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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part II


Procedure to do the Mudras

Doing the Mudras

Except for Poorana Mudra, for all other Mudras keep your hands on the lap. For Poorana Mudra, keep them touching the navel.

They have to be performed in the order listed. The duration has to be same for all the mudras.

One has to sit erect, either in a chair or on the ground in a yogic posture of your liking or simply squatting. Idea is to keep your spine erect while doing the Pancha Mudras.

These mudras activate five different types of Prana in our body namely – Prana, Apanan, Vyanan, Udanan & Samanan.

Follow this Breathing Technique

Do all the Pancha Mudras in the order of Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.

While doing the Mudra, do Pranayama following the counts:  –

 Inhale: 4, Hold: 1, Exhale: 5 Hold: 2.

This will be considered to be one round. Do 7 rounds of breathing for each Mudra.

It will take totally a maximum of 7 to 9 minutes

Compulsorily do it every day

Give 15 minutes gap after tea and 30 minutes gap after food.

Breathing helps…

Breathing is connected with both Pranic Body as well as Mental Body. The Pranayama heals the Pranic body and makes oxygen available to our bodies.

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Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part I:

Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part III:

Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part IV:

Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part V:

Any types of blocks can be removed


Raj was a student of mine. His brother-in-law had a heart problem.

When they did the scanning they found out that his lungs had fluid and unless it is removed, the heart block cannot be removed. Five times it happened and without any progress in sight.

He searched through my blogs and found that the mantra, “SRINIVASA ARAVINDALOCHANA” can remove blocks in lungs.

He asked his sister to chant it in a glass of water and give it to her husband. Additionally, he told her to whisper the mantra near the ears of her husband.

She did both.

Next month, when the doctors decided to do the operation, they did all the reports.

To their surprise they found out both the blocks in lungs and heart is not there anymore. They didn’t believe that patient took no other treatment except for taking the mantra-charged water.

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Key words

Fear of unknown origin, vague fears, all types of premonitions and superstitions


  • Fears of impending danger
  • Cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality
  • Fear of invisible, night mares, afraid of dark
  • Aspen imagination runs amuck
  • Aspen persons have nervous superstitious fears of occult concepts.  Belief in a fear of supernatural fears such as ghosts and unkind spirits.
  • Fear of approaching doom
  • Aspen fears are with anxiety attacks with terrible sweating
  • Fear of open places, dark, deep water


  • All superstitions: ASPEN + PINE
  • Fear of open places, dark deep water: ASPEN + MIMULUS + WALNUT + STAR OF BETHLEHEM
  • The child has nightmares: ASPEN, WHITE CHESTNUT              

Some of the statements from an Aspen person are…

  • I have superstitious fears and fears of premonition
  • I have feelings of apprehension uneasiness – but the cause is not known
  • I fear something bad will happen but I am not sure what it is.
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