Posts tagged well

Started taking mother’s milk


1.5 months ago, I have given birth to a girl. It is a premature C-section delivery.

  1. My baby does not suck my breast nipple
  2. Problem of low milk supply in breast
  3. How to increase weight and immunity of my baby girl?




Thank you so much for the mantra and Now milk supply has increased so much.

My baby is now 2 months old.

  1. She frequently vomits and feel discomfort
  2. She always stretch her body, always feel like restless baby
  3. As she is a pre-term baby, so want her to gain weight quickly.
  4. She does not sleep in night, whole night she is awake. I have tried RESCUE REMEDY and WHITE CHESTNUT, but it didn’t seem working.
  5. How to improve quality of milk, so she develop well and have a good memory?
  6. What will help her to increase appetite, and better digestion?
  7. How to improve her complexion?


Give her WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD regularly.


The BIJA MANTRAS in the specified order will increase the breast milk in the mother. It will work like Pran Mudra (little and ring fingers touching the tip of the thumb on both the hands).

The Bach Flower remedies WALNUT and CHESTNUT BUD will help the child to develop qualities needed for its growth.

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How to tap the resource of an expert

Who may be dead too…


“I choose to understand math as I understand comics”.

A child did EFT/Tapping like that and did well in her math exam.

However, be specific about the resource we require — like math intelligence of Ramanujam and don’t say “I need the intelligence of Ramanujam” as then we might acquire a quality from him that may not be to our liking.

Say instead, “I choose the math intelligence of Ramanujam”.

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Sleep and Relaxation Tonic


In a glass of water, drop three pills of WHITE CHESTNUT, AGRIMONY, CRAB APPLE and WALNUT each. Sip the water after every 10 minutes.

This combination is a good mental relaxant too.

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Fixing Machines is No Problem Whatsoever

Fixing TV

R Mohan

My Samsung TV has stopped working. I had been using it for nearly four years. Until now, it hasn’t given me any problems at all. I consulted few technicians, who couldn’t fix the problem at all.


Write “OAK” in a piece of paper and paste it on the TV.

When you try something many times and if the solution is not found then “OAK” is the remedy. Oak will make you a smart worker. It will find the right tools to solve the problem.

R Mohan

Within 10 minutes of pasting the paper, my sister called me and said she has a spare TV. I could keep it for a while until I buy a new one. Funny thing is she knew the problem all along and never got this idea.

Fixing Laptop

R Mohan

After 3 long years of working, the display screen of my laptop started flickering. Sometimes, the keyboard got stuck. I guess I have to buy a new laptop.


When you fall sick, you try to fix your problem.

You have used the laptop for several years and it has served you well, by all means. Try to fix it, even if there are no chances of fixing it. In addition, you offer your thanks to it.

Chant “BEECH, OAK”.

The Bach Flower Remedy BEECH is like the universe working in perfect precision.

R Mohan

I chanted the same and after a couple of days figured out that if I stopped using it continuously and shut it off after using it for an hour or two, for a period of 10-20 minutes, then it works without any problem.

Last five months, the problem never happened again.

Fixing Gas Regulator

R Mohan

Bought a new gas stove. The new regulator couldn’t be fixed properly. A couple of technicians tried, failed and asked me to contact the gas authorities.

Then the third one came. While he was about to fix it, I chanted “OAK” few times. And he was able to fix it without any trouble.

Solving mathematical problems


What should a student do who gets disturbed if he is not able to solve one sum out of 10 sums in practical papers? He also gets one step wrong in each sum.

Do you have some solutions to deal with practical exam papers?


What for you want remedies? Not to get disturbed? Or for putting sums rightly?


In practical exams like Maths, if 10 sums are asked, the student solves 9 sums but at least one step he does wrong in each sum and then one sum he lefts totally.

Finally, he gets depressed or disturbed by that thinking he has not given 100% in paper.


If one does not understand the basics of Maths MUSTARD flower remedy will help him understand the subject well.

Unable to learn from the mistakes is CHESTNUTBUD.

The combination of Mustard and Chestnut bud will make any one understand and learn the subject well.

Any student will regret the mistakes he committed in the exam. Not to regret, is HONEY SUCKLE.

Heal your body with Gem Remedies

Basic remedy for any medical complaint

Sun (Ruby)

Vitality, Blood Circulation


To retain your stamina and vigor


General tonic

Nine gems

Chakra Balancing

Nine gems will balance all chakras, harmonizes the functioning of them

Nervous weakness

Emerald, Coral


Pearl and IBGO (a combination of Diamond, Yellow Sapphire, Emerald and Pearl)

Pearl will reduce the temperature even if it seems to be rising.

Fever didn’t stop

Nine gems

After fever, a person feels dull

Recovery will be speeded up, if Ruby is taken. Even two pills will do.

