Mind-Body Intelligence

Forgotten the Promise Made to Father

Ignoring the advice of the parent could be a reason too for knee pain.

Ragu got a pain in the right knee. He forgot the promise made by him to his father.

I asked him if there was an issue with his father because right knee points to father. He replied until his death they were good friends.

Has he forgotten any promise made to his father?

He remembered about the promise he made to his father before the latter died. He requested his son to do his cremation at Badrinath. Ragu agreed to do it.

After his Dad died at the age of 70, Ragu decided to do it, after the 13-day ceremony.

But the Priest told him to do it after one year. He forgot to do it. After 10 years, he had got a pain in the right knee – reminding him about that.

Gave him flower remedies – Rock Water and Walnut. Subsequently his pain subsided.

I asked him to go to Badrinath now. He booked a train. Then, he got into the train. As soon as the train started, his pain was gone.

Until then body didn’t trust him. Because train has started he will be going to Badrinath.

His body’s watching him every minute. It’s so intelligent.

Treatment is different. Healing is different. Think about the life issue and resolve it.

Reasons and Causes behind Back Pain

Back Pain Indicates…

  • Feeling insecure
  • You get back pain when somebody becomes your boss with out proper notice to you.
  • You might have been overtaken
  • Somebody is there always giving you direction in house or in office
  • Child less couple thinks, “What will I do in my old age? There is no son or daughter to take care of us”.

This worry has created a back pain in a lady. I coined three affirmations for this lady. It helped her a lot. The affirmations are: “I release my Past”, “I am at Peace” and “Divinity takes care of My Future”.

Lower Back Pain – Causes

Somebody had a lower back pain. Lower back means support. To get it we have to be united with the people, for example our family members.

Some things are imposed on us. Because we don’t like it, doesn’t mean that we can come out of it.

Lower Back Pain for a childless person

A Case History

Rahini was attending the workshop on Mind-Body Intelligence.

Her narration during the workshop, “I was suffering from acute pain. This pain started from yesterday morning, when I just arrived from Delhi. The pain is still there.

“Naran asked me to affirmations for back pain. I had been doing it for last two hours since the beginning of this lecture. Now the pain is gone totally.”

Naran S Balakumar

This lady is also childless and is feeling insecure.

Childless couples may have a tendency to think, “What will I do in my old age? There is no son or daughter to take care of us”.

This worry has created a back pain in a lady.

I coined three affirmations for this lady. It helped her a lot. The affirmations are: “I release my Past”, “I am at Peace” and “Divinity takes care of My Future”.

Deviating from Ancestral Business

Sita Rao

Any issues in thighs points to transition in our lives.

A patient had pain from thigh to knee on the left side of his body for nearly three months. Neuron medicines had no effect on the pain.

I asked him whether he is planning to change to different business, from the traditional profession he is doing currently – selling stationery.

He said, “Yes. I am also confused about my decision.

“My wife says that with the earnings from our traditional business alone, my father could perform the marriage of his three daughters. Why should I leave that?

“Though I want to do a different business, my wife’s words put a brake to my action”.

I told him that his body also says so, “Why do you want to change to a new profession?

“Keep your hand on the left knee and affirm that I will continue to do my father’s business”.

He did. And to his surprise his pain went off while he was affirming!

Can’t provide love to others

Elbow means embrace. If you have a problem there, then you can’t give love to anyone.

Pain in Left Elbow

Keerthi Prasad developed a pain in the left elbow. In addition he was coughing for 15 years.

Left side means receiving – love. Suppose you don’t receive love from somebody or if you give more space to a person then you will suffer in the left elbow.

Keerthi’s pain shows that he is not receiving his due love from his family.

Who is the culprit – his family or him? In his case he is the one.

For 15 years he never laughed. He will not look at his wife while talking to her.

He will keep finding fault with the cleanliness of house. By constantly criticizing and showing his anger to his wife and children, he maintained a stoic distance from them.

There was disharmony in the house. They hate him so much that they don’t want him to be in the house.

“If the house is in order probably I may not be alive”, his wife says.

Sometimes the person living with you will say what the body is saying to you.

I gave him Harmony pack – Beech for criticism, Willow for aversion and anger, and Walnut to change and adjust to his family (not the other way around).

He is a changed person now. His two children are very happy because they see him smile. Pain is almost reduced now and it’s bearable.

Cough represents anger. It’s more with him. Wet cough – recent anger and dry cough – anger is chronic.

Pain in Right Elbow

Venki, a thirteen years old kid, whenever he takes a pen to write something, he gets pain in his right arm – his writing hand.

If there is pain in the right hand – “take care of me” is the message. With the pain in his right hand, he is telling his parents to take care of him.

What’s the problem here?  He is terribly angry with his parents.

While he was talking with Naran, he was holding his left elbow. Elbows are used to embrace others.

Right hand holding the left elbow – left elbow means he wants some love and appreciation and he desires for it.

Venki is studying in 8th standard. Not even once any of his parents attended his school.

He comes first in athletics and a class topper in Tamil, his mother tongue.  He is average in other subjects. No appreciation from his parents.

His parents told him, if he gets 1st in other subjects, like Math and science then they will come to school.

His body is saying that his parents have not shown any love and appreciation. “Hey! Parents take care of me!  I need to be loved”.

Why he gets a pain in the right hand then. Observe where his hand is going. It touches the left elbow.

Observe the gestures as well as the pain. They have more value than just mere words.

He was prescribed Chicory (longing for love) and Willow (for his anger against parents).

