Posts tagged Chin Mudra

Care for your Liver, Kidney and Heart

Naran S Balakumar

For everyone, after crossing 50 years of age, you have to tone up the liver and kidney. This is a general rule.

Liver is one of the detoxifying organs and a major one among them.

For liver to function take YELLOW KARISILANGANNI capsules (daily two capsules). Yellow Karsilanganni will help the liver to function properly.

Like that, we have to take care of the kidney, for which we can take NERINJIL powder.

And then take care of the heart. For that take TERMINALLIA ARJUNA. It is called Marudham in Tamil. Even if it is 400 years old it will be strong.

The medicine is extracted from the bark of this tree, so that your heart is strong as the TERMINALLIA ARJUNA.

White Lotus and hibiscus are also important to activate the heart. It is available in capsule form which you can take.

Liver, Kidney and Heart are to be protected after 50.

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Movement of Legs


When a person is not moving, he can be in CHIN Mudra and chant OM RUM NAMAHA, for movement of the legs.

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part II


Procedure to do the Mudras

Doing the Mudras

Except for Poorana Mudra, for all other Mudras keep your hands on the lap. For Poorana Mudra, keep them touching the navel.

They have to be performed in the order listed. The duration has to be same for all the mudras.

One has to sit erect, either in a chair or on the ground in a yogic posture of your liking or simply squatting. Idea is to keep your spine erect while doing the Pancha Mudras.

These mudras activate five different types of Prana in our body namely – Prana, Apanan, Vyanan, Udanan & Samanan.

Follow this Breathing Technique

Do all the Pancha Mudras in the order of Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.

While doing the Mudra, do Pranayama following the counts:  –

 Inhale: 4, Hold: 1, Exhale: 5 Hold: 2.

This will be considered to be one round. Do 7 rounds of breathing for each Mudra.

It will take totally a maximum of 7 to 9 minutes

Compulsorily do it every day

Give 15 minutes gap after tea and 30 minutes gap after food.

Breathing helps…

Breathing is connected with both Pranic Body as well as Mental Body. The Pranayama heals the Pranic body and makes oxygen available to our bodies.

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part I


The basis of Pancha Mudra Pranayama…

Pranayama helps us to reduce no of breaths per minute. As Prana should go to all parts of the body, we require Mudras.

Pancha Mudras are…

They are Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.

Chin Mudra…

When you do Chin Mudra, the Prana flows downwards. The breath goes to navel and then to legs. It’s good for lower back and for elimination.

Chin mudra

Chinmaya Mudra

This activates the Prana – Samanan, which flows from navel to throat upwardly. It is good for digestion.


Adi Mudra

It initiates the Prana called as Udanan, which flows from throat to brain.  Thinking capacity of the person improves.

Adi mudraMeru Mudra

This Mudra activates the autonomous nervous system. It stimulates the spinal cord and good for the back too.Meru mudraPoorana Mudra

By doing this Mudra, we make the Prana travel all over the body. It means which ever part of the body lacks Prana; it will be supplied by this Mudra…

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Letting go the unwanted thoughts


Wisdom Within

Chin Mudra is a good Mudra for meditation.

When your mind is not relaxed, start with this Mudra and automatically all the unwanted thoughts that is clogging the mind will go off. That is why this Mudra is called as Chin Mudra or Gyan Mudra.

There is nothing Gyan or wisdom as it is. There is no wisdom available (outside). The Mudra will remove the Agyanam (ignorance) in us. Then wisdom will come automatically.

Whenever unwanted thoughts come to you, be in this Mudra and they will get released.

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