Posts tagged basis
Nobody Wants to Steal My Bike
R Mohan
I had kept the anti-theft card (a picture showing certain combination of Bach Flower Remedies that will prevent theft) inside my bike’s front box.
Twice, I had left the bike in a public park where bikes are stolen on a regular basis. However, nothing happened to it,
Twice, I left the bike with keys on it in a mall. Nobody stole it.
A thief came to our house, ignoring my bike, went inside the apartment, lifted some other bike over a parked car and took it away. Neither had he bothered stealing my bike.
I asked my mechanic whether there is something wrong with my bike. He said he has never seen a bike maintained so well. So there is no need to worry about the resale of my bike.
My question to you is, “Why my bike never gets stolen?”
I am not wishing to happen though!!!
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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part I
The basis of Pancha Mudra Pranayama…
Pranayama helps us to reduce no of breaths per minute. As Prana should go to all parts of the body, we require Mudras.
Pancha Mudras are…
They are Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.
Chin Mudra…
When you do Chin Mudra, the Prana flows downwards. The breath goes to navel and then to legs. It’s good for lower back and for elimination.
Chinmaya Mudra
This activates the Prana – Samanan, which flows from navel to throat upwardly. It is good for digestion.
Adi Mudra
It initiates the Prana called as Udanan, which flows from throat to brain. Thinking capacity of the person improves.
Meru Mudra
This Mudra activates the autonomous nervous system. It stimulates the spinal cord and good for the back too.Poorana Mudra
By doing this Mudra, we make the Prana travel all over the body. It means which ever part of the body lacks Prana; it will be supplied by this Mudra…
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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part V:
Proof we inherited our lives
What is the proof we have inherited our lives (LIFE Gene) from our parents?
Doctors say when you have a problem either it is a physical problem or a genetic problem.
These days for any problem, they say genetics is the reason, without knowing the particle science or basis of epi-genetics – an off-shoot of genetics. The latter says that nothing is unchangeable.
Even though everything is genetics, we can change it. Genes also can be changed. It is a concept proposed by epi-genetics.
If physical problem is genetic, then all your life problems also must be genetics. Isn’t it?
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Seems like miracles
Dear Naran,
I have written many mails to you and when I don’t get reply, I don’t feel anything because my work is to tell you. I know that from that point on, I am in the grace of your Love and Light in Pink Healing Energy.
Since last six months, though life has been difficult and very depressing, it has been DIVINE ORDER at work.
Main purpose in writing this is to share what seems like miracles…!!!
Even after any horrific experience, which I normally have with my people, I have a deep and sound sleep. I wake up in the morning and remain calm. I am so calm that I cannot remember when I last took RESCUE REMEDY. This is despite so many stressful events on a daily basis – maid, college politics etc. I think I may finally earn my thick skin. J
A day before, God is so great that he didn’t even make me feel any stress over the missing bag. And before I knew of the loss, it was restored! What a divine grace! Else it would have been a great problem.
Every day, when I have some problems, and am not able to reach you or find a solution, I somehow get an answer. I feel it may be just my fanciful imagination, but I am always smiling with my thoughts.
The other thing is that I was very disturbed by a couple of counselling cases. It seemed like a mirror to me and what I saw disturbed me greatly. But I took the learning and told myself, if you learn the lesson then you will be free.
And I am trying to be LOVE as much as possible. I always try and give Reiki to college, students, exams, food etc.
Last but not the least, your trip to Mumbai. It is as if the last unfulfilled wish, God decided to put me out of misery.
Related Blogs
Supreme Divine Order:
What is Rescue Remedy:
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Why we need to be happy?
Why we need to be happy?
To be wealthy, we need to be happy.
How we can make ourselves happy? Read the blog on changing mental compartments here:
What is the basis of changing mental compartments?
Whenever you think that there is no source for money or today there is no money, especially for business persons, at that time you have to do this exercise.
Because, whenever there is fear or worry Lakshmi will not come. Therefore, you have to change your mental attitude.
It is one of the best NLP programs.
This is how brain stores everything…
Worry will be in one compartment…
Fear will be in some other compartment…
And joy will be in other compartment.
Some event is happening outside. Immediately, your reaction goes to the any compartment which you are used to.
For example, when there is no money immediately you will have fear – some type of fear, and worry.
If the event invokes fear means, immediately the brain will go to that compartment and will make you feel like that.
You won’t feel differently as you don’ have the habit of reacting differently.
If you do this exercise, then immediately there will be a shift in your thought pattern and emotional mind.
You can do this for any type of situation where you want a change in the (mental) situation.