Posts tagged without

Fear of punishment

A child aged 10 years old, had a meeting with Naran S. Balakumar, regarding a problem that she could not handle by herself.

Naran: What is going on?

Child: I am afraid that my School Principal will punish me, because my friend is accusing me, that I had stolen her money.

Naran: Did you steal the money?

Child: No, I did not.

Naran: Why cannot you convince your principal that you did not steal the money?

Child: No, I will not be able to that. My fear is that tomorrow my Principal will call me during the prayers, in front of all the school students. Then he will punish me, without doing an enquiry.

Naran: What do you want to happen?

Child: This issue should not come up in the prayer meeting.

Naran, S. Balakumar did tapping on her, until she was 100% relieved from her thoughts and fears.


For some reason, the meeting did not take place! This will not be a surprise, if you are an ardent EFT user. Such surprises and unexpected things happen, when you use EFT!!

Heal Your Heart Chakra


Our life is ruled by three chakras – Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras.

Yet, beyond them, we manage to express our love. We get close to people. We offer our thanks to all. All that because of one chakra and that is the Heart Chakra.

Heart Chakra is the fourth in line. It’s closer to Solar Plexus Chakra. On the chest, from breast draw a line. That’s the point where Heart Chakra is situated.

It is responsible for creation of heart and blood circulation.

It’s the reservoir of love. This chakra is reflected when we experience joy and enthusiasm with our friends and relatives.

If love is there, hate will be there too. If hate is filled in a place, then it’s a hell. Love is heaven and it increases our prana.

Heart chakra is mentally connected with love.

When you desire to make profits out of relationships (or anything for that matter with selfish intentions), we lose energy in this chakra.

If there is a relationship without a love, then it’s of no use, says the Heart Chakra.

We love our children and parents. We love somebody and hate somebody.

Hatred and sadness decreases energy and then we feel we can’t love anybody. We fight at office. When we come home, we should show love. Instead we fight.

If there is less energy in heart, we feel there is no love in life. We feel sad and think that nobody is there for us. With Heart Chakra, we need to love. Otherwise, we will deplete it!

Even if nobody loves you, love god, yourself, others and the world is the message from Reiki. If we GO for love, then the energy level of Heart Chakra expands and balances it.

When we get imbalanced due to Basic, Hara and Solar Plexus Chakras, then the energy level in those chakras shrink. But in the case of Heart Chakra, it’s never gets overfull. It can expand to any level.

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Cannot escape cleaning


My house owner is having rooster, hen as pet birds. The problem I am facing is it is doing dirty works in my portion. I am from an orthodox Brahmin family. For some particular reasons I am staying there.

Hearing rooster, hen’s voice is not problem for me because I am a devotee of lord Muruga. But I am getting irritated for the dirty works done by it in my portion.


Pray to Rooster itself.

Don’t think it is dirty.

You are given the work of cleaning the toilet of Rooster by Lord Muruga. Cleaning the dirtiness of the rooster is the service to Lord Muruga. Think like this and do it daily.

When you clean the dirtiness of Rooster, you are cleaned within and you are purified mentally and spiritually. This opportunity is not given to all.

Do it with devotion.

When inner cleaning is over, rooster will stop its SHIT.

While doing the cleaning of shit, chant “CRAB APPLE”.

You can chant “CRAB APPLE, CHANGE DIVINE ORDER” also regularly when you find time. But, you cannot escape cleaning.


The Bach Flower Remedy Crab Apple is a cleanser – both physical and mental cleanser.

Change and Divine Order are switch words. This combination is good for changing our environment.

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Afraid of bad news


From beginning of 2013 I am getting so many bad news like anyone sick, death news of relative, neighbor not feeling good.

For this am worried about my father too. As you know my relationship also in trouble. I am feeling little bit lonely and negative.


Take the flower remedies RED CHESTNUT, ASPEN and RESCUE REMEDY.


Fear due to concern for others: RED CHESTNUT

Fears without a specific and valid reason: ASPEN

Getting panic: RESCUE REMEDY

Confused about right answers

Radha Rani

This competitive exam consists of negative marking. It also confuses student. I usually get confused and got low marks.

Within specific time you have to score high. I am unable to complete it in time and got panic and try to guessing at last moment.


On the date of exam, take the flower remedies MIMULUS, LARCH, RESCUE REMEDY and SCLERANTHUS.


Getting panic: RESCUE REMEDY

Not to have confusion: SCLERANTHUS

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Not eating properly

Question: My one and half year old baby does not eat properly and is very adamant.


Give ROCK WATER and WILLOW to your baby 2 doses of 2 pills each.


Not eating is Self-denial: Rock Water

Sudden aversion to something, without any reason: Willow

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Two months without salary


It’s been two months without salary.

Company’s operations are very slow due to unavailable operating cost, shareholders are fighting, though they have assets but to liquidate them is a long process, huge pile of debts in market and nil credibility with banks.

Seems company is going to close down in near future unless DIVINE INTERVENTION takes place. I even heard they are planning to retrench 70% of staff soon.

