Posts tagged Completing
Children are intelligent than their parents
Whenever I sit to do mudras before sleeping, my daughter too sits with me but does only Thumb with little and ring fingers (Safe and Secure Mudra).
If I request her to do chin mudra she says no and leaves me. So, I stopped interfering in her meditation techniques. Why is she not doing chin mudra?
She sings with me Namashivayam for 5 times, rhythm with or without CD. Durgama also she sings along with the CD if she is awake by then as I play it by 5.30 am.
I can see the changes in her (touch wood). She listens to me, and obeys me when I request her.
She is completing her homework soon. I allow her to watch cartoon only for 45 minutes and she is okay with it. I am happy with her. I did the accepting exercise for her.
Whenever I try to heal her Solar Plexus and Hara chakras she pulls my hand tightly to her body strongly. Do I need to give more time to heal these chakras?
I am also using harmony pack. I can see the difference.
My husband who used to get irritated for helping me in my daughter’s dressing for school, is now helping me, without me asking or requesting.
The left out harmony water I am pouring to Tulasi plant as we don’t have any other plant. And I can see the plant is healthy and growing tall and fresh.
Thank you, it’s all because of your remedies and your blessing.
Chin Mudra will keep us awake, while Safe and Secure Mudra will make us have a deep sleep.
Children are intuitive enough to know where they need energy. So she is forcing the mother to give Reiki to those areas.
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Lead your life with joy and enthusiasm
Every day when you wake up in the morning, do you wake up enthusiastically? We don’t.
That is what is required from us. It is the demand from our Liver.
‘Start your work always enthusiastically with a child-like joy’ is message of the liver. It also says, ‘Welcome every day as a new day’.
Let go of your failure attitude
Many of us say, “However much I tried I am not able to succeed in my life! There are so many blocks around”.
‘Be positive and be optimistic’ is another message from the Liver. It says, ‘There are no obstacles. There is less perseverance on your part’.
‘Never say die’ attitude of Liver
Liver contains millions of cells. Out of these cells, even if 90% of the cells die, the liver functions normally. That is the best example of optimism – a ‘Never say die’ attitude.
If you think that you have failed then you are spoiling the liver and de-energizing it.
Sometimes, we also say that while others are progressing, we are not doing well. We say that with resentment and anger. ‘All are doing fine but I am not’ – when you say these words you are killing the liver.
Welcome every day as a new day
Liver represents wood (based on Chinese classification) or air element. Plants look fresh and new every day. They always welcome the day as if it is a new day for the entire life.
Whenever you want new life, you can thank your Liver and give a smile to it. You can also do a ‘Shhhhh’ sound, during your exhale.
Release your anger
All our anger settles at the Liver. When we condemn ourselves or when we have anger and resentment, the toxins gets accumulated at the Liver.
To remove these toxins you have to do the sound healing with sound ‘Shhhhh…..’ during exhaling. Inhaling through and then while exhaling say the mantra.
Completing the job on hand is the key
‘Do not postpone’ is also the message of the Liver. Once you start the work, you should not stop in the middle. You have to contribute one hundred percent to it.
When you reach the peak level you have all the enthusiasm in life. You will have the joy to do the work and you will be contributing hundred percent to the work.
When you are doing the work with full enthusiasm you will reach the peak. Then you are only in the giving mode and not in the ‘giving and receiving’ cycle.
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