Posts tagged HUMAN
People around us are mirrors to our personality
Kindly explain that all of them are our projections means what?
The unfinished and unresolved parts of me e.g. my anger or my judgment about others are coming out in the form of other persons.
When you see them you get angry you dislike them you start criticizing them as if they were not yours.
In other words, your own anger takes the human form reminding you about the past unresolved conflicts.
Instead of repeating what we did in the past, giving Reiki is breaking the pattern.
Child or Mother
During delivery, the mother was very serious. The doctor tells the husband that condition is very serious. He can save only one life that is either the mother or the child.
Now the hubby does not know what to do because both the lives are precious to him. At that time, Sweet chestnut was given to the husband and to the wife through distance.
Both the Wife and the child were saved.
What is impossible to human mind is possible with the Bach Flower Remedy SWEET CHESTNUT.
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When troubles pass we forget the blessings
Dear Naran,
Today, I visited your website after many days and was pleasantly surprised to see the blog back. I looked at some of old mails to you and the way you have responded in my times of need.
It is amazing!! What all experiences and times you have been there with me!!! I have confided in you at times more than anybody else in the world. How much you have given me!!! I love you!!!
I am so deeply grateful for all love and support in the face of the perpetual troubles – big and small.
Ever since I found your blog, my life has almost invisibly and gently improved for the better. I have had many miracles, many blessings, many glorious experiences and I am so grateful for every one of them until this point.
I look forward by your blessings, the blessings of all compassionate beings, enlightened beings and gods. When troubles pass, we forget the blessings. It’s an eternal human frailty.
So, when I feel a moment of pure gratitude, I want to thank you and not leave in unsaid…god bless you!!
I look forward again to read your blogs. I wish you happiness, health and love.
Do keep your love and blessings on me and my loved ones. LOVE THANKS PRAISE DIVINE
Don’t Upset Me! Be Nice!!
What you said is true… that inanimate objects also have some energies and feelings. I experienced it twice at least, which I observed.
My washing machine is huge, turbo sized, so I thought I can put heavy loads. One day, I over stuffed it knowing it is heavy load. It stopped in between giving process error. I tried moving things around still it said it is unbalanced.
So, I was talking to it, rubbing my hand and said “I am sorry. I overstuffed. I am giving you Reiki now. Please wash it this time. I will not give heavy load again”.
I turned it on again and it finished the full cycle without any problem
Recently being human, I forgot and overstuffed it again but it was not very heavy load. It did not run for more than 2 minutes. No matter what I did. I tried to drain it and spin so clothes do not get spoilt overnight. It did not work.
It was so adamant. It kept giving process error and did not budge. I told it “I am so sorry, it is my mistake. I will give you Reiki, and can you please just rinse and take out water… no need to wash also. Just drain the water, spin it and give to me, I will wash as two cycles again tomorrow. Can you do that for me?”
Then I turned it on again at rinse. It worked!! It drained and spin without any noise and issues.
I am now careful not make it upset
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Commenting on:
I also have an issue, although the article is insightful, when we say that divine is the doer, I am not the doer. It does give a freedom from all the burdens.
But, in this case are we not being deprived of the motive to do something, which comes when we accept that we are totally responsible for the entire situation in which we are.
Would the human being not loose motive to move ahead in life, if he believes that divine is the doer.
I am not, then why should he care if he is doing something right or wrong because then also divine is responsible.
Can you please throw some light on this confusion?
I know I am sounding vague here, but I do loose motive to do something right and become lazy when I remember of this statement.
When one fully accepts the divine doer concept, one aligns with the higher mind – totally submitting oneself to the will of the divine.
When you do the work on hand as given by the divine, you will do reverentially. Your total concentration is on work. Extend this ownership and you will find others as divine.
Work is divine. Doer of the work is divine. Done for what / the result is divine. Done for whom? That person is divine.
There is only love in the heart. There is only joy in the heart. There is only peace in the mind.
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