Posts tagged body

Avoid cancer


Chant the mantras “OM YUM NAMAHA, OM RUM NAMAHA”.

These are bija mantras. They work on our chakras and make oxygen available. Lack of oxygen is the problem behind diseases like cancer. Our body cells need oxygen.

If a cell is not able to receive oxygen for 36 hrs they will turn cancerous.

Why a cell is not receiving its oxygen content?

When there is stress the cells get closed. Therefore, there is no inflow of oxygen into body cells.

Stress constricts our cells. On the other hand, oxygen will expand them.

These are the mantras for increasing the availability of oxygen to the cells.

Om Yum Namaha will remove unwanted thoughts too, which might be cycling in a constant manner.

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Messages from God


God gives us messages through nature. Every day god is with us and sends messages continuously. When you get the messages, don’t consider the whole line, but consider the words.

Condition the mind by thinking about god, read stories, and meditate. They will make you realize that god is everything.

Listen dispassionately without judgment for example in a busy place like a railway station. Watch what is happening around you and listen.

Maintain a journal and then after a week all the messages will make sense to you.

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Adi Sankara and Scientists Think Alike


Adi Sankara: “The sky blue as we see it as blue as there is a person to see it as blue. If there is nobody to see then what is the color of Sky?”

A Nobel Prize winner says your world is your perception. The same world changes to our thought patterns and everybody see a different world. This is the basis of quantum theory.

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Asthma will disappear

One old man couldn’t come up stairs to Naran’s clinic, because he has asthma.

Naran enquired what type of healing can be initiated for him.

He commented that one part of the hair in his head is grey.

Interestingly, he is not worried about 20 years of his asthma. Why?

It is because the disease has become part and parcel of him. However, he is conscious about his appearance, and wants to look beautiful as he has the desire for approval in him.

The remedy therefore for Asthma is the Bach Flower Remedy CRAB APPLE.

But, Asthma will disappear and not his grey hair.

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Letting GO is the Nature of LIFE


When you look at the whole world you will understand we only are holding on to mind.

What is the opposite of letting go? “Holding on to” is the opposite word. Holding will restrict us. Letting go expands us.

By letting go you are discharging from yourself what is not required by you, like Water putting out the Fire. Body and Nature Follows this rule 100%.

Watch the body. What it does?

Whatever is inhaled, lungs have to exhale out. Lungs cannot keep the air even for one second.

Heart – what does it do? It takes in blood and sends it out immediately. Blood enters the heart through Auricles and let out through Ventricles.

Whatever you take in, has to be let it out. It is the natural process of the body.

Lungs contract to let go, kidneys contract to let go urine, intestines peristaltically (downward movement) contract to let go the faeces and skin lets go by sweat.

The mouth lets go whatever you eat to the stomach. Stomach lets it go to the intestine. Intestine and kidneys let go as excretion.

Morning lets go to the noon, the noon lets go and becomes afternoon. Afternoon lets go and become the evening, and then evening to night. Each and every second gives way to the next.

Let go before taking the action. Then let go the emotions and thoughts attached to results.

Ask the questions:

  • What do you expect to achieve?
  • What is the driver desire or wanting behind each emotion and thought?
  • Wanting to control or change?
  • Wanting appreciation, recognition? (Desire for Approval)
  • Wanting more security? (fearful)

With this technique, you are not prevented from doing anything. Let go emotions as well as thoughts, and then Act.

“You are only entitled to Act. Don’t think about the result while doing” – says Lord Krishna in Bhagavat Gita.

The theory, we propose here is a new dimension to Bhagavat Gita and a new understanding of the Gita.

Read the 2nd part of the article here:

Simple ways to meditate Part I


Meditation is an experience that nobody can teach you.

Neither can we go to deep into meditation suddenly as it’s a practice and a habit that is formed over a period of time.

Meditation means, to remain silent. Though, thoughts keep appearing.

If any thought is present then it’s not meditation. How to remain thoughtless though?

Remaining silent with releasing techniques

How to remain silent in spite of thoughts?

Mind can cling to picture or a mantra.

