Posts tagged night

Trying hard to build our house


I and my husband have been trying hard to build our house since last year. Because of insufficient money we are unable to complete the house till now.

My husband works very hard and has to work many night and days consecutively.


  1. Take the flower remedies MUSTARD, OAK and HORNBEAM – 3 doses of 2 pills each.
  2. Have a picture of CORAL in the pocket.


No solution in sight to find source of funds: MUSTARD

Working hard but with no favorable results: OAK and HORNBEAM

Gem remedy CORAL belongs to earth element. Anything concerned with land and building can be healed by Coral.

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Sleeping under the Reiki Net

R Mohan

One day, on a call with Naran, he said I could draw a big Reiki symbol Sei Hey Ki over my bed and visualize myself going under it (something like sleeping inside a mosquito net) and go to sleep.

I could sleep then very deeply and satisfied.

After a week, a friend of mine was admitted for a nose surgery. I saw her the day after the operation was over. She looked tired and unhealthy.

From my home, I visualized a big Sei Hey Ki over her bed. When I met her again after a few days, she looked to be 70% recovered which was totally unexpected.

I got confirmed from Naran that this NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) based Reiki technique that can be used to resolve serious problems in life.

By visualizing a BIG symbol, we are making our brains believe that the symbol is big and powerful (a NLP technique). Therefore, it tends to be very effective.

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Solution to get back money given to others


I run a naturopath in UK. Could you please advise me about Bach flower remedy for getting the money back, which we had given to others.


  1. Take CENTAURY, CHICORY, ROCK WATER and CHESTNUT BUD, 3 pills each three times a day.
  2. Take MUSTARD + AVENTURINE separately one dose in the morning and one dose in the night.


When the other person says, “I will give the money tomorrow or later”, he is not in a position to resist him and say anything against what he says. He cannot antagonize him at any point of time. Such a person needs CENTAURY.

Now you wanted the money back (CHICORY). They dodge paying you (CHESTNUT BUD). The opposite person to such a person will be a ROCK WATER person.

To find a solution to this problem: MUSTARD.

The gem remedy AVENTURINE activates the heart center. It is available at the Centre.

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Program Your Life – Part I

Letting GO is the Nature of LIFE


When you look at the whole world you will understand we only are holding on to mind.

What is the opposite of letting go? “Holding on to” is the opposite word. Holding will restrict us. Letting go expands us.

By letting go you are discharging from yourself what is not required by you, like Water putting out the Fire. Body and Nature Follows this rule 100%.

Watch the body. What it does?

Whatever is inhaled, lungs have to exhale out. Lungs cannot keep the air even for one second.

Heart – what does it do? It takes in blood and sends it out immediately. Blood enters the heart through Auricles and let out through Ventricles.

Whatever you take in, has to be let it out. It is the natural process of the body.

Lungs contract to let go, kidneys contract to let go urine, intestines peristaltically (downward movement) contract to let go the faeces and skin lets go by sweat.

The mouth lets go whatever you eat to the stomach. Stomach lets it go to the intestine. Intestine and kidneys let go as excretion.

Morning lets go to the noon, the noon lets go and becomes afternoon. Afternoon lets go and become the evening, and then evening to night. Each and every second gives way to the next.

Let go before taking the action. Then let go the emotions and thoughts attached to results.

Ask the questions:

  • What do you expect to achieve?
  • What is the driver desire or wanting behind each emotion and thought?
  • Wanting to control or change?
  • Wanting appreciation, recognition? (Desire for Approval)
  • Wanting more security? (fearful)

With this technique, you are not prevented from doing anything. Let go emotions as well as thoughts, and then Act.

“You are only entitled to Act. Don’t think about the result while doing” – says Lord Krishna in Bhagavat Gita.

The theory, we propose here is a new dimension to Bhagavat Gita and a new understanding of the Gita.

Read the 2nd part of the article here:

Fearful about nightmares


My mom gets nightmare, while sleeping and shouts with terrible fear.



Put 6 pills of each in a cup of water and ask her to have it before going to sleep.


Nightmares: ASPEN

Terrible fears after getting nightmares: RESCUE REMEDY

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Cleanse your mind Cleanse your house


Over time I have realized that I have not made peace with my past and still holding grudges against a lot of people. I understand it is affecting me psychologically, emotionally, mentally and interfering with my daily life, personally and well as professionally.