His parents were advised to give the emotional security that the child needs.

I follow my father’s footsteps

Knee is the guiding self – it’s the parents’ self. Only parents’ related issue will come in the knees.

I might be repeating what my father had done or I might be lacking a resource that my father had. Your body reminds that to you through a pain in the knee.

Case History 1: Just 1% mismatch between Son and Father

Right knee refers to one’s relationship with father, while the left knee points to mother.

A person had problem with his right knee. I asked him whether he had any issues with his father.

He replied that “by all means everything is ok with my father. He is a role model for me. I follow him by the book.”

I asked him to tell me where he doesn’t follow his father. You might have followed him 99%.

But one percent you may not have followed him. Find that out and follow that practice. Your father wants you to follow that too.

He replied there is one difference between them. While his father was close to his mother, he is not close to his wife.

I told him to take care of his wife and love her as his father did to his mother.

Whatever be the circumstances, daily affirm within, “I totally accept and love my wife as she is” and implement it in practice.

This is your father’s message through the right knee pain.

Please note here that not all sons who had thrown out his parents may get a pain in the right knee, while somebody might get it. It depends on their karma. Only when the pain comes, the issue should be addressed.

Case History 2: Postponement of Marriage

Girija’s father is no more. For one year I couldn’t figure out a solution. She took some remedies. She did an operation too. But nothing relieved her pain.

She loves a person and the latter loves her so much, that he wanted to marry her.

But, she was postponing it. I asked her when her father did marry. He got married when he was 38 years old. But he died at the age of 40.

What’s the message here: get married earlier. You are already 31. You don’t want to end up like your father.

Otherwise you may loose your husband or he might die earlier. Don’t repeat your father’s life.

Body guides us so beautifully!

Relived from lower back pain

Savitri is well over 70 years of age.

One morning, she couldn’t get up from bed because of lower back pain.

Through her husband she informed Naran S, Balakumar, who asked her to chant continuously the mantra, “Vallabam Gajaananam Yeka Thandham”.

Savitri chanted for more than two hours. Soon after she could get up from bed and start her normal work at home.

Thus, this Vallabam mantra works very effectively on lower back pain as well as in the root chakra.

It’s good for getting a good and secured job too.

No Support for the Widowed Father

Sometimes it can happen in the family that one can’t be in the position to support a person due to family circumstances.

A person aged 48 approached me for his lower back pain. The pain is more on the right side.

After finding that there is no financial insecurity, no loan to repay and no job insecurity, I asked him a simple question whether he is not giving the required support to any elders in the family?

It may be due to the circumstances. If you say “yes”, then keep in mind that the body wants you to give the needed care and protection to that person.

If you take steps for that, your body will relieve you from the pain.

To find the veracity of this, you can chant, “I willingly lend support to so and so”. If the pain starts reducing, then this is the mental cause, and you have to follow what you said.

The message of the body is “do not create instability in others”.

Then he came out with the story.

His father (widower) was taken care of by him and his three brothers, taking turns every three months.

One son went on a business tour for a month and wants his brothers to take care of his father during that time.

My patient was willing, but he could not take care of his father, because his spouse vehemently opposed it.

Therefore, he said no to it, due to his lack of assertiveness and out of fear to go against his wife’s words. From the next day onwards, he developed back pain.

You may ask why his wife did not get back pain. That is not the matter here. If you get the pain, there is a message for you. Find the message and rectify your life.

A Dancer in Doldrums

At the age of 14 years, a teenage girl got interested in dancing. She spent all her time dancing. She did well and got a lot of appreciation.

While performing in an important program she broke her right ankle. Her mother asked me the reason behind it.

I told her that her child has taken a wrong step and she has to turn her back to dancing.

The body’s message to the teenage girl was that she has taken a wrong step and advices her to reverse her decision to continue dancing as a professional.

Pain in the right ankle or getting hurt at the right ankle means that the body warns you that the step you have taken is wrong and you have to reverse it.

Face the music and solve your issues amicably

Ms. N

My left side of the face is swollen from last one week. I am having slight pain in the left ear and neck too.

I consulted an ENT Doctor, who has asked me to take anti-inflammatory pain-killer tablets. But still the pain and the swelling persist.

I do not know what is my body is trying to guide me.

Please advise me.


Find out whether you had any conflict with your brother or sister-in-law or your mother. End the conflict amicably.

Ms. N

You are absolutely right Naran. I do have conflict with my Brother and Sister-In-Law for many years.

I was seeking for an answer and just like that I started chanting below mantra’s last evening for 5-10 minutes, “OM-LUM-NAMAHA OM-VUM-NAMAHA OM-RUM-NAMAHA OM-YUM-NAMAHA OM-HUM-NAMAHA”.

From last night pain swelling has reduced. In fact, I did not take any medicines yesterday.


Left side means females. The conflict is predominantly with females.

“A pain in the neck” means annoying or troublesome.

The face is swollen, indicating the congestion in the face. There is hostility, and the congestion indicates troubled relationships.

The person thinks that she must confront. But the swollen face says that you would face terrible consequences, if confrontation is continued.

Ears are energetically connected to kidneys, which represent parental side.

There is pain in the neck. This confrontation is troublesome. Confrontation will never get you anything. It will continue to annoy you, if you don’t change your stand or outlook.

To avoid facing unpleasant consequences, let go the issue and don’t demand anything.  Even if you are justified in whatever you are doing, the body says, “Let Go Forget Forgive”

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