Posts tagged origin

Simple ways to meditate Part I


Meditation is an experience that nobody can teach you.

Neither can we go to deep into meditation suddenly as it’s a practice and a habit that is formed over a period of time.

Meditation means, to remain silent. Though, thoughts keep appearing.

If any thought is present then it’s not meditation. How to remain thoughtless though?

Remaining silent with releasing techniques

How to remain silent in spite of thoughts?

Mind can cling to picture or a mantra.

Do we have a mantra for silence? There is no mantra for silence.

However, there is a technique to create silence. The technique is as follows:

  • When a thought comes don’t resist it. Say inside you, ‘this is my thought’. Thus, you disassociate yourself from the thought.
  • Then ask the question to yourself, ‘Can I let go this thought?’ It will go. You can also say “release”. Then it will go.
  • Now, there will be at least a one second gap between thoughts. This is equivalent to one hour of meditation. In general, we never have a gap between thoughts. In general we might have ten thoughts in one second.
  • If you do not want the “let go” step, then form your own mantra or word. When we say that mantra, we create a gap between the thoughts.
  • When a thought comes, interrupt it with the mantra and you will become silent. When another thought comes, say the mantra. The silence in between the mantra is meditation.

Need for pranic and physical bodies to be in coordination

Our pranic body and physical body have to be in coordination. Otherwise, we can’t meditate.

If we regulate our breathing pattern or do pranayama then they will be in coordination.

This is because both breathing and prana have the same origin. When breathing is regulated, prana is regulated too.

Pranic body has to be clear of impurities

When the pranic body is clean, then the meditation can be done successfully.

Why so much impurities in the pranic field?

It’s due to the mind. My own sadness and worries create these impurities. With the help of pranayama, one can clean these impurities.

Read the second part of the article here:

Aspen, the Bach Flower Remedy

Key words

Fear of unknown origin, vague fears, all types of premonitions and superstitions


  • Fears of impending danger
  • Cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality
  • Fear of invisible, night mares, afraid of dark
  • Aspen imagination runs amuck
  • Aspen persons have nervous superstitious fears of occult concepts.  Belief in a fear of supernatural fears such as ghosts and unkind spirits.
  • Fear of approaching doom
  • Aspen fears are with anxiety attacks with terrible sweating
  • Fear of open places, dark, deep water


  • All superstitions: ASPEN + PINE
  • Fear of open places, dark deep water: ASPEN + MIMULUS + WALNUT + STAR OF BETHLEHEM
  • The child has nightmares: ASPEN, WHITE CHESTNUT              

Some of the statements from an Aspen person are…

  • I have superstitious fears and fears of premonition
  • I have feelings of apprehension uneasiness – but the cause is not known
  • I fear something bad will happen but I am not sure what it is.
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