Posts tagged lose

Heal Your Heart Chakra


Our life is ruled by three chakras – Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Yet, beyond them, we manage to express our love. We get close to people. We offer our thanks to all. All that because of one chakra and that is the Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra is the fourth in line. It’s closer to Solar Plexus Chakra. On the chest, from breast draw a line. That’s the point where Heart Chakra is situated.

It is responsible for creation of heart and blood circulation.

It’s the reservoir of love. This chakra is reflected when we experience joy and enthusiasm with our friends and relatives.

If love is there, hate will be there too. If hate is filled in a place, then it’s a hell. Love is heaven and it increases our prana.

Heart chakra is mentally connected with love.

When you desire to make profits out of relationships (or anything for that matter with selfish intentions), we lose energy in this chakra.

If there is a relationship without a love, then it’s of no use, says the Heart Chakra.

We love our children and parents. We love somebody and hate somebody.

Hatred and sadness decreases energy and then we feel we can’t love anybody. We fight at office. When we come home, we should show love. Instead we fight.

If there is less energy in heart, we feel there is no love in life. We feel sad and think that nobody is there for us. With Heart Chakra, we need to love. Otherwise, we will deplete it!

Even if nobody loves you, love god, yourself, others and the world is the message from Reiki. If we GO for love, then the energy level of Heart Chakra expands and balances it.

When we get imbalanced due to Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras, then the energy level in those chakras shrink. But in the case of Heart Chakra, it’s never gets overfull. It can expand to any level.

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Facing lots of hurdles to get what I want


I am writing this message with lots of depression and tears.

I got an admission into PhD more than 2 years before…yet I haven’t started my research work.

I am fFacing lots of hurdles at my lab and with my teachers and colleagues. I’m a very sincere student from childhood.

But, now I became very useless as no one is allowing me to carry out my work at my lab.

Applied for many scholarships but nothing worked out. People who are of less knowledge, skills and liberal at work are getting selected for stipends.

Even at my home also no one is listening to others so lots of disputes are arising everyday among all family members.

All these issues at home and college are making me more depressive. Even I’m trying for suicide also though I am against to it.


Chant “SWEET CHESTNUT, CHERRY PLUM, 58” over a glass of water 100 times and drink this water daily. Do two times a day.

Write this in a piece of paper and keep it under the pillow.


Desperate situations needs divine intervention: SWEET CHESTNUT

Not to lose control and take one’s own life: CHERRY PLUM

To overcome obstacles: 58

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Speak with confidence


Please guide me on Bach flower to gain confidence and self-esteem.

I am very afraid to talk on the phone & cannot order at fast food places. I cannot say anything no words come out of mouth.

Even kids make fun of me and laugh at me as I speak with no confidence.


Take the flower remedies MIMULUS, LARCH, and PINE each two pills three times a day.


Afraid to talk/fearful: MIMULUS

Lack of confidence, especially for mid-life crisis: LARCH

Low self-esteem: PINE

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Things Improve in Life


As describing a flower is never the flower itself, some of the most subtle blessings and experiences lie beyond the reach of expression.

All the good that has come into my life since discovering the various methods offered in this blog are one of those. At a broad level many things have improved.

  • I smoothly did my Lasik and took off my glasses after 27 years
  • Broke my fear of driving and started moving on the roads
  • Joined a fitness regimen
  • Finished a novel
  • My business is picking up
  • Conflicts have reduced
  • Most importantly I have stumbled on many more sources of spiritual knowledge and got into a meditation routine

Of course, I have had my share of deep angst through the year, but I have been able to deal with it much better.

Every time I have been in pain, I either read his blog or have confided in Naran and have found much relief.

Almost every life situation has been dealt with in the blog.  They are practical and can even be done on behalf of others.

What moves me the most is the non-judgmental generosity, devoid of greed in the responses to those who seek help.

Life is so infinitely complex, so limitless is our sadness and there really is so little we can do. When we really, really need help, how comforting it is to know there is an individual and a great wave of compassion that we can turn to.  

There is no way one can come upon spiritual knowledge except by an act of generosity. Therefore with the deepest gratitude not just for myself as a beneficiary but on behalf of all the million views on the blog I will sign off.

Please, please give these methods a chance. Some work, some don’t but keep at it, things will improve. What do we actually have to lose except our disbelief?

Thank you dear Naran!! LOVE THANKS DIVINE!!!

Break from the past


I am chanting as you say for my relationship. But he is still not talking or feeling as before.

I know love is for giving not for receiving but after losing my 3rd relationship, I have lost my confidence.

This guy again created faith and love in my life but don’t know why suddenly he changed his mind.

So, this time, I don’t want to lose him.

By the way he is a Muslim and lives outside India.




SCLERANTHUS and WALNUT are Bach Flower Remedies

To come out of this confusing situation: SCLERANTHUS (confusion) and WALNUT (come out of the past and create something new)

THANKS: gratitude is necessary to make your desires come true

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Your wants have to be in balance

Wherever you need harmony you can use the word TOGETHER. It is a very special switch word. It goes deep into the life of person. It stimulates the values in us.

However, most of us do not know what we want. He will be working as a temporary worker but he may want freedom. Employment and freedom cannot go together. If you want freedom and independence then you should have your own business.

However, for doing business, he needs security and so he cannot invest in business. Like this, we are always in conflict in our lives.

Some people want to earn more money, but he cannot because if earns more money, his family life may be affected and so on.

