified the relevant old documents and gave a letter stating that it is a typographical error.

For buying the property also you can chant this mantra so that you will buy the right property.

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Knee and Toe problems


“HARE RAMA HARA KRISHNA” is the mantra to be chanted.

After old age, we tend to get knee problems. It is very important to take care of this part of the body.

Right knee represents issues with father, left knee represents mother, while toes are concerned with children.

Whether we think what we do is right or wrong, if we have a problem in knee or toes, it indicates we are making a mistake and need to change in some way. Chant “HARE RAMA HARE KRISHNA” to change yourself.

Change should happen within. Stubbornness and inflexibility will need to change into flexibility. By chanting this mantra as it makes us flexible.

Our outlook of life becomes flexible and open.

“I am flexible” and “I will adjust”– we say. In fact, we are opposite, because if we are flexible then we won’t say so.

We are not flexible because we want to control every event to our satisfaction. Then we will not be happy. The desire to change or control will be there in every action of ours.

Release your desire to change or control and accept others as they are.

Acceptance has to be there. If you are not resisting even in mind, any resistance (opposition) to life situations will not be present.

Rama was asked to go to the forest. While Lakshman opposed Rama didn’t oppose it. While all others resisted, Rama accepted it gracefully because he saw the divine plan behind going to the forest for fourteen years.

How do we operate in our lives? Life is nothing but a string of polarities. Our life is motivated by advantages and disadvantages.

The doctor asks you to get admitted in hospital for 10 days. This mantra will get you discharged easily. Both patient and his family can chant it.

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