Posts tagged worried

Afraid of bad news


From beginning of 2013 I am getting so many bad news like anyone sick, death news of relative, neighbor not feeling good.

For this am worried about my father too. As you know my relationship also in trouble. I am feeling little bit lonely and negative.


Take the flower remedies RED CHESTNUT, ASPEN and RESCUE REMEDY.


Fear due to concern for others: RED CHESTNUT

Fears without a specific and valid reason: ASPEN

Getting panic: RESCUE REMEDY

Take Care of Your Career


I want to ask you some remedies for my son Aryan. He is very lazy and keeps procrastinating important things like studies.

I am worried about his career as he is very childish at times. He is soon going to give entrance exams. I am bit worried about him.





Procrastinating studies: SCLERANTHUS

Develop career: WILD OAT

Develop the habit of studying well: WALNUT

Make the child do praise-worthy things: BRING PRAISE DIVINE

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Lift me from my limitations


I have son who’s 4 years now. I am a worried lot about him. He started talking very late and he’s very slow in studying. I teach him and he forgets next minute.

Every time we go to school they tell he’s very slow. I want my son to study well grasp quicker and be good human and disciplined child. I want him to get A+ in all his exams.


Chant “SLOW CARE 398” over a glass of water and give that water to him.

In addition, chant “LIFT KIND DIVINE LIGHT” 100 times over a glass of water and give to the child separately.


To lift him from his limitations: LIFT KIND DIVINE LIGHT (from SAVITRI)

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No Words to Express Kindness of Divine

Sandhya Varma

My grandson    who will soon be 3 years old was not speaking clearly.  My daughter took him to a therapist, who indicated that the child may be mildly Autistic.

Extremely worried I came and asked Naran for help.  He asked me to chant “LIFT KIND DIVINE”.

Hardly four days after, I started chanting. Soon after, the therapist changed her view and said he may be just a late talker. 

Amazingly, not only he started talking, but also compiling sentences, e.g., “Bye, see you, drive there”.

I am amazed and thankful to Naran for this turn of events.

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Secret behind maintaining beauty


‘I will not give breast milk, so that I can maintain my figure’.

Let the mother take the Bach Flower Remedy, CRAB APPLE, which is a total physical and mental cleanser.

The mother will start breast feeding the child, as she will not be worried if Crab Apple is given.

If you say, ‘I am not beautiful’ then the cells will be affected by this thought. Crab Apple will remove this thought and you will start looking beautiful.

This is the secret behind maintaining youthfulness.

Let us have a soap made of Crab Apple.

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Life situations where Walnut is helpful


When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like ‘PILLAYAR SULI” (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesha – the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don’t know how to start the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance – resistance means to fight against or refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book you promised to write and it’s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Defense against a verbal attack – WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized) – for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand: WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit).

When there is Delay, Obstruction, and Resistance: WALNUT.

When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT (“if he wants, he can help but he didn’t or he spoiled it”)

All of us worried about ****** (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another), Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT

When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is tension, WALNUT is the remedy.

Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for stiff are easy and relax. For relaxation – WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP’s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH (you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT – then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage — not to be influenced by peers and friends – WALNUT protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will find balance and protect self).

Due to constant criticism a child will become HEATHER. To prevent that from happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy.

Walnut tree is big.  When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and other flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell – (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell

The goal of Walnut’s healing is to have constancy and stability in one’s life!!!

Life situations where Walnut is helpful


When I go to a person for request: (Bach Flower Remedies) BEECH and WALNUT

To make person easily approachable: WALNUT and WATER VIOLET

Uphill task: WALNUT and HORNBEAM

To begin: WALNUT is like ‘PILLAYAR SULI” (a symbol in Tamil that invokes the blessings of Lord Ganesha – the remover of obstacles)

To end: WALNUT because beginning is end of something else.

To begin communication, to re-establish communication and I don’t know how to start the communication: WALNUT

Sharing the ancestral property: WALNUT

When one withholds info, as in a therapy: AGRIMONY and WALNUT

Work is not challenging: WALNUT

Puberty: WALNUT

To come out of too much of TV watching and speaking on mobile phones, or any other form of addiction: WALNUT, SCLERANTHUS

WALNUT protects our boundaries

First marriage ended in a divorce, not to attract the same type of person in the second marriage: WALNUT

I feel rejected: CHICORY, WALNUT

I am easily offended (highly sensitive): CHICORY, HOLLY, and WALNUT

The antonym of attraction is Resistance – resistance means to fight against or refrain from temptation. To refrain from any temptation: WALNUT and CHERRY PLUM

When the child revolts and throw temper tantrums: CHICORY, HOLLY and WALNUT

When completion is not happening in any work, for example not completing the book you promised to write and it’s half-done: WALNUT, OAK and HORNBEAM

Defense against a verbal attack – WALNUT, PINE (when you are constantly criticized) – for example, due a strict father his son is afraid.

