Posts tagged What
Want to be loved and respected
I have separated from my husband but we are now friends with benefits now and it hurt me. What can I do? Shall I go on?
He says we can have a good relationship in the future but I am not sure. I think I am making things easier for him. I don’t know how to proceed. I admire him a lot!
What do you want?
Karinapach I want to be loved and respected
Give love and love and respect all
From ‘I Love Myself’ Workbook
I am Loved
- What will I do today towards (gaining) this aspect of my life?
I am Worthy of Love
- Think about your positive qualities that you have used so far.
- How will you use them today?
In addition, check the link, to know how to gain respect:
Attitude towards giving charity
While giving charity, what mantras could we recite?
Not to develop superiority complex as you are offering charity: WATER VIOLET
Develop giving attitude: CHICORY
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Changes begins from us
Question: What is a Rogue husband? Do we refer to infidelity or incompatibility or uncaring?
It means all.
It is her view. We don’t know whether a person is a rogue or not.
However, the healing is always given to a person who makes a complaint about the other. As a healer, we assess the mental state (of the person complaining) and give the remedies.
Question: Is it possible for a man who has led a wayward life since his teens change into a good man with the help of remedies?
Anybody can change into a better person, provided he wants to.
However, the healing is always aimed at the self.
If you are putting up with a person, who is wayward, you have to change yourself. Heal your emotions; heal your reactions; heal your way of thinking.
If you are able to change effect in yourself, by taking the appropriate remedies, the opposite person will change.
In any relationship, one has to change to see the change in the other. This is the rule.
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Thanking people works
It is very interesting just thanking people for the behavior you prefer actually has been working everywhere. It showed me there is a lack of gratitude in my life.
Just do what Naran says.
Do not ask too many questions….as they are all excuses!
It still heard to believe with my mind but my heart knows it’s true.
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How to love parents who are cruel
My parents have been cruel to each other and to me in various ways. How to love them?
The irony is we know how to get angry or how to blame. Who taught this? How does it come to us so naturally?
While learning to live from childhood, we have been learning wrongly. Unfortunately, there is no teacher. We observe, understand and form a thought, conclusion and start believing.
We should understand that when by being in resentment, resentment only grows.
By being in a state of anger, anger only grows.
In spite of our knowing that anger and resentment cannot achieve what we want, yet we will be in that state.
You may not love them. Can you not help yourself by getting away from resentment?
See what you cannot see. Don’t see what you see.
When you stop judging, you start observing. When you observe, you understand what you have not so far understood.
Any feeling that blocks our progress can be released. Get any feeling that can enhance your life progress.
Thank you for such a complete answer. I am grateful.
I know intellectually that holding on to my judgment of them is causing me problems. I will try to do EFT or something to reduce my resentment (although I never call it that!).
Some part of me thinks it would be wrong to allow them to just be who they are. As if the judgment will save me from becoming like them.
Don’t drag them into your life now.
Unite all the parts.
Forget what happened and treat them as new persons and be neutral first. Even the slightest resentment against them, will bring the same type of persons in your life.
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