Settling in a job


Pls tell me Switch Word for settling in a job and to get a good salary as well. Now, I am working as an accountant but getting paid very less.



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A miracle is ready to happen

S Malini

I was writing angel number 520 prior to election. 

One person came to my house and gave three election identity cards of myself and my family members saying that ward counsellor had sent those cards to me. 

I was very happy to receive the same since I had to take leave or permission from my office to collect these cards.  The same ward counsellor denied getting these cards when I requested him.

This is a good miracle (1st time I wrote 520).

By writing 520 what is needed for us happens and we should not worry for the same.  Just keeping faith on these angel numbers will work well.


How the angel number 520 has helped Malini? Who will deliver the voter identity cards (these days)? They would have kept with them and cast the bogus votes!

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Final Jackpot:

My husband stopped drinking


Raji: I am married for 8 years. I have a daughter who is 7yrs old. When I became pregnant, I got separated from my husband.

Naran: Are you still separated?

Raji: No. We are living together for the last one year.

Naran: What is your problem since you had been together?

Raji: My husband is an alcoholic. Once in 3 or 4 days, he gets drunk as well as daily consuming Pan Parag (a tobacco product).

Naran: Since how long he has been an alcoholic?

Raji: According to my in laws he started drinking from his graduation days.

Naran: Explain his behavior after he gets drunk?

Raji: He will get angry at me and my daughter; will shout.

Naran: What does he shout about?

Raji:  He will say, “Nobody respects me. There is no respect for me even in my own house. My daughter does not respect me. My friends, my employees, and my parents don’t respect me either. I will teach all of them a lesson”.  

After the outburst, he will start weeping.

Naran’s Analysis

To be respected is the key word for ROCK WATER.

He is weeping. By losing control of himself, he weeps. Therefore, add CHERRY PLUM.

Rock Water will ultimately turn into either CHESTNUT BUD or VINE.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: How is his behavior when he is not under the influence of alcohol?

Raji: His behavior is quite normal only. He shows his love for his daughter. In fact he sincerely made efforts for our reunion.

(Naran questioned further about her husband’s profession)

Naran: What is he doing?

Raji: He is running a Screen Printing unit. But it is not doing well.

Naran: How does he manage to pay his workers and take care of the family then?

Raji: He is honest in paying out the dues. Somehow, he will manage to pay the workers first, and then gives me money once a week.

Naran’s Analysis

Honesty – ROCK WATER

When one tries to be honest, in spite of adverse circumstances, self-control is employed to the maximum in one area.

He is so self-controlled in the area of finance that he loses self-control in some other area. Thus when he drinks, he loses his control and starts weeping.

Discussion (cont…)

Naran: Suppose if he can’t pay his dues, then how does he manage?

Raji: Naran, one more thing, I have forgotten to tell you. Every month before paying the rent, he would abscond.

Naran: Why?

Raji: He cannot pay the house rent by first of every month. Therefore, he feels ashamed to meet the house owner. So he would not stay in the house during the first week of the month.

Instead, he would stay with his parents for 4 or 5 days, arrange for the money, and will return back home after paying the rent. He has been doing this for a long time. Though, he would never cheat anybody.

Naran’s Analysis

 Honest and at the same time an escapist. This is the case of a ROCK WATER person turning into CHESTNUT BUD character. On the due date, he would abscond (Chestnut Bud).

Key Words for Rock Water

To be respected:  Ego and pride; self control, honesty.

Self controlled, honest person expects self respect. As a principle, he would never cheat.

Here the husband doesn’t get respect. His ego is hurt when he is insulted. He loses his control when he drinks.

One more interesting point is Rock Water father will face a Cherry Plum daughter.



Put the combination in the common drinking water, so that everybody will get the healing effect.

Feedback after 15 days

Raji: From the second day onwards, he stopped Pan Parag, and after a week he has stopped drinking.

Doing Well in the Examination Hall


During the examination, a student makes silly and careless mistakes. Probably due to lack of time, he is writing answers without any thinking.

While going through the question paper, he may find a question, for which he doesn’t know the answer.

He will become restless suddenly and will start writing the exam hastily. So his answers will tend to be wrong.

He may also go into a negative HORNBEAM state. Starting problem leads to mental weariness.

Immediately a crisis of confidence may occur – ELM.

A sudden regression may lead to sudden loss of memory – state of GENTIAN, and nothing seems to be remembered.

To avoid all these possible negative states in the examination hall, one can take the following flower remedies:

  • Impatiens: not to do anything in a hurry
  • Hornbeam: overcome mental weariness
  • Elm: overcome any sudden crisis of confidence
  • Gentian: prevents any regression and
  • Wild Rose: when you try to speed up doing something, your mind has to be calm. Wild rose gives that to you and will liven up your enthusiasm throughout the examination. Also, you will have plenty of time to complete the exam!

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