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I am not getting my promotion
One person joined a new company.
He worked in the company for one year. He was due for a promotion but he did not get it.
So he thought that this company is not the right company for him. He was contemplating to resign and started searching for a new job.
At that time he developed a back pain. There is no problem in the office, but he is thinking that he is not given promotion.
I asked him the nature of his back pain.
He said that while sitting there is no pain. But while walking or climbing the stairs, he gets a back pain.
Here the body conveys to him, “The place you are sitting is already secured. Why you need to go elsewhere. Why do you want another job? You are already secured”.
I told him that this company is by all means secured.
Now, he has to make a commitment, ‘I will stop searching for a new job’.
If the pain reduces then the diagnosis is correct and he has to continue in this company.
He took the commitment. The pain got healed and he stopped searching for a new job. Till to-day he has been in the same job, for the last 7 years.
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Treating Corn
Extra waste materials in the lymphatic glands and kidneys are put in the feet by the system to be on a safer side.
Mental reason for corn is stubbornness.
We have to find out where all we are inflexible or stubborn.
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Addiction to drink
Treatment through Bach Flower remedies
No will power to discontinue drinking: ROCK WATER
Gives the reason for drinking by blaming his parents/ spouse: WILLOW
Says to get release from business worries, and other such problems: AGRIMONY
Drinks if somebody offers a drink: CHICORY
Morning he promises he will give up drinking, evening he takes it: SCLERANTHUS
Can’t refuse to drink if somebody offers it: Centaury, WALNUT
To break from drinking habit – base remedy: WALNUT
Feels ashamed next day morning to face his people: ROCK WATER
Steals money to fund his drinking habit: CHESTNUT BUD
Feels guilty after he drinks: PINE
Abusive – physical and shouts at others after drinking: VINE, CHERRY PLUM
Note: One or more remedies have to be given based on the reasons cited above.
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Break from the past
I am chanting as you say for my relationship. But he is still not talking or feeling as before.
I know love is for giving not for receiving but after losing my 3rd relationship, I have lost my confidence.
This guy again created faith and love in my life but don’t know why suddenly he changed his mind.
So, this time, I don’t want to lose him.
By the way he is a Muslim and lives outside India.
SCLERANTHUS and WALNUT are Bach Flower Remedies
To come out of this confusing situation: SCLERANTHUS (confusion) and WALNUT (come out of the past and create something new)
THANKS: gratitude is necessary to make your desires come true
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Plan for Life
From the workbook on “I Love Myself”
I know I have a plan for my life and I enjoy fulfilling it
You write your life plan for the next five years.
Keep it under the feet of Divinity.
Weekly have a look at this and take actions accordingly.
Every week you can analyze whether you are moving according to the plan or moving away from the plan.
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My mother-in-law’s best friend
Beautiful remedy for all the married couples from Naran!
Only after becoming Naran’s student, I learned to enjoy my divine life.
Now, I and my mother-in-law became best friends after doing the forgiving exercises and after past-life healing class.
LOVE THANKS DIVINE to our great teacher NARAN!
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