Posts tagged middle
See Positive Improvement in Parkinson Disease
My mother has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease.
From time to time, she is also losing balance. Her knees are giving away, so that she is suddenly sitting down in the middle of walking.
Chant “ROCK ROSE, CHERRY PLUM, ROCK WATER” 100 times over a glass of water and give her daily.
Do it two times a day.
Susmita (after three weeks)
I already see positive improvement in her! Thank you so much!!
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Severe Gas Problem
A client of mine had a severe gas problem.
I asked him to do Apan Mudra (touch the middle and ring fingers with the tip of the thumb on both the hands) – twice a day, for 30 minutes each.
He did for two days and he found a lot of improvement.
What is the reason behind giving this Mudra?
If your water pipe is blocked with air, then the water will not flow properly. In the same way, to remove air (or gas from the body here), there has to be a good air flow.
Apan Mudra enhances your water element (ring finger) and tones the kidney as well.
In addition, you may keep your hands behind your belly button for at least 10 minutes a day.
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Simple ways to meditate Part II
Read the first part of the article here:
How to acquire a good breathing pattern?
- When you meditate, place the index finger at the base of the thumb on both the hands. Breathing will get deeper and you could meditate properly, as shallow breathing spoils it.
- Don’t take the index finger straight away move your finger to the base of the thumb. First touch the tip of thumb with the index finger. Then after some time, move the index finger to the middle of the thumb, and finally the base of the thumb.
- Don’t do it mechanically. Feel the breath with a conscious awareness.
- Observing your breathing is also a good way to meditate. This is part of meditation known as Vipassana meditation.
Space Meditation
- After learning to breathe well, do the space meditation.
- Be aware of the space between the chair you are sitting and the wall. Don’t look at the wall. Instead look at the space between you and the wall.
- This is known as ‘Space Meditation’. Keep the eyes open throughout.
Bach Flower Remedies as Aids to Meditation
White chestnut helps to remove our thoughts, Chestnut bud not to have any distractions and Willow if you think one or the other bothers you.
Chant Mantra during Meditation
It’s nature of our mind to cling to something. You can choose a mantra to do that. After sometime you should be able to say goodbye to it. Mantra itself is not divinity. It means constantly thinking about a word, which is a mantra. Ultimately that also should go.
When it will go? We don’t know. May be, it’s not in this Janma.
Scared to ride my scooter again
My problem is that 12 years back, I had a scooter and sold it for my financial problems.
Now, one of my friends went to abroad and gave his Scooty to me. Till date, I did not use it.
While taking it I am getting shivering. I put sudden breaks on the middle of the road if I see anyone coming opposite to me.
Pls help me to take out my scare.
Take the flower remedies RESCUE REMEDY and MIMULUS before riding the scooter.
For removing the scare: Mimulus
When you shiver and panic: Rescue Remedy
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Burning sensation
I had burning sensation while urinating. I did Apana Mudra (middle and ring fingers touching thumb on both hands). The pain went off in 10 minutes.
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Movement Mudra (index and middle fingers touching tip of thumb on both hands) is very good for numbness in extremities, in feet and arms.
For diabetic patients, who have numbness or cold feet, this Mudra will help.
Numbness is because of stagnated blood flow. Therefore, the switch words “MOVE ON” will also help.
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Common solution to the housing problem
This is a general question which I think will be benefited to all. Gone through your site – all mantras, remedies are fantastic. Main thing I noted is shelter problem.
Real estate is in peak today and due to this house rent/land rate is too high which affects lower and middle classes. Living in rent in a decent area or purchasing flat and house – everything is a difficult for them.
Hence, my humble request is to suggest remedies/mantras to peak down I.e. nominal value for land and so that all will be benefitted.
Don’t go by general interpretation of anything. Each one is unique. Each problem is unique. There may be similar problems but not same.
The problem in general is high rent, peak of land or house price. But each individual, undergoing this problem will react in different ways:
“It is the world of cheats. This is a bad phase in my life”.
“I am destined to suffer”
“Prices will never come down. We can never have a peaceful life”
“I feel like bursting out”.
“Everything is going beyond limits”
“What can we do? We have to accept and move on.”
“Something may happen. Prices will come down”
“God is not helping the poor. He is by the side of the rich only”
Each will be in a different state of mind. Each will react differently and approach the problem differently. Therefore it is not good to suggest a common solution to all.
In the above situation, what is the one general advice that can be given?
One has to bear, with fortitude and courage to face any situation. If this mentality is developed and or if one is in this state of mind, things will improve.
How to cultivate this or develop this state? How to transform one’s mental state into this?
Flowers are the answer. There are four (Bach) flowers that can help anybody in the above situation:
- CHERRY PLUM (to bear, and endure so that our limit to earn is enhanced)
- ROCK ROSE (to develop fortitude -never-say-die spirit; if this is developed help will come instantly)
- GORSE not to lose hope at any time
- WILD ROSE to get motivated to move on in life
Flowers are divine. Flowers are our teachers. Life is always a learning process. We are always students.
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Why ring finger represents water element?
How ring finger doesn’t represent earth?
If ring and middle fingers are activated by pressing them with the tip of the thumb, then urine flow will increase.
By doing it, a particular Mudra is activated and kidney is activated too. That’s why ring finger represents water.
Earth will not move. It is stationery. If earth is represented by ring finger, as per the books, then how can it increase urine flow? It cannot.
While water is moving, earth is non-moving. That’s why I have changed the ring finger into water element.
One more thing, water always represents life and relationships. Exchange of rings happens from the ring finger, when we get married. That’s why it represents water (element).
Activating fire element
Instead of touching the tip of the ring finger with tip of the thumb, keep the ring finger at the base of the thumb. Water flow will reduce.
If water is not distributed – reduced, fire element will increase.
When fire is increased, catabolic activity will take place and is very useful for weight loss. Extra fat will be eliminated.
Considering this fact, don’t do this (Fire) Mudra for 24 hrs continuously and next day check your weight in the weighing machine
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