Different parts of life

For all of us a balanced life is needed. What is that?

One is personal; one unknown person is there inside all of us. I can only know myself. That is the personal life in which physical life will be there too. You cannot be healing others continuously unless you are healthy. So, physical health is one part of life.

 The second part of life is our social life and relationships. That is, relationship with others – either relationship with the family or society.

The third part is professional. 

Thus, the first part of life is physical or personal, the second part is relationships, the third part is professional and the fourth part is spiritual.

Our conflicts of interest

All these four are not balanced in any of us because our interests are in conflict with each other.

Our physical health will be good but relationships will not be good. If relationship is good, his professional life will not be good as he may not go to the office.

When you take a decision for one part of life, it may imbalance the other part of life. When you decide to go to a foreign country, you will lose your family life.

For that reason, you cannot sit at home saying that for you, your family is important and therefore you will skip work.

In the same way, when you think money is important then you have to forego your family life.

Ultimately, you are working for your health, which is lost by working hard, going at 6 am and coming back at 12 midnight.

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Pluses and Minuses


There is a plus point and minus point in everything.

You are not prevented to reduce the weight. You have to find out the operation of mind.

You know the disadvantages, but not the advantages. We have to understand there are positive points too. Otherwise, we will not sustain the situation of overweight.

Lakshmana said to Rama ‘Don’t go to forest’. However, Rama said “I will go”, as he accepted to go to the forest. Others saw minus in going to a forest, while he saw positive in that situation.

That should be our attitude in every situation.

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Cleanse your mind Cleanse your house


Over time I have realized that I have not made peace with my past and still holding grudges against a lot of people. I understand it is affecting me psychologically, emotionally, mentally and interfering with my daily life, personally and well as professionally.

Sometimes, I feel calm and other times very vengeful. There seems to be no stability in my thoughts and I often hold others responsible for any untoward incident happening to me.

Moreover, the vibrations in my house do not feel good. Specially so when certain people enter the house, stay in the house or leave the house. Nobody at my place seems to be at peace. Even a very patient person seems to lose his cool here.

In fact, there have been 3 to 4 couples who have stayed in the house before us and left, nobody could live in the house with stability and peace.


Take the flower remedies HOLLY, WILLOW, CHERRY PLUM and MIMULUS regularly for a few months.

Keep salt (Rock Salt) water in the night, in your bed room. The next day, throw the water in the sink. Do it daily for some days.

Spray the water remedied with WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE (3 pills of each in a tumbler of water) on all the walls of the house.

Do this also daily for one month. This wipes out all the unwanted accumulation of our own emotions like anger sadness etc. in the space of the house.



To clean the mind and body of unwanted stuff, salt water is used. Rock salt that is manufactured out of sea water has the capacity to absorb negative stuff.

Cleanse the vibrations of the house: WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE. You can do this before and after a function.

Vengeful: HOLLY

Holding grudges: WILLOW

No control over thoughts: CHERRY PLUM

Worried those vibrations of the house will affect: MIMULUS

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Common solution to the housing problem


This is a general question which I think will be benefited to all. Gone through your site – all mantras, remedies are fantastic. Main thing I noted is shelter problem.

Real estate is in peak today and due to this house rent/land rate is too high which affects lower and middle classes. Living in rent in a decent area or purchasing flat and house – everything is a difficult for them.

Hence, my humble request is to suggest remedies/mantras to peak down I.e. nominal value for land and so that all will be benefitted.


Don’t go by general interpretation of anything. Each one is unique. Each problem is unique. There may be similar problems but not same.

The problem in general is high rent, peak of land or house price. But each individual, undergoing this problem will react in different ways:

“It is the world of cheats. This is a bad phase in my life”.

“I am destined to suffer”

“Prices will never come down. We can never have a peaceful life”

“I feel like bursting out”.

“Everything is going beyond limits”

“What can we do? We have to accept and move on.”

“Something may happen. Prices will come down”

“God is not helping the poor. He is by the side of the rich only”

Each will be in a different state of mind. Each will react differently and approach the problem differently. Therefore it is not good to suggest a common solution to all.

In the above situation, what is the one general advice that can be given?

One has to bear, with fortitude and courage to face any situation. If this mentality is developed and or if one is in this state of mind, things will improve.

How to cultivate this or develop this state? How to transform one’s mental state into this?

Flowers are the answer. There are four (Bach) flowers that can help anybody in the above situation:

  1. CHERRY PLUM (to bear, and endure so that our limit to earn is enhanced)
  2. ROCK ROSE (to develop fortitude -never-say-die spirit; if this is developed help will come instantly)
  3. GORSE not to lose hope at any time
  4. WILD ROSE to get motivated to move on in life

Flowers are divine. Flowers are our teachers. Life is always a learning process. We are always students.

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Profit after Loss


One of my clients lost 10 sovereigns of gold. I asked them to chant “LALITHAM SRIDHARAM LALITHAM BASKARAM LALITHAM BALACHANDRAM”.

This set of three mantras is given for clearing the debts. 

He was given flower remedies also.

Whenever we lose something, we will start cursing several people including the cops, saying they are crooks. For resentment and anger I asked him to chant the ‘I am sorry mantra’ too.

I also gave him the Power Life symbol ‘Profit after Loss’ given in the manual. This symbol is for anything that is lost. The symbols given in the Abundance Manual are new and they are not part of the original set of Power Life Symbols.

Soon after, he got back the 10 sovereigns from the cops.

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