Posts tagged thinking

Healing through Pancha Mudra Pranayama Part I
The basis of Pancha Mudra Pranayama…
Pranayama helps us to reduce no of breaths per minute. As Prana should go to all parts of the body, we require Mudras.
Pancha Mudras are…
They are Chin Mudra, Chinmaya Mudra, Adi Mudra, Meru Mudra and finally Poorana Mudra.
Chin Mudra…
When you do Chin Mudra, the Prana flows downwards. The breath goes to navel and then to legs. It’s good for lower back and for elimination.
Chinmaya Mudra
This activates the Prana – Samanan, which flows from navel to throat upwardly. It is good for digestion.
Adi Mudra
It initiates the Prana called as Udanan, which flows from throat to brain. Thinking capacity of the person improves.
Meru Mudra
This Mudra activates the autonomous nervous system. It stimulates the spinal cord and good for the back too.Poorana Mudra
By doing this Mudra, we make the Prana travel all over the body. It means which ever part of the body lacks Prana; it will be supplied by this Mudra…
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Solving mathematical problems
What should a student do who gets disturbed if he is not able to solve one sum out of 10 sums in practical papers? He also gets one step wrong in each sum.
Do you have some solutions to deal with practical exam papers?
What for you want remedies? Not to get disturbed? Or for putting sums rightly?
In practical exams like Maths, if 10 sums are asked, the student solves 9 sums but at least one step he does wrong in each sum and then one sum he lefts totally.
Finally, he gets depressed or disturbed by that thinking he has not given 100% in paper.
If one does not understand the basics of Maths MUSTARD flower remedy will help him understand the subject well.
Unable to learn from the mistakes is CHESTNUTBUD.
The combination of Mustard and Chestnut bud will make any one understand and learn the subject well.
Any student will regret the mistakes he committed in the exam. Not to regret, is HONEY SUCKLE.
Irritable bowel syndrome
I have irritable bowel which had gone for a decade and now returned. I am currently on bowel relaxative and want to speed up recovery so I can get back to work rapidly.
Chant IMPATIENS or take this Bach flower remedy 2 pills three times.
In addition, take the Basic remedies for irritable bowel syndrome: WHITE CHESTNUT, MIMULUS and HORNBEAM. This combination will cut the fear of expecting the bowels at any time.
The fear will be constant – always thinking about it fearfully. For most of the people, when they have to go out, fear develops and they go to the toilet and does not start easily, which is covered by Hornbeam.
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Doing Well in the Examination Hall
During the examination, a student makes silly and careless mistakes. Probably due to lack of time, he is writing answers without any thinking.
While going through the question paper, he may find a question, for which he doesn’t know the answer.
He will become restless suddenly and will start writing the exam hastily. So his answers will tend to be wrong.
He may also go into a negative HORNBEAM state. Starting problem leads to mental weariness.
Immediately a crisis of confidence may occur – ELM.
A sudden regression may lead to sudden loss of memory – state of GENTIAN, and nothing seems to be remembered.
To avoid all these possible negative states in the examination hall, one can take the following flower remedies:
- Impatiens: not to do anything in a hurry
- Hornbeam: overcome mental weariness
- Elm: overcome any sudden crisis of confidence
- Gentian: prevents any regression and
- Wild Rose: when you try to speed up doing something, your mind has to be calm. Wild rose gives that to you and will liven up your enthusiasm throughout the examination. Also, you will have plenty of time to complete the exam!
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Stop! Craving for food!!
Give the Bach Flower Remedy CHICORY, as greediness is expressed through food. Add it with ROCK WATER and CHERRY PLUM.
WALNUT should be taken separately.
Rock Water is prescribed for thinking, “I want to be strict with myself. I want to be self-disciplined”.
Cherry plum is for temptation and Chicory to come out of self-gratification (compensatory behavior).
Cherry Plum is added as they will feel, “I want to control my craving”.
Rock Water and Cherry plum go together, because if somebody says, “I want to control”, then they will lose their control”.
Walnut is given to form a habit of eating properly.
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Simple ways to meditate Part II
Read the first part of the article here:
How to acquire a good breathing pattern?
- When you meditate, place the index finger at the base of the thumb on both the hands. Breathing will get deeper and you could meditate properly, as shallow breathing spoils it.
- Don’t take the index finger straight away move your finger to the base of the thumb. First touch the tip of thumb with the index finger. Then after some time, move the index finger to the middle of the thumb, and finally the base of the thumb.
- Don’t do it mechanically. Feel the breath with a conscious awareness.
- Observing your breathing is also a good way to meditate. This is part of meditation known as Vipassana meditation.
Space Meditation
- After learning to breathe well, do the space meditation.
- Be aware of the space between the chair you are sitting and the wall. Don’t look at the wall. Instead look at the space between you and the wall.
- This is known as ‘Space Meditation’. Keep the eyes open throughout.
Bach Flower Remedies as Aids to Meditation
White chestnut helps to remove our thoughts, Chestnut bud not to have any distractions and Willow if you think one or the other bothers you.
Chant Mantra during Meditation
It’s nature of our mind to cling to something. You can choose a mantra to do that. After sometime you should be able to say goodbye to it. Mantra itself is not divinity. It means constantly thinking about a word, which is a mantra. Ultimately that also should go.
When it will go? We don’t know. May be, it’s not in this Janma.
Your Agenda Vs Divine Agenda
Suri walked into my office with a dejected face. He was worried that he is in trouble, for he hasn’t achieved last month’s sales target due to his own personal commitments.
He is worried that his manager will blast him during their next monthly meeting.
I said his worry is based on his own agenda, while the divine’s agenda might be different, He thinks his manager would question about the dip in sales, while divine mayn’t make the manger raise the topic at all.
Instead of expecting to have problem and keeps on worrying about it, he is overriding the divine agenda and mentally forcing the manager to bring the subject.
So, I asked him to stop thinking about the subject, and prepare his usual monthly report that he normally prepares for the monthly meeting.
I also suggested him to chant the names of the Bach Flower remedies, “ELM, OAK, CHESTNUT BUD”.
I gave Elm and Oak to be ready for any unexpected questions and Chestnut Bud not to repeat the mistake once again.
The monthly meeting happened. His boss never even mentioned about the sale’s target and moved onto other issues.
Let us be silent and allow divine to work its agenda.
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