The antonym of attraction is Hindrance. Therefore, to give/get a helping hand: WALNUT (it works like Wolf animal spirit). When there is Delay, Obstruction, and Resistance: WALNUT. When somebody prevents (hinders) promotion: WILLOW and WALNUT (“if he wants, he can help but he didn’t or he spoiled it”)

All of us worried about ****** (7.5 years itch): WALNUT

He is afraid he will fail in the exam (transition from one class to another), Interview or reapplying for a new passport: WALNUT

When others are unreasonable: WILLOW, WALNUT

When anybody is merciless: WALNUT

When a person is avoiding you: ROCK WATER, CHESTNUT BUD and WALNUT

Reconciling to the situation: WALNUT

For a caring, co-operative, friendly, generous, helpful, kind atmosphere: WALNUT

Any stiffness: WALNUT, ROCK WATER. When the atmosphere is tensed, when there is tension, WALNUT is the remedy. Walnut is the remedy for relaxation. Antonyms for stiff are easy and relax. For relaxation – WALNUT

If you are uncomfortable to attend a VIP’s marriage: WALNUT, WATER VIOLET and LARCH (you will be treated well)

If anyone is possessive, selfish, greedy, demanding, stingy: CHICORY, WALNUT

To stop the bleeding: RESCUE REMEDY, WALNUT

Want to hurry up: IMPATIENS and WALNUT – then the program may not start on time

Children during teenage — not to be influenced by peers and friends – WALNUT protects the child

The child will cry, whenever parents criticize: RESCUE REMEDY and WALNUT (it will find balance and protect self). Due to constant criticism a child will become HEATHER. To prevent that from happening in the future, Walnut is the remedy. Walnut tree is big.  When the flower blooms its smell is so strong, insects and other flies will keep away. So it can protect the self.

Allergic to smell – (gem remedy) YELLOW SAPPHIRE and WALNUT

Give the remedies always separately.

In Nutshell

The goal of Walnut’s healing is to have constancy and stability in one’s life!!!

Bach Flower Approach to Cancer Treatment


My husband was recently diagnosed with bowel cancer. So far, the doctor has told us that he needs to do surgery and chemotherapy.

What SW and Bach flower remedy can I chant? I am really scared. We have 3 children. We are worried about our finances as well.


The switch words “CONCEDE CLEAR WITH LOVE old undead cells FIND new cells” can be chanted. 

“SUN DIVINE FORCE” can be chanted over water and be given to the patient.

Cancer is the physical state, where there is nothing but “destruction and annihilation”. SWEET CHESTNUT is the only remedy that can help.

When it is diagnosed, people become panicky, for which ROCK ROSE is the remedy.

Cancer is always hidden – AGRIMONY.

Cancer is called malignant, for which WILLOW is the remedy.

CRAB APPLE will dissolve the undead cells.

The vitality of the patient should be built with CENTAURY and OLIVE.

To heal the deep mental depression, MUSTARD is the remedy.

The mind always wants to deny and escape from the situation, for which AGRIMONY and CHESTNUT BUD are the remedies.

Prescription for Patients


This combination can be given one day; alternating with CENTAURY, OLIVE and MUSTARD on the next day.

RUTILE QUARTZ can be put in water and kept overnight. It can be given in the morning. It will increase the oxygen availability of the cells.

WATER VIOLET can be given to the patient also when going to the hospital. He will be taken care of well by the doctors.

Prescription for Family Members

The situation for the family is a unique and should be handled.

To handle the mental state of the family members, and to manage money: ROCK ROSE (for terror and the thought “Where to go for money”), RED CHESTNUT (worrying about the person who has cancer) and WATER VIOLET to manage the predicament.

Pictures of SQUIRREL and (gem) CITRINE can be kept in the hand bag.

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Cleanse your mind Cleanse your house


Over time I have realized that I have not made peace with my past and still holding grudges against a lot of people. I understand it is affecting me psychologically, emotionally, mentally and interfering with my daily life, personally and well as professionally.

Sometimes, I feel calm and other times very vengeful. There seems to be no stability in my thoughts and I often hold others responsible for any untoward incident happening to me.

Moreover, the vibrations in my house do not feel good. Specially so when certain people enter the house, stay in the house or leave the house. Nobody at my place seems to be at peace. Even a very patient person seems to lose his cool here.

In fact, there have been 3 to 4 couples who have stayed in the house before us and left, nobody could live in the house with stability and peace.


Take the flower remedies HOLLY, WILLOW, CHERRY PLUM and MIMULUS regularly for a few months.

Keep salt (Rock Salt) water in the night, in your bed room. The next day, throw the water in the sink. Do it daily for some days.

Spray the water remedied with WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE (3 pills of each in a tumbler of water) on all the walls of the house.

Do this also daily for one month. This wipes out all the unwanted accumulation of our own emotions like anger sadness etc. in the space of the house.



To clean the mind and body of unwanted stuff, salt water is used. Rock salt that is manufactured out of sea water has the capacity to absorb negative stuff.

Cleanse the vibrations of the house: WHITE CHESTNUT, WALNUT and CRAB APPLE. You can do this before and after a function.

Vengeful: HOLLY

Holding grudges: WILLOW

No control over thoughts: CHERRY PLUM

Worried those vibrations of the house will affect: MIMULUS

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Change the way of my son

Tarsem Chima

My son has taken off with an older woman, who’s on drugs.

I am a widow staying with my daughter on a very small pension, waiting for my son to settle down, so that I can stay with him. You gave me the remedy “TOGETHER BREAST LIFT KIND DIVINE”. I am doing it 1000 times a day.

There are no changes at all in spite of doing other chanting also. He is not changing his way and neither speaking to us. I am very worried. What do I have to do so that he will change his ways, get a good job, settle down, find a good wife and have a family.



Keep your son in the left palm with all his weak points.

Keep yourself on the right palm with all your opinions and “wanting”.

Keep the palms horizontally 1 or 2 feet away from each other.

Bring both the palms together slowly, and very slowly, while chanting “I AM SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME. ALIGN LINK WITH CENTER DIVINE”.

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