Please advise any chanting for company’s regular business so salaries are not delayed further…




After I senta mail to you, my senior messaged me that I need to travel to Singapore to look for apartment and school for the kids.  The thing which is worrying me is I relocate and what if reaching there such delays in salary happens! How will I survive?

Sorry Naran, if it’s annoying you but being single parent Ineed to assure financial assurance for me and my kids. Besides chanting the above, do I need to chant anything else?


Continue the same.


Thanks to You and Divine light… New investors are coming in hopefully. Really wish company grows and flourish with these new changes.

Salaries are released and all pending payments are settled… Thank God!

I am so glad that my boss is now allowing me to work couple of days to work from home when he is not in town. This way I can spend more quality time with kids and I pray Divine light to help me getting some tuition for evening, as additional source of income.


Divine order is a switch word, while Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem and Chestnut Bud are Bach flower remedies.

For divine intervention: Sweet chestnut

Outside, unhelpful environment over which one has no control: Walnut 

Total break-down because of the company: Star of Bethlehem

To get free  from the bad situation: Chestnut bud 

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Earn Without Employment


After attending Naran Abundance workshop I did the “ABUNDANCE PROGRAMME”. 

I started it almost after 15- 20 days attending the workshop. 

Here I am listing all things regarding money or somehow related to it.

In the past I was penniless

Before that I like to tell you few words about my situation.

Right now I am not working. I left my job after marriage, due to some family issues.

It was almost 3 years back. And that was hard time for me.

Even though we have enough money in house, I couldn’t spend.

Even for small amount of money or small expenses too, I felt like beggar, jilted and distress as Hubby not used to give me money in hand due to our loans and not even for day-to-day expenses.

Today my situation has changed

In all these days, there was not any single moment of denial or refuse from husband, while giving me money.

And that was the biggest surprising part for me.

In this period I paid all my debts. (It was not very heavy, every time when my husband denied giving me money).

It was with my sister and friend. Now only remaining part is my mother – who helped me in form of money, when we bought a house.

She didn’t ask me to return anything. But still I feel I should give all her money back and other is workshop fees that I attended in Mumbai.

4th day – I got a call from old colleague. He is going to start his own company and he wants me to join there, but this is after few months in this year.

6th day – I wanted to return some money to my friend, which he gave me in my need,(3 months back)  when I was afraid to ask/ demand money from my hubby.

Somehow, I wanted to return it at earliest. But, there was no money source for me. And after writing 5th statement I was crying. Hubby asked me the reason.

And for the first time I had the courage to tell truth to him that I borrowed money from someone and that I was feeling guilty on how I will repay to them.

The person who used to get so furious on such things was completely calm and gave me money to return, without saying a word.

10th day – without applying anywhere, got a call from some job site, that too on my 3-year-old resume.

11th day – surprise shopping for me from hubby.

13th day – been to interview. Same day got another job call.

15th day – 2nd interview.

16th day – got selected in 1st interview, but I was not keen to join. Again hubby gave me some money, without asking.

17th day – got a credit note of almost 25,000 Rupees from Mobile Company.

5 months back my hubby gifted me a smart phone, which suddenly stopped working. Service center people said that it got damaged and un-repairable.

And that same service center gave us a credit note same as the original purchase amount of phone. It will get cleared within a month. Nobody could believe that I am getting money instead of replacement!

27th day – Hubby gave me some money for doctor visit, which was 3 times extra of normal fees. He didn’t even ask me about remaining money, or bills, which he used to ask after every visit.

29th day – 2nd interview, cleared 2nd round. Got selection call in evening.

Again I couldn’t join here, because of family issues. Was little upset, but knew something good might come in future. 30th day- again some surprise money from hubby.

Will keep updating more!!

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Without Reiki I am nowhere


On 14th February 2014 I and my husband successfully celebrated our 20 yrs. of married life.  We need your blessings. 

I am very happy to mention here that because of Reiki and flower remedies only my life had a meaning now. 

Only after I become your student, lot of changes has happened in my life as well as with my family members. 

Even though it was slow, it is good. I experienced lot of good things. 

Every time, I attend your class, good things happen to me and I am able to propagate the power of divine flowers to my friends and relatives who had faith in it. 

I should thank my sister for introducing you as my guru.  I can feel myself that my confidence level is grown and health also. Though I look lean, I am strong. 

According to my wish, my husband got job at Chennai and my daughter got admission in the group she wished for. 

My mother-in-law is not well now but all these years she was taking care of my daughter and me and she is a great moral support to me. 

Her breast cancer also got cured without spending lot of money and now she comes to Chennai for few days and goes to her daughter’s house in Mysore.

My husband is also feeling more responsibilities towards his daughter and takes care of her.

 All these are due to your blessings and being your student.  More than 15 yrs of wonderful spiritual journey I am undergoing. Even though I had ups and downs, they didn’t affect me. 

Without Reiki I am nowhere.  Daily like eating, bathing, I am practicing Reiki and I thank Reiki energy and to flowers and to you.

Whatever problems come to me, I am able to solve them, and even negative people or situation is not touching me and my family. 

I have no words to express my gratitude to you but with my tears I bow to you and respect your spiritual path and I follow you.  You have lot of divinity in you.

I wish you good luck and long healthy life.

Thank you once again. 

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