Do we have a mantra for silence? There is no mantra for silence.

However, there is a technique to create silence. The technique is as follows:

  • When a thought comes don’t resist it. Say inside you, ‘this is my thought’. Thus, you disassociate yourself from the thought.
  • Then ask the question to yourself, ‘Can I let go this thought?’ It will go. You can also say “release”. Then it will go.
  • Now, there will be at least a one second gap between thoughts. This is equivalent to one hour of meditation. In general, we never have a gap between thoughts. In general we might have ten thoughts in one second.
  • If you do not want the “let go” step, then form your own mantra or word. When we say that mantra, we create a gap between the thoughts.
  • When a thought comes, interrupt it with the mantra and you will become silent. When another thought comes, say the mantra. The silence in between the mantra is meditation.

Need for pranic and physical bodies to be in coordination

Our pranic body and physical body have to be in coordination. Otherwise, we can’t meditate.

If we regulate our breathing pattern or do pranayama then they will be in coordination.

This is because both breathing and prana have the same origin. When breathing is regulated, prana is regulated too.

Pranic body has to be clear of impurities

When the pranic body is clean, then the meditation can be done successfully.

Why so much impurities in the pranic field?

It’s due to the mind. My own sadness and worries create these impurities. With the help of pranayama, one can clean these impurities.

Read the second part of the article here:

Recreate the Life You Want


I am Helpless and Living In Hell! How can I create my world?

As long as I believe that I and My Mind are one and the same, and accepting whatever mind creates, my life is helpless and hell.

As long as I am not aware that I can RECREATE or REPROGRAM my life, I lose all the power.

Not knowing that I can reprogram my mind and life is ignorance.

Our mind is full of emotions, thoughts, and reactions. As long as they alone make up our mind, we don’t have any choice but to live our lives without any power.


When there is awareness, when we come to know that we are not our mind, a new POWER surges in. 

We will be able to RECREATE our own world to an extent with this little awareness. We can then become POWERFUL and take our lives into our own hands.

Releasing is a self-empowering tool, which changes our outlook about our lives.

What is this technique all about?

It is simply a process of letting go and releasing the emotions and thoughts as and when they arise.

How to implement it?

It is very simple. Whenever we tend to react, just say, “I let go this feeling”.

E.g., “Fear, can you please go? This is not the time for you. For the time being please go out. This is not your place either.”

See what happens. The mind becomes baffled and the emotion flees.

Do not react, but release and act

Reactions destroy our peace of mind. Once our uncontrollable emotions and thoughts are let off, we will find a peace deep inside us.

Releasing is a technique for allowing us to change on the spot.

Releasing allows us to handle any problem by releasing and letting go and thus stops the inner mental struggle.

Reactions intensify the mental struggle. Releasing gives us a new outlook. Reactions repeat the same drama.

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My weight came down


I have been listening to the “WEIGHT LOSS” CD past one week or so regularly. I want to share my experience so far and how I have used it.

I listened to the CD while working for 2 hours, felt lot of things happening in body like – small cramps, some sort of movement within the body.

After the session, I had to go to bathroom at least few times, had loose motions, water and gas. I felt really light after it.

I thought first it might be one time, but whenever I listened to the CD, I felt my body expelled wastage that must have been pent-up. Over the days, the frequency came down and so did my weight.

Not just physically, I feel changes in my way of living as well. I feel more inclined towards exercise and feel less lethargic towards doing it. I restarted my walking and yoga as well.

I did tapping as well whenever I could while listening to the CD. It also felt good.

Thank you Naran for a wonderful CD!!!

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Question: Can you please suggest which story to listen to improve one’s health?


Physical health is not separate from mental health.

If one can keep oneself stress-free, it will reflect physically also.

How does our worry, tension, or constant thinking of our physical problem affect the body?

Read the role of oxygen in the article mentioned below, in maintaining one’s own health.

Keep yourself mentally healthy. You will keep good health.

If one has a recurring problem, one has to come out of it mentally. Suffering will come down.

Read the stories that give you peace of mind.

Refer the article, “How to Avoid Getting Cancer”:

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