Sometimes, I feel calm and other times very vengeful. There seems to be no stability in my thoughts and I often hold others responsible for any untoward incident happening to me.

Moreover, the vibrations in my house do not feel good. Specially so when certain people enter the house, stay in the house or leave the house. Nobody at my place seems to be at peace. Even a very patient person seems to lose his cool here.

In fact, there have been 3 to 4 couples who have stayed in the house before us and left, nobody could live in the house with stability and peace.


Take the flower remedies HOLLY, WILLOW, CHERRY PLUM and MIMULUS regularly for a few months.

Keep salt (Rock Salt) water in the night, in your bed room. The next day, throw the water in the sink. Do it daily for some days.

Spray the water remedied with WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE (3 pills of each in a tumbler of water) on all the walls of the house.

Do this also daily for one month. This wipes out all the unwanted accumulation of our own emotions like anger sadness etc. in the space of the house.



To clean the mind and body of unwanted stuff, salt water is used. Rock salt that is manufactured out of sea water has the capacity to absorb negative stuff.

Cleanse the vibrations of the house: WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE. You can do this before and after a function.

Vengeful: HOLLY

Holding grudges: WILLOW

No control over thoughts: CHERRY PLUM

Worried those vibrations of the house will affect: MIMULUS

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Don’t beg from the divine


You have asked me to write “release resistance find divine order count now” for 51 times daily. I do that. I chant Ambika Sloka like mad, beg wolf every day and still no job interviews.

I ask loads of people but no one helps me–what more should I do? I need a job as soon as possible and am helpless. I beg divine so much and what more can I do?


Don’t beg from the divine. Take it from the Divine.

Daily in the morning say three times,” I thank divine for giving me a job of my choice. Then forget about it.


Why is this happening to me? The only thing I ever ask god for myself is a job. I help loads of people and never I think ill of others and genuinely pray for people – why am I being punished?


You will definitely get a job. Instead of having a victim feeling, have the attitude of gratitude.

Instead of “why me” question, understand God is doing everything perfect. He will do everything at the right time.

What is the right time? Think and thank the divine that you have had already right time.

Every day, morning, say, three times, “I open up all parts of my mind and align them to resonate to the Divine grace of money. I thank the Divine for providing me the job of my choice now. I release this intention to the all providing divine field.”

Forget about this and concentrate on something else.

Daily in the night think back and thank god for everything that happened in your life. Each and every incident leads to the other. Nothing is unwanted or not needed.

Whatever happened – bad or good – thank the divine for that.

Shed tears of gratitude towards your parents, your friends, relatives, your house and your environment, the air you breathe, the dress you wear, the food you take, the water you drink.

Do you know how many, how many persons are behind your one day food? Thank all those persons – right from vegetable grower, seller, his storage place, vendor, and his cart – so many are there.

Think about the link of the persons to your one day food and thank everyone. 

Why not this internet which connects you and me? Thank the Internet too.

Build up the energy of love in your heart and start living with contentment. You will get the job.

If your victim feeling can help you to get the job, be in that state. Otherwise be in a state of gratitude.

You are not helping anybody. You are privileged – you are selected by god – to help those people. You are indebted to them.

Help them with full heart. But don’t expect anything from them. If you do the help without expecting any appreciation, you will advance the Time.

  • FORGIVE LOVE THANK is the mantra for your life.
  • To come out of victim feeling, take Bach flower remedies WILLOW and PINE each two pills two times a day for one month.

Best of luck

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Daughter is bed-wetting


My daughter aged 6 years. She is still bed-wetting when she sleeps. She is becoming conscious of that problem now but unable to find a solution.


Give her daily, two doses of AGRIMONY, MIMULUS and CRAB APPLE. In the night, give her WHITE CHESTNUT and RESCUE REMEDY, before going to sleep.

Chant “OM LAM NAMAHA” placing your hand on her naval.


Anything that is suppressed mentally (AGRIMONY) may come out as bed-wetting during night. CRAB APPLE assists AGRIMONY.

There is specific fear of bed-wetting, for which MIMULUS is suggested.

WHITE CHESTNUT for night bed-wetting.

RESCUE REMEDY to have control over bed-wetting.

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